What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

richardandros replied on 06/04/2024 06:38

Posted on 06/04/2024 06:38

Like everyone else, we're totally sick and fed up with this weather.  I know it's an exaggeration, but it doesn't seem to have stopped raining since last October! We've made the decision to go home early, on Monday - after this next storm has passed through and we'll get the awning down this morning before the high winds come. 

Andrew (the CS owner) has cancelled everyone who was due to arrive this weekend, so we're the only ones here. Those that left during the week have made an absolute mess of the orchard - largely due, I have to say, to inconsiderate driving. They just don't seem to care.

We popped in to see our other farmer friends near Thornton Le Dale, the other day and they're so frustrated as well.  The drilling they managed to do earlier in the year has resulted in nothing more than crops rotting in the fields. I think we're in for some high food prices and shortages later in the year.  I feel really sorry for the farming community - they're really going through a very tough time at the moment. I honestly don't know how any of them make a living.

Oh well - can't do much about it - onwards and upwards, as the saying goessmile


Rufs replied on 06/04/2024 08:20

Posted on 06/04/2024 08:20

sorry  to read some folk are having not such a good time with the weather, we have been very lucky, we have had some storms but mainly during the night, but some very nice days just a bit on the blustery side, Spanish daughter been visiting for 7 days and we have East Grinstead daughters dog for a couple of weeks so we have been doing a couple of walks per day, she returned yesterday so can rest my legs for a wee while now, EG's dog quite old so i think he will be glad of a rest also, but all in all a very good Easter

weather looking good today so it looks like the washing machine is going to take a pounding, lots of guest bedding to get sorted, and it looks like the conservatory floor could do with a mop after the dog has been in and out, do we really need another dog undecided

getting caravan sorted now for our May trip, hopefully 3 weeks in sunny Cornwall, enjoy whatever you are doing, wont be using that Malton site for some time to come Richard frown 

DEBSC replied on 06/04/2024 09:26

Posted on 06/04/2024 09:26

A dry day yesterday!! Well until 5pm. Family gone home, busy motorways they said then M25 just as busy as normal. Managed to get the bedding washed and dried on the four guest beds, our bed change will have to wait a few more days. All floors washed, vacuumed right through and then febreezed all the carpets and rugs, sons dog is lovely but rather smelly, I think it’s just the long hair. Granddaughter coming to stay for a few days today before she tries to go back to uni. She’s been rushed into hospital twice in the past week but been discharged both times after 12 hour stays while they ‘monitor’ her, still can’t get a specialist appointment. Ambulance here in 5 minutes the first time but the second time, at her Mums, the first responders were sent out first as the ambulance had to come from 40 miles away as all local ones busy and tied up.

Son and DIL saw two properties they liked but the one they really liked needs so much work done on it. Son in the trade so could do most of it otherwise it would cost a fortune, very large house and high price. They put in a reasonable high offer, feeling quite confident, but then told elderly sellers will only accept the asking price, with today’s housing market no wonder it has been on the market for over a year, some sellers are just unrealistic about their properties. They may now decide to go for the other one. 



DEBSC replied on 06/04/2024 09:29

Posted on 06/04/2024 09:29

Sorry forgot to say. Raining again today. Good luck with your sunny 3 weeks in Cornwall soon Rufs, it will have to cheer up a lot, never seen everywhere here so wet, but hopefully it must change soon.

Wherenext replied on 06/04/2024 13:16

Posted on 06/04/2024 13:16

Dry up here at the moment but blowing hard with some gusts having you wait to see or hear what's coming crashing down. It does seem as if this winter has been extremely wet in most parts of the UK instead of just a few places.

Nice early present of a PB win texted through this morning. All contributions gratefully received. Been a while since the last one.

Supposed to be taking the Kia in on Monday following recall but garage phoned to say don't bother as they're waiting for parts to come in.

richardandros replied on 06/04/2024 14:57

Posted on 06/04/2024 14:57

"wont be using that Malton site for some time to come Richard."

We're booked in for Ros's birthday in August - surely it will have dried out a bit by thensmile

On the positive side - Andrew is starting to put some hardstandings in tomorrow - I've been 'nagging' him to do it for ages but I think the loss of income over Easter has started to hit home. He's not spoiling the orchard, though (which is, in effect, his back garden) - they're going in the field next door which isn't visible from the back of the farmhouse.

He's just invested £30k in solar panels / batteries / inverter because his electricity bills are now £1000 per month - and that's before the caravanners arrived! As I said, don't know how farmers are making a living - even with diversification.

Hope your trip to Cornwall goes well - and the sun shines for you!!


DavidKlyne replied on 06/04/2024 15:30

Posted on 06/04/2024 15:30


I am sure putting in hardstandings (whether you love or hate them) is the way to go for CL's especially with the increasing number of motorhomes. Is the CL in easy walking distance of anywhere like a village or bus service?


HelenandTrevor replied on 06/04/2024 16:26

Posted on 03/04/2024 22:12 by DavidKlyne

We got marriage in St Marks Church in Southampton. Nothing unusual about that I here you say! Only thing was that we got married in October and the church was next door the the, then, Southampton Football Club, The Dell. So when we went to see the vicar and we talked about dates he suggested it would be a good idea to avoid a home match just in case a goal was scored in the wrong part of the service!!! His name was the Rev Love which always amused me. 

Helen said "Today I have been getting to grips with a new kindle, I dropped the old one and it wouldn't work, it was about 13 years old so the new one is a bit different ."

Is it one of the new Paperwhite Kindle's? I got one of those for Margaret a while ago and she doesn't like it as much as her original. With the old one you have a sort of mini keyboard so it was easy to access everything. On the new one its all screen swipes to get to where you want to be so not so intuitive. Probably a question of Margaret getting using it more rather than putting it off! 



Posted on 06/04/2024 16:26


The new kindle is just the basic one, I'm just about getting used to it,  but yes you have to swipe the screen to use it. It is smaller than the old one although the actual screen is the same size.  Just got to make sure I don't drop this one.

HelenandTrevor replied on 06/04/2024 16:46

Posted on 06/04/2024 16:46

Our weather hasn't been too bad over the last few days, some showers and today is windy but very warm, actually had to take my jacket off when out for a walk this afternoon 😀 

Visited our friends pub yesterday, they are retiring in June and are looking forward to the rest. No one seems interested in taking on the tenancy so I suppose it will another pub that closes. It's a popular community pub so it would be missed. 

Today I have been catching up with household jobs and ironing, OH has been cleaning the caravan roof over the last week, we also found a neat little flat brush which fits in the awning rail to clean all the grime out.

Sorry you had to cut your holiday short Richard, let's hope the weather improves soon.

Take care if travelling this weekend.

nelliethehooker replied on 06/04/2024 21:54

Posted on 06/04/2024 21:54

Sorry to read that you are cutting your stay at Malton short, Richard. Have a safe tow home on Monday.

Fingers crossed that your granddaughter is able to return to Uni before term starts, Debs.

It has been fine for most of the day, and although windy at times quite warm with it, however get more rain this evening! Baking day for OH, making cakes, and cooking them in the Airfryer, to take away with us on the next trip. If they taste as good as they looks we might well try some when we are away in the van.

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