What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Tammygirl replied on 08/01/2024 14:04

Posted on 08/01/2024 14:04

WN, so sorry to about your MILs stroke. Please give her our best wishes and a speedy recovery.

Very cold here again today - 4c early hours this morning. Car took ages to clear.

Shopping trip for Gkids, why don't they get everything needed before leaving home 😒 tomorrow it's hair cutting for grandson before taking them both back to school, again why did it not get done before coming up here. 😧 Grandaughter has a hospital appointment to go to late tomorrow afternoon, so we'll be taking her. Hopefully this time the medics can shed some light on what's happening with her. Almost a year ago she was rushed in as she had lost all feeling in her feet and legs. That was the second time, it's happened a few more times since, various tests including lumbar puncture, ultra sound and MRI have been done but so far no firm diagnosis. 

Been looking online at houses (well bungalows)  have seen a few that fit the bill so going to go and check out the areas to see what it's like on Wednesday . So far we have looked at Fife, which we like but willing to try further south of Edinburgh down to the Northumberland. Just need to get started and on with it before I loose the moment. Really want a detached property this time. 



Rufs replied on 08/01/2024 15:39

Posted on 08/01/2024 15:39

"Been looking online at houses (well bungalows) "

we are in our second bungalow (detached) and it will be our last, not moving ever again, we sold one in Scotland when we moved south, 5 miles outside Turriff, probably too far north for you TG, it was a self build shipped in from Sweden and sat in 1/2 an acre up a farm track, looking out over the Grampians and as far out as the Cairngorms, loved it but climate was no good for OH too cold so we sold up and moved to our present detached bungalow, just find bungalows so much more accomodating and much easier to keep warm, and outside maintenance is so much easier, we have 2 double bedrooms each with on-suite, a god send when OH was bed ridden/using a wheelchair, but caravan is on a hardstanding on a small plot next to bungalow so we use this for guests if necessary, no need to be rattling about in a 4 bed property when for most of the time there is just the 2 of us

Had our first snow today, well if you blinked you missed it, but def snow, bitterly cold but folk still swimming in the Solent, had 5 Blue tits on a shrub in the back garden that is covered in just pink flowers and smells really lovely, no leaves, no idea what it is was here when we moved in. Had some sunshine but not a lot so solar panels are not earning their keep.undecided

Bakers2 replied on 08/01/2024 16:13

Posted on 08/01/2024 16:13

5 Blue tits on a shrub in the back garden that is covered in just pink flowers and smells really lovely, no leaves, no idea what it is was here when we moved in

sounds like a witch Hazel- hamamelis. Beautiful smell, I envy you.

My winter sweet, Chimonanthus, is out. Smells nice but only a couple of blooms. It's in a pot, again! Last thing I bought with some money from my mum 5 years ago. Planted it at other houses, potted for the move. Planted last year, then decided to create more grassed area, so potted again. So I'm delighted it's survived. I'll give it more thought for planting........ Needs to be where you pass to catch the fragrance, but we have some very breezy areas where it would be great!

I was guided by brue when I chose it. Miss her news

heddlo replied on 08/01/2024 16:54

Posted on 08/01/2024 16:54

5 Blue tits on a shrub in the back garden that is covered in just pink flowers and smells really lovely, no leaves, no idea what it is was here when we moved in

The shrub could also be Vibernam x Bodnantense.   We planted one when we moved here 15 years ago, fragrant pink flowers in winter.  

Sorry to hear about your MIL Wherenext, do hope she improves very soon.   Also your OH cardiology problems B2.  As has been said above thread, hugs all round.  

Wherenext replied on 08/01/2024 17:29

Posted on 08/01/2024 17:29

Spoke to main honcho on the phone at hospital this morning. Nice of him to ring. He explained things and it sounds like a bit of time until they get MiL stabilised, which Mrs.WN witnessed when visiting this afternoon. In fact they called a doctor whilst she was there. 

Feel sorry for OH after all she went through with me, now this plus it's her birthday. We'll try to get out in the morning to do something together, birdwatching or a walk, then have lunch out before visiting hours. We've been on the phone most of the morning ringing various people, who tell mutual friends who then ring etc. Nice to know people are concerned but..

Good luck with Bungalow hunting TG. We don't regret moving into one many  years ago now.

HelenandTrevor replied on 08/01/2024 18:35

Posted on 08/01/2024 18:35

Really sorry to read about your MIL'S stroke Wherenext, sending best wishes to you all, and also to Bakers2 .

Had a wonderful day yesterday even if we were slightly knackered after playing with our Grand-daughter. We've now got baby sitting dates in the diary.

Very cold today, but with a breeze so some of the washing dried outside. OH still working on the new fence posts while I went to work. Had to pick up a few bits in town,  very quiet, mind you not many shops left.☹


nelliethehooker replied on 08/01/2024 21:50

Posted on 08/01/2024 01:10 by DSB

There are still quite a few about here at Castleton, Nellie,... although the site staff said that tbey have had 70 units leave today.  Enjoy Meathrop...


Posted on 08/01/2024 21:50

We arrived after an easy drive up from Cheshire. Around 4:00 there were about 35 units on site, so about half full as nearly 30 pitches are out of use due to resurfacing work. The surprising thing, after reading lots of other posts, is that there are only 3 units on the serviced pitches and they are all caravans!! It has been a fine day but much colder than the last few.

Hope that they are able to find out the cause of your MIL's stroke, WN. It must be tough for your OH, and hope that you can get out for a few hours walk and lunch tomorrow.

TG, good luck with finding a bungalow. We like the Fife area, although that might because my family on my father's side comes from there!!😁

Goldie146 replied on 09/01/2024 09:24

Posted on 09/01/2024 09:24

Sometimes (more often lately) I wish we lived in a bungalow. Our house has grown from a small simple 16th century house to large farmhouse as each generation built a bit on. No planning needed back then!. Different levels, several staircases. Some with bannisters (wobbly). But no bannister to our bedroom which I have taken to muttering about, as my knees start to crack up. So - for my Birthday/Christmas present he gave me a bannister. Bespoke height and fittings made from bit of scrap lying around the farm. And even a silver bow.

Rufs replied on 09/01/2024 09:38

Posted on 09/01/2024 09:38

Well no Blue tits this morning, too blooming cold -2c and not expected to get any warmer, gas boiler working overtime , was beautiful out this morning with just a spattering of snow in the grass, might have to give in and put trousers on, getting a bit perky around the knees even if they are mostly plastic and metal laughingstill snow forecast for next week, look forward to that cool 

Bakers2 replied on 09/01/2024 09:41

Posted on 09/01/2024 09:41

Belated birthday greetings to Mrs Wherenext.  I hope you manage to mark the occasion with a walk and lunch before the hospital visit.

It's very cold here, rather bright, but not clear blue. Some semblance of a yellow object in the sky. Most puzzled

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