So what did the Club ever do for Motorcaravanners?

StuartO replied on 02/03/2019 12:44

Posted on 02/03/2019 12:44

It’s a while now since the Club was renamed, to reflect that there are lots of motorhomers among Members - but apart from the name change, what has and does the Club plan to do to cater effectively for motorhomers?

Well there has been a programme of improving motorhome servicepoints, to provide drive-over grey water drains, but at the club Site I most recently stayed at there was no lighting at this service point (unlike the others) so using it after dark (and it was dark at 4.30pm that day) was a matter of struggling with a torch.  But I haven’t noticed anything else specifically for motorhomers and in response a suggestion that the Club should develop overnight parking stops for motorhome like the Aires on the continent, I read somewhere that the Club’s only response was to wonder whether a discussion about whether this was a more appropriate thing for the Government rather than the Clubs to be considering.

CAMC is of course a commercial operator of full scale caravan sites and jolly good they are too but these cater primarily for people who want to stay for quite a number of days, like caravanners do, while lots of motorhomers (certainly on the Continent) make lots of use of more basic overnight parking, to stay for one or two nights only and then move on.  Some motorhomers do use their vehicles like caravans and stay on a Site for a while but lots more enjoys their holidays by keeping moving along.

For holidaying in this mode motorhomers don’t need a toilet block, resident staff and manicured grass around them every night; on most nights they don’t need much more than parking, a supply of drinking water, a drain for grey water and somewhere to empty the chemical toilet.  CAMC should be just as capable of building good Night Halt locations as it is at building full scale caravan sites - and operating them profitably.  There are lots of Aires on the continent which charge good money (and use barrier entry operated with credit cards etc) as well as the free ones provided (as a tourist facility and an attraction) by many local authorities.

There may be an argument for local authorities to build Aires as tourist attractions etc but there is also, quite separately, an argument for CAMC showing initiative in building a network of Aires in UK as a service to it’s Motorhome Members.  I think a network of CAMC Motorhome Nightstops would compliment the network of Club Sites and serve to promote them too - for example each Night Halt could easily display advertising material about nearby Club Sites.  And motorhomers who use Aires also tend to use full scale caravan sites periodically as well, for example to have a ‘laundry day”.

Isn’t someone on the Club’s staff or committees already thinking about this avenue of development - and if so can we hear something about their ideas?


replied on 14/03/2019 17:52

Posted on 14/03/2019 14:24 by Oneputt

So what did the Club ever do for Motorcaravanners?


Exactly the same as they do for caravaners

Posted on 14/03/2019 17:52

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

young thomas replied on 14/03/2019 18:06

Posted on 14/03/2019 11:17 by Tinwheeler

I do wonder what you hope to gain, BB, with you constant running down of club sites and promoting the ‘over there’ ways of doing things - other than to wind everyone up. We all know the cultures are different and what you want is unlikely to happen here  

DSB has made some very sensible points yet still you push for things to be done your way. How about a bit of give as well as take?

Posted on 14/03/2019 18:06

Yes, David did make some good points but the whole OP was to discuss a way of getting a supply of short term, low cost pitches, possibly from the CC.

...but this is a continental idea, and it must be valid to see how those who are currently doing it, do it..

currently only a few suppliers in the uk provide this sort of thing and they have sometimes taken part of an existing service (Canterbury for example) and ring fenced it for a new specific purpose, MH (but could easily be caravans, too) limited time/facility overnighting.

obviously, the club won't be buying up new sites to satisfy this service, so ideas have been mooted to make more of existing club sites without the cost of additional land.

if this route were taken, changes in processes (and possibly technology) would be required to try and make this category of offering as automatic as possible...

theres no point in looking to increase staffing or to assign any more tasks to the current staff quota as its plain that they are already 'full'..

so, ANPR is one way that automation would help...

if the short term pitches were non-EHU there would be no meter reading etc..

my comments on how this shouldn't be an issue was in response to suggestions for metering and the predictable responses re 'who, how, when' etc...

some places (and it matters not, where) do deal with this sort of process as part and parcel of the overall arrival/departure process...

obviously (again) this simply can't be managed with typical club site staff levels, but (again) technology could help...

however, just rereading Davids post,  I'm not sure that he thought much could work beyond turning off EHU

.....but IMV this was because he was trying to Imagine some 'normal' piches taken out of normal service ...

this wasn't how I saw it....rather the creation of a couple of new 'short term' pitches from other 'resources'...

if (yes, if) this was acheived, it wouldnt impact at all on the rest of the site, there are sites where these two types of provision coexist happily without impacting one another.

im sorry you seem to take my posts in such a negative way...

we all gain ideas from the experiences we enjoy....I agree, things are run differently in different places but we are talking about the provision of a continental type service of which the club has no experience...

is it wrong to cite those places where this particular service is the norm and what different process are used to make it run smoothly.

why should you take the highlighting of something done well as criticism  of CC?

if the club were to take on something like this, why wouldn't you want it  to aspire to do it as well as possible, by getting a good understanding of how other providers deliver?

young thomas replied on 14/03/2019 18:16

Posted on 14/03/2019 17:40 by Cornersteady

you mean with the 'right' over there mindsetundecided

 you're looking at the issue from the wrong end of the telescope

how do you think some of the larger continental sites manage it..?

looks like we're back to the constraints of the 'club staffing model'.

couple that with the rigid arrival times and you have a system that is anything but flexible, with no allowance for ongoing process change...

the sites we've used this spring have all managed to get us checked in and hooked up (or unhooked) or meter read at start (or end) of stay with out any fuss...

none of this or the scores (hundreds in the case of La Manga) impacts on the running of the site or the service offered....they are just geared up differently and take this sort of thing in their stride..

As TW said, every line is a criticism of the club and how 'over there' does it so much betterundecided

It is a constant theme you keep coming back to.

Posted on 14/03/2019 18:16

no, it was describing how sites which offer the service we are discussing (short term pitches) deal with the inevitible issues by employing technology (ANPR etc) to keep staff involvement down.

this is a new area for the club and it has no experience of delivering such a service, yet there are places where the provision of these services are meat and drink.

if those who happen to do it well are in Germany or France or Spain etc, then so be it....

why is it such a bad thing to recognise that sometimes we don't have the know how in a particular area and we can actually learn form someone else?


Rocky 2 buckets replied on 14/03/2019 18:17

Posted on 14/03/2019 17:13 by young thomas

...but he didn't....undecided

Posted on 14/03/2019 18:17

He did, I was there👍🏻😊. You are quite ubiquitous BB but not totally omnipresent😊

Tinwheeler replied on 14/03/2019 19:00

Posted on 14/03/2019 19:00

Sorry, BB, I simply cannot plough through more of the same. Sometimes you do yourself and your cause no favours with your lengthy posts.

mickysf replied on 14/03/2019 19:57

Posted on 14/03/2019 18:16 by young thomas

no, it was describing how sites which offer the service we are discussing (short term pitches) deal with the inevitible issues by employing technology (ANPR etc) to keep staff involvement down.

this is a new area for the club and it has no experience of delivering such a service, yet there are places where the provision of these services are meat and drink.

if those who happen to do it well are in Germany or France or Spain etc, then so be it....

why is it such a bad thing to recognise that sometimes we don't have the know how in a particular area and we can actually learn form someone else?


Posted on 14/03/2019 19:57

Of course many of us would relish the provision of short term pitches on CAMC sites but the idea is really a non starter.

 We have to recognise that those sites in Germany, France and Spain being constantly held up as 'doing it well' are a totally and fundamentally different 'beast' to our club. The club is a network of sites across our country not just one site. It also caters for all forms of caravanning, motorised or otherwise and the many needs of our diverse membership. Yes, some club sites may have the capacity but I personally reckon these are very few in number and possibly in what some consider the 'wrong places' for us motorhomers. Having just one or two sites amongst this whole network providing the odd short term pitches would only confuse the situation even further.

moulesy replied on 14/03/2019 19:58

Posted on 14/03/2019 17:08 by young thomas

i actually do agree with you that the EHU/not should be easy to implement....on any pitch...

the point is that a number of other suggestions have been made which extend into different pitch provision (the whole crux of Stuart's OP) which, while pretty straight forward in principle, is made harder to implement due to the current proccess being unable to deal with 'late arrivals' onto their booked pitch rather than the LNA....resolved with an ANPR system....thus freeing up the LNA area for the type of pitch being discussed.

we then get the 'question' raised about honesty/metering etc, my point was just saying that administrative process such as meter reading and hooking up is not the issue some will suggest it is...its just part of the everyday site processes, like rubbish collections,toilet cleaning or manning reception.

it matters not whether my 'example' was from here, there or Outer Space, merely that, with the right mindset, it isn't an issue at all.

Posted on 14/03/2019 19:58

So, basically, what you are saying, BB, is that you are not prepared to listen to opposing views and/or completely unwilling to compromise. It must be everything you're asking for or you're not satisfied (I'll call it the May method of debating! wink)

Where others on here, have been prepared to make concessions to move towards your point of view (regardless of the lack of club response) you want 100% of your requirements.

Is that a fair summary of the situation or has there been a single item on which you've been prepared to relent? undecided

Cornersteady replied on 14/03/2019 21:56

Posted on 14/03/2019 19:58 by moulesy

So, basically, what you are saying, BB, is that you are not prepared to listen to opposing views and/or completely unwilling to compromise. It must be everything you're asking for or you're not satisfied (I'll call it the May method of debating! wink)

Where others on here, have been prepared to make concessions to move towards your point of view (regardless of the lack of club response) you want 100% of your requirements.

Is that a fair summary of the situation or has there been a single item on which you've been prepared to relent? undecided

Posted on 14/03/2019 21:56

no for BB it has to be over there is great and over here (and remember no UK site is that different to the club) is very poor.

We (and all UK sites) should simply acknowlegde this and grant BB all of his demands?

Pliers replied on 14/03/2019 22:16

Posted on 14/03/2019 21:56 by Cornersteady

no for BB it has to be over there is great and over here (and remember no UK site is that different to the club) is very poor.

We (and all UK sites) should simply acknowlegde this and grant BB all of his demands?

Posted on 14/03/2019 22:16

Maybe  stop taking the bait and just ignore him.......🤔

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