People's general complaints

ClubMember2A00136309 replied on 27/08/2018 20:05

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:05

I've just read a lengthy complaint about someone moaning about dogs and their owners. As a dog owner I do sympathise but at the same time I have found people with and without children, young and old to be equally as obnoxious. I go away for a quiet break in quiet surroundings, I don't expect children and adults (in particular) to walk across my pitch, be very loud, shout and be downright  rude. Maybe everyone ought to stop watching, learning and behaving as if they are part of EastEnders and a Jeremy Kyle show. 

moulesy replied on 23/10/2018 12:24

Posted on 23/10/2018 12:16 by Clincton

You assume "wrongly" that I may want to book a campsite in September, October, November or December on "frenzy day". Probably why you didn't understand the post? I will probably know in December "frenzy day" what I want to do from March to August like I'd guess most people do.

Not all sites are booked but the popular ones are.

Posted on 23/10/2018 12:24

I'm not quite sure what you're driving at there. As someone who hasn't booked on frenzy day for several years now I think the new system is an improvement and certainly makes it easier for more folk to book with more convenience.

Why is it any more probable that you'll know on December 6th what you want to do next year more than any other date? And what if you don't know and don't decide until January - would you want the club to delay frenzy day until then?

It all seems a bit self centred to me, to be honest unless I'very completely misunderstood what you're asking for.

Tinwheeler replied on 23/10/2018 12:33

Posted on 23/10/2018 12:33

I’m very confused by Clincton. undecided

Is it not a case of booking early if something is very important to you, or being prepared to compromise if you leave it later?


Cornersteady replied on 23/10/2018 13:02

Posted on 23/10/2018 13:02

well personally I think this 'new' system is great for me. I've managed to get on sites that I never would have and fill up my calendar with bookings to look forward to.

Now before anyone accuses me of anything, I actually opposed the new system and said so, but the 'other sites do it this way and the club should follow' posters wanted change (actually the ones who were most vocal were the ones that used club the least) so here we are. The club responded to what members wanted. Democracy in action!

Takethedogalong replied on 05/11/2018 13:53

Posted on 05/11/2018 13:53

Nothing wrong with new booking system IMHO. If you want something, you get organised, get to work and sort it out. It’s a rather good recipe for life as well,

young thomas replied on 06/11/2018 14:14

Posted on 06/11/2018 14:14

if it's a place you want to go, book it (for a few different dates if you like) then as the time gets nearer, dump the ones you don't want....all of them if circumstances have changed.

the booking system is one of the more flexible aspects of the club, as others have said, no deposits, nor (really) any actual commitment., fill yer boots and use the system as it and the rules allow.


Takethedogalong replied on 06/11/2018 17:16

Posted on 06/11/2018 17:16

It works ok. Busy sites, any cancellations get snapped up. None busy site, there will be pitches free anyway, so why worry. The percentage of people who can’t get exactly the dates they need, at a specific site, one year in advance will be negligible. Anyone trying to book a busy site, close to the dates they need should do what we do, book as much as you can, put some effort in to get the other days, or have a fall back.

We are currently hovering over a cottage booking. In 5 days time, all of the three we fancy will be reduced substantially. The saving will pay for our food for the week, so why panic? laughing

JVB66 replied on 06/11/2018 17:31

Posted on 06/11/2018 17:31

We have  so far booked sixteen sites so far, for next year up to september, and have no (major disasters excepted)intention of of cancelling any of them ,some may  even get extended and october onwards still to bookcool


Cornersteady replied on 06/11/2018 20:51

Posted on 06/11/2018 20:51

Seeing how most (if not all?) large commercial sites I’ve looked at have non-refundable deposits and/or full payment within a few weeks of your arrival we should realise how good the club’s systems are.

I do think though that the vast majority of bookings and done with commitment, I think members should be given the credit they deserve in this respect and do value our current system.  

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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