Elddis delays

manofthehouse replied on 25/05/2021 12:34

Posted on 25/05/2021 12:34

Anyone else having issues getting any reliable news out of Elddis at the moment? We've had a new Buccaneer on order since mid December 2020. Delivery date has ranged from April to July but eventually promised several months ago a build date this week (May 28th).  Been chasing dealer lots and now told date was delayed yesterday to mid June but and Elddis won't now commit to any dates. So unlikely we'll get it before July. Elddis Customer Service sound exasperated and say even they can't get information internally and only dealer can help. Clearly major production issues but don't get why Elddis won't come clean and update customers honestly. Anyone else finding the same?   

vbfg replied on 25/05/2021 13:04

Posted on 25/05/2021 13:04

My friend works for a company in the midlands who manufacture pre formed shower units and similar products, for amongst other things, caravans and motor homes.  She says that they are very busy but there are problems getting the raw materials so if they are having problems,  perhaps other manufacturers are having similar problems.  Whether that is due to Covid or Brexit or both, she did not say!

ScreenName7963E4798B replied on 03/06/2021 22:37

Posted on 25/05/2021 12:34 by manofthehouse

Anyone else having issues getting any reliable news out of Elddis at the moment? We've had a new Buccaneer on order since mid December 2020. Delivery date has ranged from April to July but eventually promised several months ago a build date this week (May 28th).  Been chasing dealer lots and now told date was delayed yesterday to mid June but and Elddis won't now commit to any dates. So unlikely we'll get it before July. Elddis Customer Service sound exasperated and say even they can't get information internally and only dealer can help. Clearly major production issues but don't get why Elddis won't come clean and update customers honestly. Anyone else finding the same?   

Posted on 03/06/2021 22:37

Have you heard anything since?  I ordered mine at the end of September 2020 for an April delivery which was put back to May and then again to July although no solid date.  Whilst I sympathise with the supply problems manufacturing companies are facing, I find it very frustrating when I see new caravans being delivered and factories increasing their output and advertising their new vans.  Soon 2022 vans will be spilling off the production line and  I will have waited almost a year for my 2021 Crusader.  I hope we get our vans soon.

Morning Star replied on 14/06/2021 23:06

Posted on 14/06/2021 23:06

I ordered my Elddis Crusader September 2020 to pick up March 2021. Delivery was moved to May then July. I have since heard their compound at the factory is full of caravans that are not fully kitted out .





manofthehouse replied on 18/06/2021 00:38

Posted on 18/06/2021 00:38

We've now cancelled our order as no one could say when it might arrive. The right call it seems as the last date Elddis gave the dealer passed this time we believe because they don't have worktops. Unbelievable Elddis refuse to give customers information when you call them so has cost us dearly waiting 6 months for nothing. Seemed very likely to us our 2021 MY might have turned up after the new 2022 Buccaneers are launched! Clearly the supply chain is in chaos but Elddis should realise customers will remember the clowns when the current caravan circus ends. 

JVB66 replied on 18/06/2021 08:10

Posted on 18/06/2021 08:10

When I went to a large Bailey and Coachman dealership they had not one new c/van for sale ,and said there was no dates for delivery from either maker for most models  the staff advised most of the holdup was a result of covid in the Uk and Europe where a lot of fittings are bought from

Morning Star replied on 20/06/2021 21:13

Posted on 20/06/2021 21:13

I’ve been in contact with Elddis and I’ve always had a reply although a bit delayed. They just would not comment and referred me back to my dealer. I blame Brexit as well as COVID 19. Brexit is the hidden problem. We are not noticing the Brexit problems because we are busy dealing with COVID-19.


Morning Star replied on 26/06/2021 09:52

Posted on 26/06/2021 09:52

Morning all,

Does anyone this year know of any other person who has received there preorder caravan.

Morning Star replied on 02/07/2021 14:13

Posted on 02/07/2021 14:13

Just had an update this morning. My July delivery is no longer possible.

Elddis are saying a caravan with my name on it will be delivered on the 14th September. If it’s true and I receive the van it will be 12 months from ordering to delivery.


Doz replied on 06/07/2021 10:54

Posted on 06/07/2021 10:54

We ordered our Affinity 550 September 2020.

we have had several delivery dates since last being July.

Just received email from dealer now delayed to end of August. Email states manufacturers having supply issues from Europe.

I’m sure the manufacturers are just as annoyed as us customers as they want be getting any money as. It sold the vans.

Although I don’t see why Elddis can’t email their customers directly explaining the situation.

Del n Rachel replied on 06/07/2021 14:07

Posted on 06/07/2021 14:07

We order a 115 Motorhome in February. Were told May/June, then end of July. Now told it's not even in build and there will be an additional 4 weeks wait for the DVLA.

We've been told Brexit, Suez Canal and Covid are to blame but no specifics.

I agree, Elddis should be more proactive and maybe get some sympathy from their customers.

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