New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


replied on 01/12/2021 20:30

Posted on 01/12/2021 19:41 by moulesy

Just a point regarding the use of disabled toilets/showers - remember that not all disabilities are obvious or visible. Just because a couple are young or an individual may appear to be able bodied does not necessarily mean they have no reason to use the facilities, nor that they should be expected to explain why they are using them.

I'm sure there are occasions when they are misused, but sometimes folk are too ready to jump to conclusions - just saying!

Posted on 01/12/2021 20:30

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DavidKlyne replied on 01/12/2021 20:36

Posted on 01/12/2021 19:35 by JollyKernow

Steve, there will always be some people who want to pay by cash or other means, I reckon just on my site this season around 30% of our arrivals paid by cash or vouchers


Posted on 01/12/2021 20:36

I am not sure it should be an option. How will people pay a deposit, not by cash or vouchers? OK  I accept that vouchers are a different matter but giving people the option to pay (by any other means other than vouchers) will encourage them to do so. Surely one of the main points of the new system is to speed things up? I would have thought you wardens would also want to discourage cash as it creates more work by  having to bank it. There is also the security aspect as well. 


Tinwheeler replied on 01/12/2021 20:38

Posted on 01/12/2021 20:29 by JVB66

A couple of ANPR  "problems?"t hat I have been told of 

 1. unless as those used by government agency's they are calibrated   they are not accurate found that out at a Tesco Car park

2  some of them will not read number plates that the letters and numbers are not correctly spaced as per it seems many private plates


Posted on 01/12/2021 20:38

Of course there will be hiccups and anomalies requiring staff intervention but that’s no reason not to use them on campsites where we're not talking about a fine for staying too long! Some sites already use them very successfully - The Old Oaks at Glastonbury is one that springs readily to mind. 


JVB66 replied on 01/12/2021 20:45

Posted on 01/12/2021 20:30 by

I was talking to an ex police officer at the gym one day. Disabled in the course of duty he told me he had good days at the gym and days in a wheelchair.  He suffers  abuse for using disabled parking. Never found a better reason for minding my own business and not passing judgement. Too many are thriving on  this especially during Covid. 

Posted on 01/12/2021 20:45

Although I am entitled to a blue badge MI have never had one,since OH has had some health problems, 

Both some doctors and nurses and health workers have told me that I must apply fo a blue badge as it will make it easier for both of us when finding parking with space for me to assist OH

I was given a direct number to our County Council blue badge dept with a code which  would make for faster to have one allocated to us. ,the reason? Blue badges are in very High Demand and applications can take up to three months to be processed surprised

brue replied on 01/12/2021 21:10

Posted on 01/12/2021 18:58 by SteveL

I think the big mistake they are making, is not making automatic balance payment compulsory. The C&CC have throughout covid, then everyone could pull up outside reception, be given a map and welcome pack  if required, instructions if required and sent on there way. What is going to stall the system are folk who have to go in and pay, causing a blockage on many sites.

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:10

I've been impressed by the C&CC entrance system. Much easier and less challenging...especially if, as in the past, you get behind someone in the office who wants details about anything and everything. 

SteveL replied on 01/12/2021 21:12

Posted on 01/12/2021 20:36 by DavidKlyne

I am not sure it should be an option. How will people pay a deposit, not by cash or vouchers? OK  I accept that vouchers are a different matter but giving people the option to pay (by any other means other than vouchers) will encourage them to do so. Surely one of the main points of the new system is to speed things up? I would have thought you wardens would also want to discourage cash as it creates more work by  having to bank it. There is also the security aspect as well. 


Posted on 01/12/2021 21:12

Totally agree. There is little incentive to pay the day before arrival if you are going to be stuck in a queue of 30% paying by cash. 

JVB66 replied on 01/12/2021 21:21

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:12 by SteveL

Totally agree. There is little incentive to pay the day before arrival if you are going to be stuck in a queue of 30% paying by cash. 

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:21

In these times of the covid virus  most establishments discourage the use of cash,

At our coop the other day was eight pence short after using a voucher, I paid  on our credit card ,as that is all had with. mesurprised

young thomas replied on 01/12/2021 21:33

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:12 by SteveL

Totally agree. There is little incentive to pay the day before arrival if you are going to be stuck in a queue of 30% paying by cash. 

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:33

Me too. If we are moving towards a pay deposit upfront and option to pay balance the night before then one of the benefits has to be speedier checking in.

Allowing cash in the office will soon slow things back up...

Takethedogalong replied on 01/12/2021 21:59

Posted on 01/12/2021 17:27 by

Unless a site is particularly public I don't see the need for all these locked doors, doesn't often happen elsewhere

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:59

It didn’t used to be the case AD, and there are still one or two without barriers, (Marazion, Bromyard I think, Nunnykirk, Leyburn) But some Sites do suffer the occasional Traveller invasion, and you do get the odd idiot rolling up to do a circuit, so, it’s no surprise places like Ferry Meadows are barriered. Very sad. Once the undesirables get onto the Site, word goes out and others head in. Some CLs are quite vulnerable as well, rural crime is at epidemic levels. Again a sign of the times we live in sadly.

replied on 02/12/2021 08:11

Posted on 01/12/2021 21:59 by Takethedogalong

It didn’t used to be the case AD, and there are still one or two without barriers, (Marazion, Bromyard I think, Nunnykirk, Leyburn) But some Sites do suffer the occasional Traveller invasion, and you do get the odd idiot rolling up to do a circuit, so, it’s no surprise places like Ferry Meadows are barriered. Very sad. Once the undesirables get onto the Site, word goes out and others head in. Some CLs are quite vulnerable as well, rural crime is at epidemic levels. Again a sign of the times we live in sadly.

Posted on 02/12/2021 08:11

The user and all related content has been Deleted User
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