What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DavidKlyne replied on 17/03/2021 22:12

Posted on 17/03/2021 21:00 by Takethedogalong

Yes that’s right DK. Every house in our tiny street has been sold at least once since we moved in, we are the longest owning residents in street now. It’s something to consider when we move, likely to have to pay higher CT. 

Water meters are another thing for us to mull over. We have resisted so far, mainly because we used to keep animals at home, chickens and ducks, couple of ponds, at one time we had four vehicles that were washed at home. Got plenty of butts now for watering, no livestock, and less vehicles. Might be worth the metering now, and we can change back after within two years if it doesn’t suit.🤔 Plus we are away a lot more.🤔🤔

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:12

All I can say about water meters is that we are paying about the same for water now (metred) as we were on the old rateable value system. I can't remember how long we have had a meter but I imagine it must be 20 years. In the meantime we have saved a fortune. It is difficult to compare with others as you don't know each others water usage but originally we had two boys living at home so not only extra showers but more washing and of course the daily use of a dishwasher. I don't stint on watering the garden either and caravans/motorhomes take a lot of washing. I would have thought that your water company should be able to give you a fairly accurate comparison without any obligation on your part?


ABM replied on 17/03/2021 22:33

Posted on 17/03/2021 18:13 by RedKite

Forgot to say Brian I have porridge and that has 0.7g per 100g  but OH not to keen on porridge.

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:33

Like, you RK, and B2 and Brue,  I have no problems with porridge { porage or however it is spelled  smile }  With a sprinkling of cinnamon, or a small sprinkling of fresh fruit, and semi-skimmed moo juice it can be an every other day food perfectly acceptable to me  but I do like variety in my diet !

As for your Fruit and Fibre CY, I cannot find a 'Sainsbury' version, just Kellogg's and Tesco's -- without a box to hand they could be identical but only differing in the boxes.

Takethedogalong replied on 17/03/2021 22:43

Posted on 17/03/2021 21:20 by Wherenext

Ttda, is that new garden furniture or a stuffed dog on your avatar? You could always put a board on the top for a new table.laughing

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:43

It’s the pooch. In the garden last year, he’s trying to lure down the local buzzards by pretending to be dead.
He’s a right comedian, this morning he investigated our newly dug over soon to be barked and shrubbed area. Lovely fresh loamy black stuff..........straight into the lounge, black footprints everywhere, then he’s sat begging for a carrot for being a “good boy” 🤷‍♀️ 

Bakers2 replied on 17/03/2021 22:48

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:33 by ABM

Like, you RK, and B2 and Brue,  I have no problems with porridge { porage or however it is spelled  smile }  With a sprinkling of cinnamon, or a small sprinkling of fresh fruit, and semi-skimmed moo juice it can be an every other day food perfectly acceptable to me  but I do like variety in my diet !

As for your Fruit and Fibre CY, I cannot find a 'Sainsbury' version, just Kellogg's and Tesco's -- without a box to hand they could be identical but only differing in the boxes.

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:48

Just checked out Sainsbury fruit and fibre 

Typical Valuesper 100g (without milk) Per 40g serving (without milk) % based on RI for Average AdultEnergy1597kJ639kJ-379kcal152kcal8%Fat6.0g2.4g3%Saturates3.6g1.4g7%Mono-unsaturates1.1g0.4g-Polyunsaturates1.0g0.4g-Carbohydrate66.0g26.4g10%Sugars16.5g6.6g7%

I don't think you'll be enjoying a bowl 🙁

Edit that didn't post well, but hopefully you'll get the drift.

KjellNN replied on 17/03/2021 22:51

Posted on 17/03/2021 21:09 by Wherenext

I would suggest that it might be a good idea to get some Inheritance tax planning in place Kj. Mind you, you may already have it.

I remember telling my brother to do something about mentioning it to Sister-in-Law to broach the subject with her mother not long after his Father-in-Law had died. They lived in the same house and were due to inherit the house so in his interest as well. He put it off as the subject was so raw but unfortunately his Mother-in-Law passed away suddenly only a few months after her husband died. They were left with having to sell the house to pay a very large six figure tax bill.

So apologies if I'm sticking my nose in but I can see the consequences of not making some contingencies.

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:51

Unfortunately, we are not that wealthy Wherenext!  

I believe, with the £175k home allowance over and above the per person £325k (?) allowance, a couple will have a total IHT tax free allowance of £1 million.  While  our home may be worth what we would consider a good bit, houses up here are worth nothing like the same property would be worth in the south east, and we are otherwise fairly cash poor, so we are worth well under £1 million.

Many years back, in 1993 and 2003, so now well beyond the 7 year period, we helped our children to buy properties, we also made the maximum gifts to them on marriage, and we have been using  our annual IHT allowances since I retired in 2007.........which explains why we do not now have a huge amount of savings!  If we ever fall on hard times then we do still have the option to move to a smaller property in a less upmarket area.

Meantime, I have a decent pension, though sadly not fully index linked, which enables us to stay here, pay the Council Tax, and even save a bit every year for when we next need a new car/CH boiler/etc.  OH would inherit about 1/2 to 2/3 of that pension.

A couple of years back we made new wills, so now on the first death that person's savings plus half the house will pass directly to our 2 children, though the survivor will be able to stay in the house if they wish.

 Having discussed this, we are agreed that neither  of us would wish to stay here on our own, so the house would be sold and possibly a small flat near our daughter purchased instead.

We hope we have done enough for our children not to be hit with a large IHT bill!

Bakers2 replied on 17/03/2021 22:52

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:52

Poor Mrs nelliethehooker. I didn't think they removed teeth with infections 😱😱😱. Still it's gone now and hopefully the infection can drain out and shell be much more comfortable.

Nice walk in grey skies this morning. Finished it as the rain started, again! 

Takethedogalong replied on 17/03/2021 23:03

Posted on 17/03/2021 21:32 by nelliethehooker

More dental visits today. OH was due to have an extraction next week, but suffered toothache last night so phone our dental clinic before 9:00 this morning and was given an appointment for 11:40 today. While we were out on our morning walk the Dental clinic phone me to say that they'd had had a cancellation with the hygienist and would I like to take it up, so I was in for 11:30, and all sorted by just after noon. OH returned to the car about 12:15 minus a tooth but was very distressed as she'd suffered extreme pain with the first of her injections because of a deep infection in the root of the tooth that was to come out. Fortunately the tooth came out very cleanly, but lots of draining required to clean out the root. Thankfully, apart from a bruise jaw, the worst of the pain has subsided...thank goodness for paracetamol!!

Posted on 17/03/2021 23:03

Oooo, poor Mrs Nellie😱 I had something like that a few years ago and the pain is off the scale. Hope things settle down quickly now it’s gone, I still carry paracetamol or ibuprofen everywhere with me to this day. Give her a big hug from us👍

Wherenext replied on 17/03/2021 23:03

Posted on 17/03/2021 22:52 by Bakers2

Poor Mrs nelliethehooker. I didn't think they removed teeth with infections 😱😱😱. Still it's gone now and hopefully the infection can drain out and shell be much more comfortable.

Nice walk in grey skies this morning. Finished it as the rain started, again! 

Posted on 17/03/2021 23:03

Sometimes it's the only way to sort it out B2. I remember having root canal treatment which went on for months and then one day whilst sat in the chair decided I'd had enough and asked her to take it out there and tgen. Mrs WN did suggest I use a dentist. Only kidding.

The female Dentist (Dentiste?undecided, Dentista?undecided) agreed it was probably best and gleefully extracted the blighter. Paracetemols only for the root so I have every sympathy for Mrs N. Mind you she has NTH to put with so a bit of root canal problem is minor stuff.wink

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