People's general complaints

ClubMember2A00136309 replied on 27/08/2018 20:05

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:05

I've just read a lengthy complaint about someone moaning about dogs and their owners. As a dog owner I do sympathise but at the same time I have found people with and without children, young and old to be equally as obnoxious. I go away for a quiet break in quiet surroundings, I don't expect children and adults (in particular) to walk across my pitch, be very loud, shout and be downright  rude. Maybe everyone ought to stop watching, learning and behaving as if they are part of EastEnders and a Jeremy Kyle show. 

Takethedogalong replied on 29/08/2018 14:19

Posted on 29/08/2018 14:19

Sorry you have decided to determine the post as snobbish BB. I just had no idea that Bingo, Balloon artistry and the winner of "Torbay's Got Talent" are so popular. Came as a bit of a shock to find the Club actually provided such an entertainment programme. At least I now know why the fees are high at times, all those entertainers to pay. What can I say? The Club are providing more for their customers. cool

JVB66 replied on 29/08/2018 14:33

Posted on 29/08/2018 14:33

Dear Ro ,if people on site these days are not so keen to put their head above the parapet and then moan what "upset " them on social media,or in site reviews instead of speaking to the site staff, then the replies they will receive from those who will "talk about any "problems" then it will tend to be those who will, and those who always think "it not my place to mention it"

It is down every one to be more proactive  

brue replied on 29/08/2018 18:12

Posted on 29/08/2018 18:12

The entertainment programme provided at Hillhead is family orientated, not excessive and as far as I have seen in the past enjoyed by some, but not all, who visit the site. However not everyone goes to the site for the entertainment, the social complex provides a restaurant/take away, a couple of nice small swimming pools, a shop and a games room. The fees reflect what is provided. The site does get very busy in the school holidays and there is a big mix of people so you can't expect things to be as they would be on a small quiet site elsewhere. Looking at the reviews there are as usual a few complaints but the majority are about enjoying the site and the surrounding area. Therefore why start a thread saying everything is awful, that people are obnoxious and somehow East Enders and Jeremy Kyle are to blame, this smacks of armchair criticism without any foundation or experience of the majority of site users and the actual sites in question.

And as said before, if you find something is going so wrong that it is spoiling your holiday contact the site office or the club. 


Kennine replied on 29/08/2018 18:16

Posted on 29/08/2018 18:16

I would imagine that if a customer had a bad experience on a particular site, they would let other customers know the details,  so others are in a position to either avoid that site or put up with it ----. Using a forum is an excellent way to highlight any deficiencies customers come across. That is being proactive and also helpful. 

K  smile

JVB66 replied on 29/08/2018 18:25

Posted on 29/08/2018 18:16 by Kennine

I would imagine that if a customer had a bad experience on a particular site, they would let other customers know the details,  so others are in a position to either avoid that site or put up with it ----. Using a forum is an excellent way to highlight any deficiencies customers come across. That is being proactive and also helpful. 

K  smile

Posted on 29/08/2018 18:25

And if they had a "bad incident?"  I would think the first port of call would be to the site staff, rather than seems to be the norm these days complain after the "perceived problem"usually long past , ,on a public forum when maybe only their idea of a problem could possibly have been rectified at source by on site staffundecided   

Kennine replied on 30/08/2018 09:58

Posted on 30/08/2018 09:58

If the bad experience is because of the way the site is being run or controlled,   speaking to the site staff will solve nothing.   A complaint to the Head Office is the way to address the issue,  combined with making fellow customers aware via the forum. 


moulesy replied on 30/08/2018 10:27

Posted on 30/08/2018 10:27

I think that to a very large extent it's down to the nature of the complaints. If it's something factual - showers not working, pitch flooded, interference from outside (as in the recent comments about Cherry Hinton) then the forum is certainly a good way of drawing that to folk's attention. But if it's more a matter of perception ("rude" warden, noisy children, speeding, dog fouling) then complaining on here is pretty pointless other than just letting off steam. And, as we've seen often enough in the past, it's 100% predictable where such threads end up.

young thomas replied on 30/08/2018 16:17

Posted on 30/08/2018 16:17

hillhead certainly isn't everyone's cuppa.....we've been twice, enjoyed it both times.

once well out of season with no pool, entertainment etc...

the second time happened to coincide with the World Cup....the clubhouse atmosphere was great, as you'd expect...

at that time, though, there were still no volume of kids on site, so still quite quiet, but the pool was open and the weather good.

I know this will come as a shock, but I applaud the club for having a site like this (and a couple of others I believe, but we've not been...) and providing a different level of facilities to the club fact, far closer to the sites we use and the facilities we expect when 'away'...

i can see the potential issues in true peak, but away from this, I'm sure we'll try it again....

blooming expensive thoughwink

replied on 30/08/2018 16:27

Posted on 30/08/2018 16:27

We have used two such CC sites but not in the least interested with 'provisions' on site. We have used them purely because it is where we have wished to be.

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