What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

richardandros replied on 15/02/2024 15:36

Posted on 15/02/2024 15:36

Been positively tropical here today (well, 13 degrees!).  After I came back from the dog walk on our now somewhat less pebbly beach, I got stuck in and got the pressure washer out and blasted both cars. It's no doubt due to the amount of rain we've had, but despite the front drive being south facing, the sides of both cars which are usually in the shade had started to grow little gardens of moss around the window sealsundecided.  They were looking a bit sad but after an hour's work, look much better now.  I suppose tomorrow, I'll have to bring myself to cleaning the inside of mine which hasn't been touched for months and might be the reason why there's less sand on Hornsea beach, than usualsmile.

DSB replied on 15/02/2024 15:54

Posted on 15/02/2024 11:07 by milliehull

The weather had been a bit grey and grim recently. A deluge of rain last Thursday, a wet and grey weekend, and then we had a really nice sunny day on Monday - hooray we thought an end to the bad weather - wrong! Tuesday teemed with rain all day and the areas that were beginning to dry out a bit from all the rain last month are now flooded again frown. Yesterday was drizzly to start with and then perked up a bit but no sun. Much the same today grey but dryish. I did an afternoon on the Cathedral shop on Tuesday and yesterday morning I went to a Guides Meeting at the Cathedral. We discussed Katharine of Aragon and her grave and also Mary Queen of Scot's funeral. All very interesting. I then decided to make a point and go into the M&S in town as I needed a few food bits. M&S say they are going to close that branch in a couple of months as it is 'underused'. I have to say the Food Hall was very busy.

DSB our eldest son, who is diabetic, got into cooking a few years ago and uses the 'Pinch of Nom' books and the meals he has cooked for us have been very tasty. We don't do Valentine's Day anymore as there are too many family birthdays (mine plus both of our sons and one of our DIL's) plus our Wedding Anniversary in February surprised Glad to hear that there is some news on your MIL's problems with her sight WN and hope they can sort out some improvement for her. It sounds as though it is going to be a long haul. I hope your OH can have a bit of a rest today. Glad you had a good holiday TG It sounds as though you had a wonderful time.

Posted on 15/02/2024 15:54

Weather has been quite settled today, here, Millie....  in fact for February it's been quite warm.  Just been out to the shops and to get deisel for the car - prices are up and down all the while at the moment....  Popped in to take a few things back to the caravan.  Glad you like the Pinch-of-Nom recipes....

Hope they can sort something out for your MIL's sight, Wherenext.  


DavidKlyne replied on 15/02/2024 16:03

Posted on 15/02/2024 13:45 by vbfg

I clicked on a post this morning originally from 2022, about the CMHC show and there was a post from JVB.  Apologises if this has been asked before, as I don't always read CT,  but does anyone know why he stopped posting?

Posted on 15/02/2024 16:03

I think he last posted in January last year. He was such a prolific poster we are bound to notice that he no longer posts. I don't know if JK has some inside information but just hope nothing has befallen either himself or his partner.


JollyKernow replied on 15/02/2024 19:18

Posted on 15/02/2024 16:03 by DavidKlyne

I think he last posted in January last year. He was such a prolific poster we are bound to notice that he no longer posts. I don't know if JK has some inside information but just hope nothing has befallen either himself or his partner.


Posted on 15/02/2024 19:18

 No inside info. DK except I knew the staff at Ferry Meadows when he last went there (can't comment further). He was well respected with majority of site staff. It would be good to know how they are fairing though.


milliehull replied on 15/02/2024 20:13

Posted on 15/02/2024 19:18 by JollyKernow

 No inside info. DK except I knew the staff at Ferry Meadows when he last went there (can't comment further). He was well respected with majority of site staff. It would be good to know how they are fairing though.


Posted on 15/02/2024 20:13

I would like to think that someone could give him our very best wishes and to let him know that we all miss him.

DavidKlyne replied on 15/02/2024 20:17

Posted on 15/02/2024 19:18 by JollyKernow

 No inside info. DK except I knew the staff at Ferry Meadows when he last went there (can't comment further). He was well respected with majority of site staff. It would be good to know how they are fairing though.


Posted on 15/02/2024 20:17


I knew he was getting a bit miffed with the new system and prices but his MO would be to discuss that, to put it mildly, rather than keep quietwink He was a prolific user of Club sites up to that point and as he often mentioned Ferry Meadows was his second home! From his posts it was clear his other half was having difficulties in the van and with mobility so who knows, perhaps I shouldn't speculate but curiosity is difficult to dull! 

He was one of several long time posters who seemed to have disappeared in the last year, I guess we will never know.


nelliethehooker replied on 15/02/2024 21:25

Posted on 15/02/2024 21:25

Like you new profile photo, Millie!  I think most of us are sick and tired of the rain, I know we are. It has hardly stopped for well over 3 months now, well at least at the places we have visited. We did manage a couple of dry walks, before and after lunch, but we had more rain again mid afternoon.

Rufs replied on 16/02/2024 08:06

Posted on 16/02/2024 08:06

Beautiful day here yesterday had a great time out on my bike, OH took herself off shopping, she has an automatic car so gets around locally quite easily, and she is a Sterling Moss with the shopping trolley. Looks like being a great day Solar panels already clocking up 1kw laughing

p.s. a couple of Italian naval vessels in the Solent, nice to see some countries still have a Navy surprised

Takethedogalong replied on 16/02/2024 11:49

Posted on 16/02/2024 11:49

Think we might be fairing a little bit dryer at the moment over here, and it was very warm here yesterday. Probably got more to come though. Plenty of crocus, hellebore and even a few daffodils out here. Garden is starting to wake up. Have been wondering how my Banana will have done, first year outside, well wrapped up, and likely to stay that way until late May I am guessing. 

Bakers2 replied on 16/02/2024 12:42

Posted on 16/02/2024 12:42

You can go off some people Rufus......

That said we have some blue patches and sky today, which is a fabulous change. Its been grey, dull, wet and uninspiring here. But garden is coming to life thankfully.

It's been grey, dull wet and uninspiring here for what feels like months. 5 inches of rain since 8 January.

Feeling lousy, achy, temperature and energyless. Not covid thankfully. Poor Dora 4 days without a proper walk. OH manages his round the block once a day with her. She's just come in and spent a while circling and checking best spot to be in the full sun streaming in from window! 

My brother has been in hospital, thankfully home now, bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy 😱. Felt off Thursday afternoon 24 hours later A&E - admitted Friday, bed on a ward Monday, home Tuesday! Not seen him so not infected each other.....

Got to restart looking for bathroom and cloakroom refits, big sigh, as our plumber unable to do bathrooms after very bad wrist break, needed plating - now found elbow damage. Last August a week before he was due to start. Could have been worse it might have been as he started 😱. Really feel for him, great worker, own business and young family..... Luckily he should be able to continue boiler servicing and heating, 🤞we don't need heating work, as he has an apprentice and one now qualified, even when he did our boiler September 2022, to help him.

Good to read others news. Get well wishes to the poorly, strength to their carers and visitors.

I miss JVB posts too. 


The sun's gone in again, dog moved back to her bed 🤣

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