Join the Caravan and Motorhome Club

You're about to become a member of the largest touring community in Europe.

*indicates required fields

Become a member

It looks like you already have an account. Please log in.

Or use a different email address.

Your password must include:

  • 8 or more characters
  • 1 lower case letter
  • 1 upper case letter
  • 1 number

About you


Your date of birth helps us tailor our products and services to better suit our members' needs.

Contact number


Your address details help us understand where our members are located and this can inform decisions about investment for new sites and also provide you with tailored communications and services.

Your address

If you can't find your address you can enter it manually

Add a joint member for free

Add family membersAdd extra family members for £10.00 per person

Sign up to local centre events

There are a number of regional centres throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Centres arrange regular activities and events for Club members to meet like-minded people.

Please register me with the following centre:


We love to keep our members informed about the products and services that your membership brings. We will communicate with you about news, offers, holiday inspiration and more.

The Club is collecting your personal data for the purpose of registering you as a Club member. If you add Joint or Family members, we will assume you are acting on their behalf and you have their permission to give us their personal data. If you would like to know how we process personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

How you would like to pay?

Are you sure you don't want to pay by direct debit?

  • No joining fee (£10 saving!)
  • Hassle free auto-renew each year
  • Opt-out of auto-renewal at any time at no extra cost

Annual Direct Debit

£66.00 (per year)

No joining fee!

  • No joining fee
  • Auto-renew each year
  • Cancel auto-renew at no cost

Credit or Debit Card

£76.00 (1 year)

Includes joining fee

  • £10.00 joining fee
  • 1 year membership without automatic renewal
  • Suitable for non-UK residents