New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


nelliethehooker replied on 29/11/2021 21:37

Posted on 29/11/2021 21:37

To be completely honest when ever we've booked our stays on CMC sites in the past I tended to book a 2 week block , then adjust which week we actually go depending on circumstances, with the new booking system coming next year obviously that'll stop that.

Why should that be the case, compass? Surely your deposit for 2 weeks will be much less than the full price of a single week, and provided you cancel your other week before the 72 hrs or whatever time HO choose to impose you can carry on as you have done before. Not that I'm condoning your previous actions.

replied on 29/11/2021 22:05

Posted on 29/11/2021 20:21 by KjellNN

If it is a damaged caravan, it could easily take 3 months, never mind 3 weeks!!

And right now, vehicle repairs are being affected by shortages of components.   I think it would greatly depend on which component was involved at present.

Posted on 29/11/2021 22:05

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

peedee replied on 30/11/2021 06:50

Posted on 29/11/2021 16:14 by Tinwheeler

"But it would not stop excessive cancellation which is what the Club is concerned about."

Is that what the club is concerned about, PD? I only recall seeing the club say the changes were in response to our requests and would free up pitches to the benefit of members.🤷🏻‍♂️

Posted on 30/11/2021 06:50

I think it one of the factors, it might even be the driver. They have stated either in the mag or the 2020 AGM minutes that there are thousands of cancellations. Couple that with my own experience of the booking system, in my eyes,  it has to be a factor.


Tinwheeler replied on 30/11/2021 08:20

Posted on 30/11/2021 06:50 by peedee

I think it one of the factors, it might even be the driver. They have stated either in the mag or the 2020 AGM minutes that there are thousands of cancellations. Couple that with my own experience of the booking system, in my eyes,  it has to be a factor.


Posted on 30/11/2021 08:20

While I'm not saying you're wrong, PD, I think that idea has to be supposition at this stage because, as far as I can see, nowhere does the club say cancellations are a reason for the change. Furthermore, everything I've ever read from the club has always said the number of cancelled bookings is a tiny proportion of the whole and there's been no indication of it being a concern.

My opinion is that this is commerce driven as it makes good business sense to have money rolling in by way of deposits. It's what the rest of the industry does.

Twos more then one replied on 30/11/2021 08:43

Posted on 30/11/2021 08:43

If a Member is serious about their bookings, deposits should not be a probably
If the members bookings are speculative bookings ,hoping they might go , then deposits is a problem, and will be resisted 

As a member  of both clubs , i do not find a deposit a issue when i use the other club  
The difference between both clubs is stark
With the club if we want to go somewhere, If the  booking system says it is not available , just check every morning ,and as yet never failed to get the dates i want 
With the other club that is a pretty futile tactic, and rarely works 

young thomas replied on 30/11/2021 08:47

Posted on 29/11/2021 15:32 by peedee

my point re the 72 hrs v 21 days is that those cancelled pitches will be available to far more folk...incl those who need a bit more time t9 arrange things (work/kids) rather than just us lucky folk who can go at the drop of a hat.

But it would not stop excessive cancellation which is what the Club is concerned about.

re deposits ...if they're refundable upto a certain cutoff point, then double booking and dropping one with the valid period (21 days?) won't change much.

Depends on the terms and conditions, in any case I don't think many will go down that route when there is a price to be paid upfront.


Posted on 30/11/2021 08:47

Is it 'excess cancellations' the club is specifically looking to prevent or to find a way for 'any' cancellations to be retaken by a wider audience rather than those who, currently, can snap them up at short notice (a smaller section of the membership).

as mentioned, we don't know what part, if any, of the deposit will be refunded as a matter of course following a cancellation within a certain period... more detail will help.

ADP1963 replied on 30/11/2021 08:49

Posted on 30/11/2021 08:49

Well I certainly don't have a problem booking a club site and in particular any in June in Dorset !................everywhere I have looked is full except for the odd day and so no problem yell

young thomas replied on 30/11/2021 08:50

Posted on 30/11/2021 08:50

Posted on 26/11/2021 11:09 by Thehappycaravanners

Disagree with this idea of being able to book a pitch type, many a time we don't know what pitch we want till on site, it all depends on space, surroundings, light, views, weather, convenience etc, should leave it at first come first served

...but, even now we DO commit to a pitch type...we have to choose Awning or Non Awning or Service Pitch....on arrival we can only choose from those types.

a nice appealing non awning pitch is no good if you've booked an Awning pitch.

young thomas replied on 30/11/2021 08:52

Posted on 29/11/2021 16:11 by brue

I'm not convinced either TDA, the  T&Cs have yet to be finalised and the whole point of deposits is a contract of intent.

Posted on 30/11/2021 08:52

...but isn't the clicking of 'confirm' on the current system just that, too.....but without money changing hands?

young thomas replied on 30/11/2021 09:01

Posted on 30/11/2021 09:01

compass362 wrote...

"To be completely honest when ever we've booked our stays on CMC sites in the past I tended to book a 2 week block , then adjust which week we actually go depending on circumstances, with the new booking system coming next year obviously that'll stop that."

...and this is no different to the example I quoted where I had booked two weeks and ended up taking one...perfectly allowable, the T/C allow for this flexibility..

in the new system, the flexibility could remain by just changing the 'decision' period to 21 days rather than 72 hours.......unwanted stock goes back into the system 18 days sooner thus giving a wider audience a realistic chance of making use of it.

only with a tougher stance on 'refundable' deposits and the period these may/will be allowed, will anything be changed from my example....

other than a massive/expensive system change to collect and then hand back deposits to folk who book miles in advance and then 'tweak' their dates closer to the time...

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