People's general complaints

ClubMember2A00136309 replied on 27/08/2018 20:05

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:05

I've just read a lengthy complaint about someone moaning about dogs and their owners. As a dog owner I do sympathise but at the same time I have found people with and without children, young and old to be equally as obnoxious. I go away for a quiet break in quiet surroundings, I don't expect children and adults (in particular) to walk across my pitch, be very loud, shout and be downright  rude. Maybe everyone ought to stop watching, learning and behaving as if they are part of EastEnders and a Jeremy Kyle show. 

JVB66 replied on 28/08/2018 11:25

Posted on 28/08/2018 11:20 by Oneputt

Glad I don’t spit the dummy or I could be living in multiple countries.

To me peeps are same the whole world doesn’t depend on nationality.  

Posted on 28/08/2018 11:25


Kennine replied on 28/08/2018 12:04

Posted on 28/08/2018 12:04

I like French people, they say what they mean, are polite and have good manners. Also I've never ever seen French children running around between tables or misbehaving in a restaurant. 



Dave L S replied on 28/08/2018 13:48

Posted on 28/08/2018 13:48

The only problem that I have with the French, is that they spit everywhere,  let their dogs crap on the pavement, and leave it there for others to tread in.

So bad in Paris, they have guys going around with big vacuum cleaners, hoovering it up.

Also, they don't understand queuing in line, but push to the front.

Other than that, they are nice people 😉

lornalou1 replied on 28/08/2018 15:31

Posted on 27/08/2018 23:05 by DavidKlyne

 Unfortunately for them I look French and can understand every word. 

This really intrigues me. How do you look French?


Posted on 28/08/2018 15:31

 the onions round the neck give it away. wink

SteveM replied on 28/08/2018 19:31

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:05 by ClubMember2A00136309

I've just read a lengthy complaint about someone moaning about dogs and their owners. As a dog owner I do sympathise but at the same time I have found people with and without children, young and old to be equally as obnoxious. I go away for a quiet break in quiet surroundings, I don't expect children and adults (in particular) to walk across my pitch, be very loud, shout and be downright  rude. Maybe everyone ought to stop watching, learning and behaving as if they are part of EastEnders and a Jeremy Kyle show. 

Posted on 28/08/2018 19:31

 As the person who moaned i find myself agreeing with you. The issue isn't just about dogs messing or lazy dog owners or annoying yapping dogs, it's about having respect for other members' and their right to enjoy peace and quiet whilst caravanning or motorhoming, or camping or whatever. If everyone thought about how the nuisance impacted on their fellow members' then maybe we wouldn't have to make these complaints??

JVB66 replied on 28/08/2018 21:20

Posted on 28/08/2018 12:04 by Kennine

I like French people, they say what they mean, are polite and have good manners. Also I've never ever seen French children running around between tables or misbehaving in a restaurant. 



Posted on 28/08/2018 21:20

Is that in France or when the Children are let loose in other countries,as the group of French students we encountered at a hotel in Spain were a night mare for every one including the staff

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