What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Oneputt replied on 23/03/2024 11:12

Posted on 23/03/2024 10:01 by DSB

Putting me to shame too....  Nellie and H&T... 🙂   I always keep the inside of the car and caravan clean, so that's not a problem.  I take the car to the local 'hand' car wash.  However, the outside of the caravan is another matter.  Cleaning the sides are not a major problem, but the roof is another matter...  I really need to get this done.  Might try for the week after Easter if we get a really nice day...


Posted on 23/03/2024 11:12

I get our caravan roof done once year when it’s serviced, a little costly but better than me taking a tumble 

milliehull replied on 23/03/2024 12:42

Posted on 23/03/2024 11:12 by Oneputt

I get our caravan roof done once year when it’s serviced, a little costly but better than me taking a tumble 

Posted on 23/03/2024 12:42

I agree OP. In the latter years of owning the caravan we always paid to have the roof cleaned when it was serviced. As you say better than risking a tumble.

KjellNN replied on 23/03/2024 13:06

Posted on 23/03/2024 13:06

 Very sunny here.....off and on.  Inbetween sun we have had heavy showers, so not  conducive to looking at the gas installation in the caravan.

OH has put on washing, I am in the garage making 2 oak window sills for DD, her study and Callum's bedroom, out of a long, wide oak bench she got on Freecycle.    Big enough for 2 sills and plenty over for some wood-turning projects too.

The study previously had a white uPVC sill,  that was removed a couple of years back, and Callum's room only had painted plaster......most odd!    That just leaves the main bedroom  and one en-suite  bathroom with uPVC ones, other bathrooms have tiled sills.

The bedroom has a huge bay window, not sure if she has plans for me to replace that one eventually.    Then there is a large, deep, hanging-out bay in the living room (what are those style of windows called?) where the sill needs replaced as it got ruined when she had all the roof leaks.  It is not solid oak, just a veneered board, but to get a piece you need to buy a whole  1200x2400 sheet, which we do not have the means to transport, so need to figure out what to do.  Possibly cut it in half and use the roof bars.  Will need to be a guaranteed dry day for that as the only place that has the correct boards is way over on the other side of Glasgow.

RedKite replied on 23/03/2024 14:11

Posted on 23/03/2024 14:11

Have been busy here this last week picked up a new door on Monday from local diy store and then spent two days getting old one out all solid hard wood that was fun not for OH and then installing new one pvc in white with a tiny window at top of door and I did all the cleaning up of dust and chunks of plaster everywhere and now installed just a few bits of trim to get and fit around inside and outside it certainly looks brighter in the area.

As weather was sunny and warm yesterday we had a trip around doing a few things and then stopped for a picnic at a local lake and there were some local council workers doing the sides of the road well when we got there 2 already at the bbq point and getting charcoal going then the rest arrived 2 vans plus two smaller lorries 6 workers all with picnic cool boxes or bags and plenty of baguettes bewteen them and got all food cooked and had an enjoyable lunch not seen anything like that in UK but it was a 2 hour lunch break, did have a walk around the lake which is now full for the first time in about 12 months and frogs croaking away and plenty of Damelsflies about and 2 swallows flew over, got to 27C yesterday a bit cooler today 13.5C with a strong north westerly wind.

Have a good weekend folks.

Rufs replied on 23/03/2024 15:15

Posted on 23/03/2024 11:12 by Oneputt

I get our caravan roof done once year when it’s serviced, a little costly but better than me taking a tumble 

Posted on 23/03/2024 15:15

having the whole caravan done on the 16th April ready for the off on the 2nd May, 3 weeks in Cornwall.

Never known the roof to be so green before, have always used Bobby Dazzler and this in the past seems to have kept the algi at bay, this year, probably as a result of mucho rain, not so, the guys at the car wash would do the sides but will not touch the roof. elf and safety, undecided very expensive so it is going to be my fathers day present, much better than falling off the ladder.

DavidKlyne replied on 23/03/2024 15:25

Posted on 23/03/2024 11:12 by Oneputt

I get our caravan roof done once year when it’s serviced, a little costly but better than me taking a tumble 

Posted on 23/03/2024 15:25

Just wish our dealership offered this service. They do have a team of cleaners but their duties seem restricted to the "for sale" vans. I can still get up and wash the roof but its not something I enjoy and as each year passes I probably make a poorer job of it. Not that it's likely to happen but if I were buying a new unit I think I would pay for a ceramic coating to be applied in the hope that it makes cleaning the roof easier. It seems to work with recent cars although we are probably inclined to clean those more often?


Francis replied on 23/03/2024 17:14

Posted on 23/03/2024 17:14

The roof of our caravan gets cleaned twice a year once in December and once in July before our main summer trip. This seems to stop it getting two dirty our second youngest son Does it for me now so my duty is now steadying the ladder I do go up to inspect though ha. The rest of the time the side and back and front get done after every couple of trips this is easy enough to keep on top of.

Site here quite busy considering it’s only the second weekend it’s been open this year. Weather been a mix of heavy showers and bright sunshine. Not much planned tonight just a few drinks in the van.

Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

Cornersteady replied on 23/03/2024 17:42

Posted on 23/03/2024 17:42

A bright but very windy walk at Roker with one very dertimed looking dog trying to run away from its owners!

milliehull replied on 23/03/2024 20:48

Posted on 23/03/2024 20:48

We had pleasant weather yesterday. We went to a tea gathering at a friend's house yesterday afternoon and had a very pleasant 20 minute walk round there in lovely sunshine. OH managed very well but slowed down towards the end. Another friend who was there offered us a lift home which we was grateful for! It was a very good afternoon catching up with friends we hadn't seen for a while. Change in the wind direction today and the wind is bitterly cold. OH cleared and cleaned the greenhouse this morning and kept out of the wind. We had a couple of really heavy downpours with hail. Typical our magnolia has just come into bloom and we get high winds and frosts😡

We have new neighbours. They moved in yesterday. The house was sold over 9 months ago but the 'chain' broke. Luckily it eventually all got back on track and the original purchasers were delighted. They are friends of some friends - 2 widowed sisters who decided to sell both their properties and move in together. I have asked our friends to let them know that we are here if they want anything and we will pop round and introduce ourselves properly when we get back from N. Ireland.

Hope everyone is keeping warm.

nelliethehooker replied on 23/03/2024 21:49

Posted on 23/03/2024 21:49

I try and clean the outside of our caravan, including the roof, on the first fine day after we get home from each trip, so this year that's 4 times up to now! Today I cleaned the inside so not much else to do to prepare it for our next trip, whenever that might be. We have again had mixed weather but it has been mainly sunny, but with a very chill wind. 

It seems as if most areas are having similar sort of weather to us, apart from RK, where the temperatures make me jealous.

Sounds like you had a fine day out yesterday, Millie. Hope your trip to NI goes well.

Some hardy souls in the front at Roker, CS.

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