What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Wherenext replied on 28/12/2023 11:41

Posted on 28/12/2023 11:41

Wow, didn't expect the ferries to be running David. Hope the English leg doesn't let them down.

Are you Shingles free Millie or just battling through? I know they can flare up. Take care and best wishes to OH for an improvement in his health.

Also thinking of Oneputt and his hospitalised brother.

Well, that was a lovely wake up call. Full wet weather gear and a dog to walk this morning. We're dog sitting for our neighbours as they have bagged 2 hospital appointments at different hospitals on the same day, one morning and one afternoon. One less thing for them to worry about. I'd forgotten how wonderful it is to walk into a 40 mph wind with horizontal rain.😱🤣 Still it did lessen off and we had dried by the time we had returned home.

Best wishes to anyone under the weather at the moment.

Takethedogalong replied on 28/12/2023 13:22

Posted on 28/12/2023 13:22

Sounds like most folks had a decent enough Christmas, which is good. I am back at Mum’s today after a very enjoyable couple of days off. We are still booking lots of one day breaks and activities, and the dreaded dentist check up😕 

We have watched more TV this Christmas than usual, but it’s all been old stuff apart from Vera. Managed a few local walks as well, and a bit of gardening. 

Oneputt replied on 28/12/2023 16:12

Posted on 28/12/2023 16:12

Second Christmas lunch today, 6 adults,3 children and 2 x Black Labs.  Off to the circus shortly which we are all getting excited aboutsmile

HelenandTrevor replied on 28/12/2023 16:38

Posted on 28/12/2023 16:38

Quick catch up, sounds like everyone's had a good Christmas.

We spent the day at our eldest son's in MK, our little Grand-daughter keeping everyone entertained. Out of all the presents she received it was the bag of chocolate coins which she seemed to enjoy playing with the most, mind you she didn't twig they were chocolate and that you could eat them! 🤣🤣 

It was back to work yesterday, but now off until the 3rd, had to go to Sainsbury's but it wasn't too busy,  I think they just have over ordered the cheese as they still had lots of extra shelves full.

The caravan is now packed and ready to go tomorrow, just glad the wind is forecast to drop. Its been blowing a hoolie, last night it woke us up. The night before we were woken by the foxes playing in street, they can certainly make a lot of noise 😀 but fun to watch. 




milliehull replied on 28/12/2023 17:33

Posted on 28/12/2023 17:33

I am not entirely shingles free WN thanks for asking. It is getting better but still lets me know if I do too much. A good excuse to sit down with a good book!

Local son and DIL popped over for a snack lunch today which was good. Nice to have a catch up without all the noise and excitement of the last few days.

Glad you had such a lovely day with your little grand daughter helen and trevor. I hope you have a safe journey tomorrow and a good New Year break.

DavidKlyne replied on 28/12/2023 20:31

Posted on 28/12/2023 20:31

Went to Waitrose today. Despite car park seeming quite busy the shop was OK. When we were paying at the Quick Check till Margaret's phone went off. No use asking her to take a call in noisy surroundings so I took the call and even I had difficulty hearing. I could see that it was MK Hospital so I walked don't to the entrance lobby where I could hear. I explained I was taking the call on her behalf as she has difficulty with the sound. Good news, she has an appointment for the 22nd January to have one hands sorted which was pretty quick after the appointment last week. The only downside is that it is for 7.15 am in the morning!!!!


nelliethehooker replied on 28/12/2023 21:43

Posted on 28/12/2023 21:43

B2, sorry to hear that your OH hadn't felt too well but hope that he has improved by now. You certainly seem to have had a busy family Christmas.

DBS,  good to hear that your daughter & SIL made it safely over to the mainland, and I now hope that they have arrived with you.

DK, pleased to read that your wife has a date for her operation, even if you have to be at the hospital at the crack of dawn.

Hope that you are soon completely rid of the Shingles, Millie.. These sort of infections certainly take a while to go.

Bet not only your grandchildren enjoyed the circus, OP. It has been a long time since we last visited one. Hope your brother is improving, although I guess It will be a long process.

Hve a safe tow tomorrow, H&T, we too move on to another CL tomorrow, one that you used in Autumn last year.

Yet another day of mixed weather, but thankfully the wind has dropped. We visited the Country Park again, which was much quieter than on Boxing Day, before stopping off at Aldi on the way back to the van for a few things, especially bread. Have booked a table at The Old Oak for lunch on New Year's Eve for a meal with our son and SIL, who we haven't seen since the summer.


DSB replied on 28/12/2023 22:08

Posted on 28/12/2023 22:08

Thanks for asking about Ruth, folks.  They pulled over at Tebay Services on the M6 and stayed in the campervan over night.  Travelled down this morning and arrived safely at around 11am.  Today we've had, what they called Christmas 2!!!  😀😀



richardandros replied on 29/12/2023 07:02

Posted on 29/12/2023 07:02

Pleased to hear that everyone seems to have had a good Christmas.  I have to say that ours has been a bit 'mixed', largely due to the weather.  We have also had wind, wind and more wind although nowhere near as bad as those poor people in Stalybridge, so we shouldn't grumble. We were due to go home today but having looked at the forecast, yesterday, although it's going to be relatively calm here, there are 40+ mph winds forecast for East Yorks later which would probably mean the Humber Bridge being closed to high-siders and all the aggravation of 'going around' - so booked another night and will be travelling tomorrow.  Just not worth the risk when we don't have to. 

What a difference a Warden makes!!  The two that were here at Sandringham two years ago - and have been here for some time - have been moved elsewhere, temporarily I understand. The atmosphere has been totally different and the 'stand-ins' haven't made that much of an effort. I don't think we'll bother coming all this way for Christmas again - especially given the prices!

Rufs replied on 29/12/2023 08:33

Posted on 29/12/2023 08:33

Pleased folks have had a good Christmas, thankfully we are in reasonable good health, hope all those still not quite so lucky recover soon.

just returned from a tour of the parish on my bike, so so quiet this morning, very little wind, solent very calm, no real sign of damage from the wind except for a few branches on the ground and a very large spread of red berries on our pavement from the trees, but suprisingly our tree which is full of berries in the back garden has not shead any.

have a couple of guests staying so we are planning lunch down the beach house with maybe a stroll along the prom, OH has a poorly left foot so not able to walk far so i am pushing her around in the wheelchair at the moment and the prom into Lee on the Solent is all tarmac so good place to get some exercise and some fresh air, sun just rising so shaping up to being a good day laughing

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