So what did the Club ever do for Motorcaravanners?

StuartO replied on 02/03/2019 12:44

Posted on 02/03/2019 12:44

It’s a while now since the Club was renamed, to reflect that there are lots of motorhomers among Members - but apart from the name change, what has and does the Club plan to do to cater effectively for motorhomers?

Well there has been a programme of improving motorhome servicepoints, to provide drive-over grey water drains, but at the club Site I most recently stayed at there was no lighting at this service point (unlike the others) so using it after dark (and it was dark at 4.30pm that day) was a matter of struggling with a torch.  But I haven’t noticed anything else specifically for motorhomers and in response a suggestion that the Club should develop overnight parking stops for motorhome like the Aires on the continent, I read somewhere that the Club’s only response was to wonder whether a discussion about whether this was a more appropriate thing for the Government rather than the Clubs to be considering.

CAMC is of course a commercial operator of full scale caravan sites and jolly good they are too but these cater primarily for people who want to stay for quite a number of days, like caravanners do, while lots of motorhomers (certainly on the Continent) make lots of use of more basic overnight parking, to stay for one or two nights only and then move on.  Some motorhomers do use their vehicles like caravans and stay on a Site for a while but lots more enjoys their holidays by keeping moving along.

For holidaying in this mode motorhomers don’t need a toilet block, resident staff and manicured grass around them every night; on most nights they don’t need much more than parking, a supply of drinking water, a drain for grey water and somewhere to empty the chemical toilet.  CAMC should be just as capable of building good Night Halt locations as it is at building full scale caravan sites - and operating them profitably.  There are lots of Aires on the continent which charge good money (and use barrier entry operated with credit cards etc) as well as the free ones provided (as a tourist facility and an attraction) by many local authorities.

There may be an argument for local authorities to build Aires as tourist attractions etc but there is also, quite separately, an argument for CAMC showing initiative in building a network of Aires in UK as a service to it’s Motorhome Members.  I think a network of CAMC Motorhome Nightstops would compliment the network of Club Sites and serve to promote them too - for example each Night Halt could easily display advertising material about nearby Club Sites.  And motorhomers who use Aires also tend to use full scale caravan sites periodically as well, for example to have a ‘laundry day”.

Isn’t someone on the Club’s staff or committees already thinking about this avenue of development - and if so can we hear something about their ideas?


replied on 15/03/2019 16:35

Posted on 15/03/2019 16:35

the credit/debit card is swiped on arrival 

Yours might be! Like Steve I don't do open credit cards - might as well sign a blank cheque for them (I know that they probably don't do cheques)


Rufs replied on 15/03/2019 17:13

Posted on 15/03/2019 16:35 by

the credit/debit card is swiped on arrival 

Yours might be! Like Steve I don't do open credit cards - might as well sign a blank cheque for them (I know that they probably don't do cheques)


Posted on 15/03/2019 17:13

well if you can honestly say that you have never stayed in a hotel where they swipe your card at check-in then maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee, because we are rapidly heading towards a cashless society. Not that i am agreeing with the proposals set out in this post, cant get my head around any of them, toooooo! many, maybe we should close this post and start again, just using bullet points rather than essayslaughing

SteveL replied on 15/03/2019 17:33

Posted on 15/03/2019 17:13 by Rufs

well if you can honestly say that you have never stayed in a hotel where they swipe your card at check-in then maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee, because we are rapidly heading towards a cashless society. Not that i am agreeing with the proposals set out in this post, cant get my head around any of them, toooooo! many, maybe we should close this post and start again, just using bullet points rather than essayslaughing

Posted on 15/03/2019 17:33

Not sure what coffee has to do with it. Don't stay in hotels very often. The only time I have done this the account was linked to a separate card, that the hotel gave you that you swiped when buying drinks etc. At the end of your stay you went to  reception and settled the bill. So slightly different to the open tab behind the bar sort of thing, that Nav was proposing.

young thomas replied on 15/03/2019 17:53

Posted on 15/03/2019 10:39 by moulesy

With respect, CY, I think the similarity ends at your words "access to all". Surely that's the case at present - anyone can access any of the available pitches on club sites. What is being proposed is the provision of "access to some" pitches, despite the frequent claims that caravanners could use these "new" pitches every bit as easily as MHers. Far easier options have been proposed but it seems that a small number of vociferous posters are completely unwilling to consider anything other that their own personal perfect scenario. Why they think the forum is the place to keep saying this rather than taking their views to the club AGM is beyond me (unless it's the possiblity that they actually accept that their proposals only have very limited support.)

Posted on 15/03/2019 17:53

M, I'm sorry but, if this is what you think, you haven't understood what I've been posting about...

none of the changes I've mentioned (quick turnaround pitches or (as you say) a non EHU option on any pitch) would be unavailable to any member...

why can't caravanners make use of non EHU option or a short term pitch?  

none of my posts have suggested this were a MH only excercise..

yes, the OP has come about due to the club nailing its MH colours to the mast and, along with the increase in MH usage, it rightly asks what has the club done.....etc...

hovever, it only took a couple of posts for most to come to the conclusion that any changes that might be made had to apply to all, even if the take up level might (or might not) vary across type..

ive posted (at least twice) that I agree with your EHU option, this would be a real move forward...why don't you suggest it at the AGMwink

however, rather than 'not accepting anything but.....', what I've actually been doing is to explore how other ideas (not just mine) could be implemented with a technical and process change or two....

of course, if the reply to those suggestions is 'that's couldn't work at the club...' what's wrong with offering my own experiences of where those solutions do work, and what changes/compromises might be needed to acheive them...?


and isnt CT a place to air views, discuss ideas, debate differences etc....

if you and others are perfectly able to post contrary opinions, why can't others post as freely in support of the OP? 

replied on 15/03/2019 18:21

Posted on 15/03/2019 17:13 by Rufs

well if you can honestly say that you have never stayed in a hotel where they swipe your card at check-in then maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee, because we are rapidly heading towards a cashless society. Not that i am agreeing with the proposals set out in this post, cant get my head around any of them, toooooo! many, maybe we should close this post and start again, just using bullet points rather than essayslaughing

Posted on 15/03/2019 18:21

No idea why a cashless society should mean that I allow unauthorised access to my card. By unauthorised I mean simply access without my authorisation at each transaction. I have been in hotels where there is the offer to leave a card open. I decline as I do not find it a trial to pay separately if I choose to use the bar or to take a meal. 

I have no intention trying to dispute a round of drinks on my credit card at a later date.

For some reason it reminds me of a time when, in restaurants particularly, when you came to pay the bill the staff member would reach to take your card to insert into a machine on the shelf below the counter. I would keep hold of my card and say 'not only does it not leave my sight it also does not leave my grasp'. Thereby hangs a tale.

moulesy replied on 15/03/2019 18:30

Posted on 15/03/2019 18:30

"none of the changes I've mentioned (quick turnaround pitches or (as you say) a non EHU option on any pitch) would be unavailable to any member..."

That's just a bit disingenuous really, BB. Yes, caravans could use the non EHU option, but as for "quick turnaround" pitches, how many caravans and their accompanying tow cars would you envisage on the average club car park or LNA?

JayOutdoors replied on 15/03/2019 18:39

Posted on 15/03/2019 18:39

I read as and when I have time/moments and what I find interesting is that the OP hasn’t been involved in the discussion for quite some time though I may be wrong.

IIMHO I feel we have to remember we are a club with many sites/members in the UK whereas other ‘Nightstop’ providers (UK and Europe) do not, therefore they can make commercial decisions about what they provide at their individual/particular location for leisure vehicles without having to consider ‘Members’ (‘Nightstops’/Aire type facilities etc appear to be for M’homes)  

Personally, at this moment in time I cannot think of a valid commercial reason to spend the club’s money providing the type of ‘Nightstop’ facility the OP suggests.

Navigateur replied on 15/03/2019 19:23

Posted on 15/03/2019 19:23

reminds me of a time when, in restaurants particularly, when you came to pay the bill the staff member would reach to take your card to insert into a machine on the shelf below the counter.

A slight digression, but it shows how things change with time. I've discovered that most of the take-away restaurants in my local area no longer accept credit or debit cards.  One way around the abolition by regulation of the charge for using a card - but it means my cashless business goes elsewhere.

replied on 15/03/2019 19:27

Posted on 15/03/2019 18:39 by JayOutdoors

I read as and when I have time/moments and what I find interesting is that the OP hasn’t been involved in the discussion for quite some time though I may be wrong.

IIMHO I feel we have to remember we are a club with many sites/members in the UK whereas other ‘Nightstop’ providers (UK and Europe) do not, therefore they can make commercial decisions about what they provide at their individual/particular location for leisure vehicles without having to consider ‘Members’ (‘Nightstops’/Aire type facilities etc appear to be for M’homes)  

Personally, at this moment in time I cannot think of a valid commercial reason to spend the club’s money providing the type of ‘Nightstop’ facility the OP suggests.

Posted on 15/03/2019 19:27

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

Cornersteady replied on 15/03/2019 19:33

Posted on 15/03/2019 18:30 by moulesy

"none of the changes I've mentioned (quick turnaround pitches or (as you say) a non EHU option on any pitch) would be unavailable to any member..."

That's just a bit disingenuous really, BB. Yes, caravans could use the non EHU option, but as for "quick turnaround" pitches, how many caravans and their accompanying tow cars would you envisage on the average club car park or LNA?

Posted on 15/03/2019 19:33

and the ripping up of the car parks? playing area? LNA?

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