What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DEBSC replied on 07/01/2024 21:42

Posted on 07/01/2024 21:42

Sorry to hear your news WN a horrible time for you all. The paramedics do such a great and important job. Sending best wishes to you all.

milliehull replied on 07/01/2024 21:55

Posted on 07/01/2024 20:06 by Bakers2

Oh Wherenext. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

Speed is of the essence with stroke. I don't have to tell you! I'm sure my OH still here cos he was on the operating table when his occurred. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

Been reading news sorry if I don't mention you but I've taken it in.

Hope everything's OK at the caravan DEBSC when someone can get in. Love Reading your family tales. Your granddaughters seem very resilient. 

KjellNN our battery was under the passenger seat in the Picasso.  Thankfully never had an issue. Glad you got it sorted but nothings made easy these days?

We had some deflating news from cardiologist on our return from our anniversary lunch Friday. Reading the numbers always brings home the seriousness of OH condition. Left side of his heart working hard at 35% as well as AF and heart failure 😒. On the up side, it's almost 5 years since he performed, late January, when I joked to the hospital we have a wedding in April. After many ups and downs he came out with 10 days to spare. Soooo lucky to still be sharing my days with him. We also see the cardiologist in March. The ICD check late December all good.

Wishing those who are poorly better and those anxious about the flooding all the best.

Hoping we get to see the big yellow thing in the next few days. Been sooooo grey and WET for so long here. There's been much activity on and around the bird feeders today as the temperature falls.

Had the family for dinner. DIL went to see Peterborough lose. Had to sit in the stands today πŸ˜‰. She was frozen. Grandson is a delight, can't believe he's coming up to 3. That makes me sad, as not seen granddaughters in the flesh for almost 6 years 😒 . Youngest was younger than grandson is now. So glad we had long visits when we could!

Posted on 07/01/2024 21:55

So sorry to hear of your news from the cardiologist bakers2. Life can be a 'bummer' sometimes ☹️. Glad to hear you had your family to yours for lunch though. Your grandson sounds a delight. Our gt grandson kept us all entertained at his 4th birthday celebrations this afternoon. They are great fun aren't they!

DSB replied on 08/01/2024 01:06

Posted on 07/01/2024 20:06 by Bakers2

Oh Wherenext. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

Speed is of the essence with stroke. I don't have to tell you! I'm sure my OH still here cos he was on the operating table when his occurred. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

Been reading news sorry if I don't mention you but I've taken it in.

Hope everything's OK at the caravan DEBSC when someone can get in. Love Reading your family tales. Your granddaughters seem very resilient. 

KjellNN our battery was under the passenger seat in the Picasso.  Thankfully never had an issue. Glad you got it sorted but nothings made easy these days?

We had some deflating news from cardiologist on our return from our anniversary lunch Friday. Reading the numbers always brings home the seriousness of OH condition. Left side of his heart working hard at 35% as well as AF and heart failure 😒. On the up side, it's almost 5 years since he performed, late January, when I joked to the hospital we have a wedding in April. After many ups and downs he came out with 10 days to spare. Soooo lucky to still be sharing my days with him. We also see the cardiologist in March. The ICD check late December all good.

Wishing those who are poorly better and those anxious about the flooding all the best.

Hoping we get to see the big yellow thing in the next few days. Been sooooo grey and WET for so long here. There's been much activity on and around the bird feeders today as the temperature falls.

Had the family for dinner. DIL went to see Peterborough lose. Had to sit in the stands today πŸ˜‰. She was frozen. Grandson is a delight, can't believe he's coming up to 3. That makes me sad, as not seen granddaughters in the flesh for almost 6 years 😒 . Youngest was younger than grandson is now. So glad we had long visits when we could!

Posted on 08/01/2024 01:06

So sorry to hear your news too, Bakers2...  all our prayers and good wishes.


DSB replied on 08/01/2024 01:10

Posted on 07/01/2024 21:33 by nelliethehooker

You know our thoughts are with you all, WN. Fingers crossed that your MIL has a speedy recovery.We

 B2, it doesn't seem like 5 years since your husband's operation. Here's hoping that you have lots more 5yr periods together.

Good to read that you have made it to Castleton, David, and that it looks as if you had no problem claiming your free night, as we are heading up to the Meathop Fell site tomorrow and will claim our free night there. I would think that there won't be many on your site after tonight and that MF will similarly be quiet.

We had another fine day today, after a frost through the night, although not as sunny as Saturday. We had a couple of walks from the site around different parts of the forest, which was very popular today with lots of families out together before the children to back to school tomorrow.

Posted on 08/01/2024 01:10

There are still quite a few about here at Castleton, Nellie,... although the site staff said that tbey have had 70 units leave today.  Enjoy Meathrop...


Bakers2 replied on 08/01/2024 09:07

Posted on 07/01/2024 21:38 by Wherenext

Thank you folks.

Special thoughts with B2. We've got to hug together.wink


Posted on 08/01/2024 09:07

Yes wherenext hugs back πŸ«‚. 

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It explains lots from the last few months. Maybe a medication tweak will assist? The situation isn't new just a bit more tired 😒. 

Thoughts to all not feeling their best and their carers...

Actually pegged out the towels, no rain, a slight breeze, still very grey.

Milliehull watching the little ones is a joy 😊. I'd love some of their energy! Very privileged position to be a grandparent or great grandparent, the pleasures without full responsibility and 'parenting tiredness' πŸ˜€

Just looked up from typing this to see large deposit on tge patio door, window cleaner came Saturday! There's grateful for my supplying regular feed. On the plus side its missed my washing.....

Right slow start here, must walk the dog. Found sons wallet when I drew back the curtains - he came to the conclusion he hadn't brought it here! Sothat to dropoffand optician appointment....

DEBSC replied on 08/01/2024 11:18

Posted on 08/01/2024 11:18

Sorry to hear about this Bakers, very difficult. As you say let’s hope that medication can help. Best wishes.

DEBSC replied on 08/01/2024 11:22

Posted on 08/01/2024 11:22

Great difficulty getting page to open to read posts this morning. Maybe me, but I’ve managed to open other sites with no bother. The amount of ‘maintenance ‘ always being carried out should make this site much better than it is.

DSB replied on 08/01/2024 11:43

Posted on 08/01/2024 11:22 by DEBSC

Great difficulty getting page to open to read posts this morning. Maybe me, but I’ve managed to open other sites with no bother. The amount of β€˜maintenance β€˜ always being carried out should make this site much better than it is.

Posted on 08/01/2024 11:43

I had a problem last night.  When I eventually got a post to send, another post appeared before mine which was timed more than 10 min before, which wasn't visible to me until after I'd posted.  It could have been my internet connection as we're out in the caravan.... who knows...  πŸ™‚


Rufs replied on 08/01/2024 11:56

Posted on 08/01/2024 11:56

Just howl at the moon WN, i do every evening when we have gotten thru another day to celebrate.

My OH now had 1xTIA and 1X major stroke, 95 pct recovered now, just brain refusing to talk to left foot properly but more xrays this week and visits to physio starting in February, but on the plus side the medication she is on and  the effects of the stroke, means she sleeps alot, which means i can watch all the good things like football & snooker laughingkeep positive.

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