New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


GTP replied on 02/12/2021 09:36

Posted on 02/12/2021 09:32 by Rocky 2 buckets

+1, I swerve it whenever I can👍🏻. Debit card-contactless now £100 limit. . .Nice😊, big ticket?-credit card👍🏻

Posted on 02/12/2021 09:36

+1...Apple Pay..way to go..

JollyKernow replied on 02/12/2021 10:10

Posted on 01/12/2021 20:36 by DavidKlyne

I am not sure it should be an option. How will people pay a deposit, not by cash or vouchers? OK  I accept that vouchers are a different matter but giving people the option to pay (by any other means other than vouchers) will encourage them to do so. Surely one of the main points of the new system is to speed things up? I would have thought you wardens would also want to discourage cash as it creates more work by  having to bank it. There is also the security aspect as well. 


Posted on 02/12/2021 10:10


We do try to dissuade people from using cash DK. But, until the club decide we are a cashless one we'll all have to live with it. None of us know how deposits will be taken yet, it could be by direct debit, or bank transfer or even dare I say it a cheque in the post! We do still receive cheques for storage payments etc. And yes, the handling and banking of cash is a headache at times. Not sure about the security aspect, the site safe is insured up to a certain amount, that won't change.

Oh, and I think you'll find that the correct address is not "you wardens" it will be "you site managers"wink


JollyKernow replied on 02/12/2021 10:16

Posted on 02/12/2021 10:10 by JollyKernow


We do try to dissuade people from using cash DK. But, until the club decide we are a cashless one we'll all have to live with it. None of us know how deposits will be taken yet, it could be by direct debit, or bank transfer or even dare I say it a cheque in the post! We do still receive cheques for storage payments etc. And yes, the handling and banking of cash is a headache at times. Not sure about the security aspect, the site safe is insured up to a certain amount, that won't change.

Oh, and I think you'll find that the correct address is not "you wardens" it will be "you site managers"wink


Posted on 02/12/2021 10:16

 Just to add, we have another zoom thing next week so at the q&a I'll raise the question regarding cash use.


DavidKlyne replied on 02/12/2021 10:21

Posted on 02/12/2021 10:21

I am always a bit puzzled by people wanting to pay cash, beyond perhaps low cost sundries and maybe the odd night. If you have to withdraw cash to pay for campsites why not cut out the middle man and just pay by card? COVID has given us good reason to avoid cash. 

I like Steve's idea about being able to use the vouchers electronically. That is exactly what I do with the vouchers I get from JL via my Partnership Card. I spend them online at JL and just key in the voucher number. It can be a bit time consuming but it can be done.


DavidKlyne replied on 02/12/2021 10:31

Posted on 02/12/2021 10:10 by JollyKernow


We do try to dissuade people from using cash DK. But, until the club decide we are a cashless one we'll all have to live with it. None of us know how deposits will be taken yet, it could be by direct debit, or bank transfer or even dare I say it a cheque in the post! We do still receive cheques for storage payments etc. And yes, the handling and banking of cash is a headache at times. Not sure about the security aspect, the site safe is insured up to a certain amount, that won't change.

Oh, and I think you'll find that the correct address is not "you wardens" it will be "you site managers"wink


Posted on 02/12/2021 10:31


Apologies to site managers, old habits die hardsmile

I appreciate you and other site managers are unlikely to influence on how the deposits will be initially taken but from a general discussion point it would seem daft not just to insist on card payment (or perhaps vouchers if the technology is available) Many major retailers now don't accept cheques, its an old fashioned means of money transfer. It could be done by bank transfer but that is a lot of work depending on what device you use to set it up. My advice would be to go for a simple method ie, debit or credit card?


JollyKernow replied on 02/12/2021 11:06

Posted on 02/12/2021 10:31 by DavidKlyne


Apologies to site managers, old habits die hardsmile

I appreciate you and other site managers are unlikely to influence on how the deposits will be initially taken but from a general discussion point it would seem daft not just to insist on card payment (or perhaps vouchers if the technology is available) Many major retailers now don't accept cheques, its an old fashioned means of money transfer. It could be done by bank transfer but that is a lot of work depending on what device you use to set it up. My advice would be to go for a simple method ie, debit or credit card?


Posted on 02/12/2021 11:06

 No apology needed Dk, just kidding!

Interestingly, last season after the first lockdown we pretty much insisted on card only everywhere. That worked well and we only went to the bank once in four months. This year totally different.

As site staff we've had a lot of input into the new system to make it user friendly for us as well as the paying customer. Payment methods have come up a lot, we'll just have to wait & see


Takethedogalong replied on 02/12/2021 11:28

Posted on 02/12/2021 11:28

We still have a cheque book, somewhere. And just about the only thing I like to have a bit of cash for is car parking, as it’s a faff downloading all the different Apps used around the country. But this last 18 months has been a complete transformation for us in terms of how we pay for things, with Apple Pay being our preferred, easy method. Just so simple. And quick. And no handling of paper money or coins is a whole lot better. It’s rare now to come across anything but the most artisan, tiny of businesses that doesn’t have some form of card reader. The Site Managers at Marazion had their own little device for selling the extras they provided, so even the old excuse of needing pennies for an ice cream is now defunct. Progress needs to continue going forward. 

As someone who cares for a very vulnerable elderly, and lives with someone else a tad prone to medical emergencies, that or trekking off into the wild on his bicycle, owning and using everything a smart phone can do has made my life so much easier and less stressful. So many agencies now communicate and manage their services via modern methods, it really does make life so much easier. And no, it doesn’t intrude into my life. I still select which calls I take, which messages I answer, and other than on here and a bit of WhatsApp, I don’t bother with other forms of social media by choice.

young thomas replied on 02/12/2021 11:42

Posted on 02/12/2021 08:21 by Whittakerr

I paying by cash is not an option, that would be one more reason for me not to use this clubs sites.

Posted on 02/12/2021 11:42

...any particular reason why, W....?

we do have a small bit of cash on us at most times, but there seems little point in handing it over to the warden and then finding another cash point...

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