What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

richardandros replied on 06/10/2024 11:44

Posted on 06/10/2024 11:44

Surgery parking is a particular bone of contention here in Hornsea, WN. Our surgery is next door to the Cottage / Community Hospital - with a shared driveway between them. The surgery car park has about 10 spaces for patients - the remainder being used by staff.  The hospital has a huge car park and given the sporadic nature of visits to that sort of hospital, is empty most of the time.  For years, that parking space was shared between patients of both the surgery and the hospital and as far as I'm aware, worked OK. No doubt someone will argue otherwise.

About 9 months ago, the NHS Trust decided to fit ANPR cameras in the hospital car park which is now designated for hospital patients' use only - and they are dishing out £100 fines to those that fail to comply.

So - yesterday - we had the ridiculous situation of hospital closed and car park empty - yet scores of cars turning up at the surgery with people arriving for their flu jabs and nowhere to park - other than on the fairly narrow road outside - it was chaos.

Smacks of petty squabbles between NHS managers!

Takethedogalong replied on 06/10/2024 12:24

Posted on 05/10/2024 21:29 by DSB

Nice sunny day here today but a little cool.  Off out in the van tomorrow, just for a short break.  Looking at where we can escape most of the rain... so Bridlington looks a good bet! 

We do have a slight problem though... one of our front seats have gone back to Belfield - a warranty issue..... so we've used a couple of seats from the IKEA furniture we have in the conservatory....  😀😀


Posted on 06/10/2024 12:24

Perfect fit🤣

I’m just catching up as well, so commiserations to Bakers, may everyone else’s jabs go as smoothly and well as ours, hope your GD picks up quickly Debsc.

Some nice trip photos. I spotted Bass Rock Nellie, we love it round there. Isn’t the John Muir CP at Dunbar? Think it’s where he was born🤔

We have had rather nice weather these last few days, so I have spent most of my time in between jabs out in the garden. Seed collecting time, and I have planted around 300 bulbs so far. We did a night out at our local theatre as well, saw The Dad’s Army Radio Show, brilliant little show featuring 3 episodes, all the characters played by just two actors. They had the voices and mannerisms off to a tee🤣


heddlo replied on 06/10/2024 14:14

Posted on 06/10/2024 14:14

Hope you get some apologies and answers about the organisation of MIL flu jabs, really bad to expect elderly patients to stand in a queue for that long!  Our Surgery is doing flu and, hopefully, Covid together BUT they can’t guarantee that the Covid one will be there, it depends on supply, and they won’t know until a couple of days before.   Due to that we have booked our Covid jab using the NHS app at a local pharmacy just to make sure!  I agree that the wording/and organisation could be better here too.  OH has been invited for the RSV and they would be in touch.  We heard no more, so I enquired about it when I was down for my annual review- ‘oh we are fully booked now and have no more appointments available’.  I said that the text message never mentioned that we had to book it just that the Surgery would be in touch.  The receptionist made a note and he now has an appointment in two weeks, so not that fully booked then!!  

DEBSC replied on 06/10/2024 14:43

Posted on 06/10/2024 14:43

Strange how lots of these Dr surgery and NHS problems seem similar, I wonder. Can’t get to see a Dr at out surgery for love nor money, maybe a telephone call in a few weeks and if it’s something they need to look at then it’s, ‘send a photo’. 

Thanks for the good wishes for our granddaughter, she phoned this morning to say she is being let out, they took her off some medication after concerns about it damaging her heart but without it she couldn’t keep any food or water down, or any of her medication. She has now been put back on it for a week and then has to go back in for many tests next week. They struggle to feed her in hospital, due to her anaphylaxis and all the food being prepared in one kitchen so she has to have food brought in or bought. I asked her if she had spoken to anyone else in her busy ward, ‘oh yes I’ve been chatting to all of them’ was her response, which, knowing her, wasn’t a surprise. She just wanted to get home for some sleep but fortunately will now be able to spend a bit of time with her sister this afternoon.

KjellNN replied on 06/10/2024 16:04

Posted on 06/10/2024 16:04

We had a good visit to the Anderton Boat Lift yesterday, weather was dry and sunny, though the wind was a little chilly, and we were even lucky enough to see a boat using it.   There is a small, free, visitor centre, with a nice cafe, we had a soup and sandwich lunch which was very tasty.  Parking is nearby, £2 for up to 3 hours, so very reasonable.

Later on we had our final visit to my friend, and another soup and sandwich meal in the evening, also very tasty!


We are staying at the Crab Mill Farm CL Nellie, not far from Broughton but just inside the Welsh border.  Hardstanding with EHU and own water supply, grey waste into hedge.  Shower and WC also available.  Now £20 per night.

Having been alone on site until Friday, we now have 2 neighbours, one with an awning up, so must be staying for a bit.  We generally do not bother with the awning when just the 2 of us, we did bring our outside chairs, but they have not made it out of the car so far.

We are heading up to Kendal tomorrow, so today went over to the retail park at Broughton to fill fuel and get a few essentials.  The place was mobbed!  Very few empty parking spaces near Tesco, store looked busy.

Went along to Aldi, looked like there had been a raid…..lots of empty spaces in the fruit and veg aisles and the stock elsewhere very untidy.  Very busy when we arrived at 13.00, but by 13.30 both shop and car park were much emptier.

moulesy replied on 06/10/2024 19:44

Posted on 06/10/2024 19:44

Poor old Mrs M is currently sporting a very swollen and bruised jaw - and I'm getting some very funny looks on our dog walks! But, no, it's nothing to do with me! When she had her wisdom tooth removed on Thursday they found they could only take it out by cutting round her gum and then stitching it ... ouch! She is being very brave about it though ... what a man! surprised

milliehull replied on 06/10/2024 20:10

Posted on 06/10/2024 20:10

Just catching up on here after a busy few days making the most of the recent good weather doing lots of gardening and also washing.

bakers2 I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. A difficult time for you. However you must be pleased that you and also your brother managed to see her. I expect you will have another trip to Essex in the next few weeks for the funeral. Best wishes.

Lovely photos nellie. It looks like a great trip.

DEBSC I am so sorry to hear that your grandaughter has been back in hospital again.

It is our 2nd eldest grandson's 17th birthday today so we have had a lovely family afternoon at our daughter's. More appointments this week. I have my annual eye test tomorrow morning and then we have our covid jabs at the pharmacy on Wednesday morning and our flu jabs at our GP's in 10 days. It would be a bonus if the pharmacy offers to do our flu jabs also on Wednesday.

Dreadful treatment when your MIL went for her covid jab WN. I cant believe they expected elderly people to stand outside for so long. I hope you get a response to your complaint.


nelliethehooker replied on 06/10/2024 21:48

Posted on 06/10/2024 21:48

Some nice trip photos. I spotted Bass Rock Nellie, we love it round there. Isn’t the John Muir CP at Dunbar? Think it’s where he was born🤔

Tda, yes it is and he was!!laughing Hope most of your chosen seeds bear fruit, as it were! 

Thanks, millie, it has been another good trip so far.

Hope Mrs M is not in any pain for long following the extraction, Moulesy. 

I forgot to mention that we had a phone call yesterday from our doctor's offering us an earier appointment for our jab as they had some spare spots due to cancellation. We can't complain about our clinic whatsoever. 

It has been not such a fine day with some rain during our visit to Tantallon Castle, but it has stayed dry since 12:00 until a short while ago. After lunch we had a walk through Binning Wood, past Bruce's Circle before visiting NTS's Preston Mill.

Another photo with the Bass Rock in the background, for tda!laughing



nelliethehooker replied on 06/10/2024 21:51

Posted on 06/10/2024 21:51

We are staying at the Crab Mill Farm CL Nellie, not far from Broughton but just inside the Welsh border. Hardstanding with EHU and own water supply, grey waste into hedge. Shower and WC also available. Now £20 per night.

Thanks, Kjell, we stayed quite a while ago when it needed a bit of TLC. Glad you had a good day at the Anderton Lift, a fine piece of engineering. We had a good day out there a while ago with the WNs.

DSB replied on 06/10/2024 22:19

Posted on 06/10/2024 22:19

Sitting in the caravan at Bridlington, listening to the rain....!!!  The good thing is we managed to get to Aldi in time to buy a 'duel zone' air fryer.  Haven't switched on the gas yet!  😀😀


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