So what did the Club ever do for Motorcaravanners?

StuartO replied on 02/03/2019 12:44

Posted on 02/03/2019 12:44

It’s a while now since the Club was renamed, to reflect that there are lots of motorhomers among Members - but apart from the name change, what has and does the Club plan to do to cater effectively for motorhomers?

Well there has been a programme of improving motorhome servicepoints, to provide drive-over grey water drains, but at the club Site I most recently stayed at there was no lighting at this service point (unlike the others) so using it after dark (and it was dark at 4.30pm that day) was a matter of struggling with a torch.  But I haven’t noticed anything else specifically for motorhomers and in response a suggestion that the Club should develop overnight parking stops for motorhome like the Aires on the continent, I read somewhere that the Club’s only response was to wonder whether a discussion about whether this was a more appropriate thing for the Government rather than the Clubs to be considering.

CAMC is of course a commercial operator of full scale caravan sites and jolly good they are too but these cater primarily for people who want to stay for quite a number of days, like caravanners do, while lots of motorhomers (certainly on the Continent) make lots of use of more basic overnight parking, to stay for one or two nights only and then move on.  Some motorhomers do use their vehicles like caravans and stay on a Site for a while but lots more enjoys their holidays by keeping moving along.

For holidaying in this mode motorhomers don’t need a toilet block, resident staff and manicured grass around them every night; on most nights they don’t need much more than parking, a supply of drinking water, a drain for grey water and somewhere to empty the chemical toilet.  CAMC should be just as capable of building good Night Halt locations as it is at building full scale caravan sites - and operating them profitably.  There are lots of Aires on the continent which charge good money (and use barrier entry operated with credit cards etc) as well as the free ones provided (as a tourist facility and an attraction) by many local authorities.

There may be an argument for local authorities to build Aires as tourist attractions etc but there is also, quite separately, an argument for CAMC showing initiative in building a network of Aires in UK as a service to it’s Motorhome Members.  I think a network of CAMC Motorhome Nightstops would compliment the network of Club Sites and serve to promote them too - for example each Night Halt could easily display advertising material about nearby Club Sites.  And motorhomers who use Aires also tend to use full scale caravan sites periodically as well, for example to have a ‘laundry day”.

Isn’t someone on the Club’s staff or committees already thinking about this avenue of development - and if so can we hear something about their ideas?


JVB66 replied on 14/03/2019 10:19

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:19

The only way that metered electricity is going to be cost effective is to  include upgrade of the EHU bollards during the rolling programme of si te upgrades and to install as noted on the Norfolk Broads where the EHU is used via a prepaid card ,and speaking to a boat user it works but to carry a spare topped up card as its sods law one card only will run out at the most inconvenient time

Tinwheeler replied on 14/03/2019 10:27

Posted on 14/03/2019 09:50 by Cornersteady

I would like some way to top them up somehow, perhaps on line. During the day you could go to the office and buy another but I can just see the pre-paid money running out at say 10pm?

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:27

The meter should tell you when the balance is getting low so there’s chance to buy another before cut off but topping up online is a good thought, Corners, as long as there’s an internet connection. 

Otherwise, it’s akin to being off grid and having the gas cylinder run out in the middle of cooking tea on the warden’s day off. 😂

Cornersteady replied on 14/03/2019 10:39

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:27 by Tinwheeler

The meter should tell you when the balance is getting low so there’s chance to buy another before cut off but topping up online is a good thought, Corners, as long as there’s an internet connection. 

Otherwise, it’s akin to being off grid and having the gas cylinder run out in the middle of cooking tea on the warden’s day off. 😂

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:39

at schools people can top up their food card at a machine, (some machines just need you to put your thumb on the reader and don't need the card at all), this top up machine could be anywhere on site and doesn't have to be in the office.

It really wouldn't change what I would use on holiday and I'm still against the idea as it's so much easier with the system as it is with the all inclusive price, but I suppose the option of not having EHU could be looked at.

Of course I wonder what the take up would be?

replied on 14/03/2019 10:46

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:46

Of course I wonder what the take up would be?

I would lay odds that a greater take up in the Summer than in the Winter. laughing

Tinwheeler replied on 14/03/2019 10:47

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:39 by Cornersteady

at schools people can top up their food card at a machine, (some machines just need you to put your thumb on the reader and don't need the card at all), this top up machine could be anywhere on site and doesn't have to be in the office.

It really wouldn't change what I would use on holiday and I'm still against the idea as it's so much easier with the system as it is.

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:47

I’ve met those machines in ‘cashless’ canteens as well. 

Like you, I don’t want to see metering and, as I said in another thread, it would make no difference to my lekky consumption as comfort and convenience take priority. I can see, though, that it may happen one day but hopefully not for a good while yet. 

Takethedogalong replied on 14/03/2019 10:47

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:47

Ha ha, that’s another caravanning “rite of passage” It’s either cold curry, or in our case unpack the tiny camp stove, still there for emergencies!🤣

It would be good to have a few more sites that give a choice on hook up or not. Lots of CLs used to do this, although they are scarce nowadays. I know it’s something we would choose in the Summer, either van or MH. But we are frugal electric users, by choice, no TV, microwave etc.... It’s not for everyone. From what we have witnessed on all sorts of sites, there are probably more untrustworthy souls around than you might think as well, double hook ups in use, something like CL owner mentioned on another thread whereby visitors pay for no hook up, but then charge every device known to man in information Hut etc..........not leaving payments in honesty boxes, we have seen it happening. I’ve no idea on EV charging, how much it cost away from home etc......

young thomas replied on 14/03/2019 10:48

Posted on 14/03/2019 08:14 by moulesy

Nor me!

And, although we probably use considerably less electricity than the average, I still fail to see why the expense and complication of metering is preferable to the option, for the small number who want it, of declining EHU altogether. Just imagine a popular site like say,  Broadway with several units calling at reception to give in meter readings and pay between say, 11:30 and 12 whilst a whole lot of others are queuing waiting to check in - a warden's nightmare surely? undecided

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:48

M, you're looking at the issue from the wrong end of the telescopeundecided

how do you think some of the larger continental sites manage it..?

looks like we're back to the constraints of the 'club staffing model'.

until this is looked at in combination with any future changes, the 'full sequential timetable' that the wardens work to limits pretty much anything else inserted into the day....

couple that with the rigid arrival times and you have a system that is anything but flexible, with no allowance for ongoing process change...

the sites we've used this spring have all managed to get us checked in and hooked up (or unhooked) or meter read at start (or end) of stay with out any fuss...

none of this or the scores (hundreds in the case of La Manga) impacts on the running of the site or the service offered....they are just geared up differently and take this sort of thing in their stride...

Cornersteady replied on 14/03/2019 10:54

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:46 by

Of course I wonder what the take up would be?

I would lay odds that a greater take up in the Summer than in the Winter. laughing

Posted on 14/03/2019 10:54

I'm not sure, I still like to have hot water, microwave, electric kettle and the female camp followers like their hair dryers.  

moulesy replied on 14/03/2019 11:00

Posted on 14/03/2019 11:00

BB - you know full well that I agree with you about arrival/departure arrangements. But we are where we are and as you yourself pointed out on another thread "you're guaranteed a queue if you arrive at 12 at Broadway".

This constant comparison with sites (which happen to be "elsewhere") is wearing very thin.

It seems that nothing less than a wholesale transformation of club sites and rules to match what you've experienced "elsewhere" will satisfy you. But there are hundreds of thousands of units happily using club sites under the current arrangements.

Now, instead of constantly "harping on" ( wink) about the same things over and over again, why not accept a compromise arrangement - decline EHU if that suits. Easy to implement and surely a large part of what you're arguing for?

Takethedogalong replied on 14/03/2019 11:02

Posted on 14/03/2019 11:02

Don’t disagree in principal BB. This country values staffing of anything, be it hospitals, law and order, supermarkets, cleaning public toilets merely as a budget heading. Hence why we don’t have enough human beings actually carrying out duties. 

Some tasks can be done remotely or by technology, but some quite clearly cannot. So it’s squeeze or lose the human factor, and the cycle gets worse. A single Warden couple, looking after a site have huge responsibilities delegated to them, so much could go wrong. But the wages won’t truly reflect this. Wages and energy costs are usually the two single budget headings that are most expensive, so they are either squeezed or prices raised to make up the required deficit. Or something closes. Like Club Site seasons shortening. And two price rises in a single year.

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