What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DavidKlyne replied on 09/06/2024 22:25

Posted on 09/06/2024 22:25

Since we sold the motorhome we have been trying to sort out all the gubbins we have left! Whilst I left a lot in the motorhome we still have a few bits an pieces to dispose of. Those bits we wish to sell have been split into two categories, high and low value. Thus far I have had more luck with the higher priced items which have been sold via a motorhome Facebook Group. The lower priced items have been put on Market Place. Sold a couple of bits but no joy with the majority. I think I have been realistic with the lower priced items but I can see that they may end up being given away or thrown away which will be a shame. I have not bothered with EBAY as its just not worth it with the lower priced items. I suppose no hurry to get rid of things and perhaps I should be more patient?



Rufs replied on 10/06/2024 07:01

Posted on 10/06/2024 07:01

"Great service from your NHS Rufs. Hope that the operation went without a hitch."

OH & daughter at hospital 0700 hrs yesterday did not get home until 2100 hrs, daughter said it was very very busy and OH kept getting pushed to back of queue as many emergency cases to deal with, but hey ho 3hrs operation screws & plates but operation looks to have been succesful only time will tell, luckily hospital has had a refurb which includes and new M&S so good food available, also able to use blue badge, parking would have been £15. What a grim morning, dark clouds, rain and very cold yell

Bakers2 replied on 10/06/2024 07:37

Posted on 10/06/2024 07:37

Rufus good news about your OH. Must have been a drag but at least there was a good result. Fingers crossed for a swift healing process. M&S in hospital was my saviour when OH in for 3 months. (Not one in our new local hospital 😪)

We have woken to a wet morning, moisture is needed but not too much thank you, after drying winds. Welcome to our world of grey dark clouds and cold. We've had a couple of decent starts but reverted to type swiftky, generally before mid morning. 

I did manage some gardening but top layer like concrete, moisture below, thus progress was very slow. Got about twice what I did yesterday to do on the borders. Plus some planting of cosmos.

Have got blooms on my sweetpeas, always makes me happy. And buds on my morning glory. 😁

We're on the 2nd broods of starlings and sparrows. Baby robins and blackbird birds probably 2nd broods. Shocked to find a squirrel on the bird feeders the other day. Not seen any in the garden since we moved so will have to find the squirrel proof feeders again and clean them up. Previous folk left their bird feeders, they're RSPB ones. I believe someone has closed their dovecote as we regularly get white and posh pigeons feeding. They are beautiful but very hungry and 10 at a time get through lots of food 😱

milliehull replied on 10/06/2024 10:01

Posted on 10/06/2024 10:01

I didn't realise that you had sold your motorhome DavidK. I must have missed that post.  When we sold our caravan we and our DIL sold a lot of things on various Facebook selling sites and got very good prices.  We were then left with the smaller, cheaper items which we eventually put on Freecycle. The people who came to collect them were all very grateful. Mostly young, first time caravanners just starting out so it was good to help them.

Bakers2 Our local hospital might not have an M&S food but it does have a very good restaurant/cafe upstairs that daughter and I discovered when OH was in hospital various times last year. Their fruit and veg stall just outside the main entrance is very good also. Well done to your grandson on  winning the fancy dress at your local village event. We too have lots blackbirds and very noisy and argumentative starlings on our bird feeders. We hadn't seen any starlings for quite a while so it is good to see them back. 

It is grey, wet and chilly here this morning but daughter has just messaged me to say that our SIL who is on a school trip to Spain (as a teacher not a pupil laughing) has just messaged her to say that it is raining in Spain.

heddlo replied on 10/06/2024 10:02

Posted on 09/06/2024 22:25 by DavidKlyne

Since we sold the motorhome we have been trying to sort out all the gubbins we have left! Whilst I left a lot in the motorhome we still have a few bits an pieces to dispose of. Those bits we wish to sell have been split into two categories, high and low value. Thus far I have had more luck with the higher priced items which have been sold via a motorhome Facebook Group. The lower priced items have been put on Market Place. Sold a couple of bits but no joy with the majority. I think I have been realistic with the lower priced items but I can see that they may end up being given away or thrown away which will be a shame. I have not bothered with EBAY as its just not worth it with the lower priced items. I suppose no hurry to get rid of things and perhaps I should be more patient?



Posted on 10/06/2024 10:02

I didn’t know you had sold your motorhome David, I do remember you saying that you had both been considering it.  I don’t look in here very often so often miss stuff.  When we sold our caravan, rightly or wrongly we did leave some of the smaller items in with it!  Partly because we didn’t want the hassle of getting rid!  Like you we sold the larger items quite easily.  We did have some success with Gumtree, is that similar to Market Place?  Some items did end up at the local recycling tip though.  Good luck.

Sorry to hear about your OH Rufs.  Glad she has been helped so quickly by the NHS, do hope she heals soon although I’m sure it’s going to be a bit sore for a while.  

Since we got back from Macau (4 weeks ago now) OH has been poorly with Bronchitis and had antibiotics, then he got 2 eye infections antibiotic cream for that!  He seems to be over the worst now but still has a cough.  I think we did have a busy 6 weeks and our immune system got a battering from the little grandchildren, who had colds and viruses we aren’t used to!!!   It was good to spend some proper time with them but we have been glad of the rest since coming home.  

heddlo replied on 10/06/2024 15:52

Posted on 10/06/2024 15:52

I’m afraid that as we had the little ones for a couple of weeks on our own ( and needed a breather occasionally!🤣) we resorted to a bit more screen time than Mum and Dad would allow!

KjellNN replied on 10/06/2024 21:28

Posted on 10/06/2024 21:28

 Much as we love spending time with our 2, ages 3 and 6, they can get a bit overwhelming at times!   We have been seeing them quite a bit recently, so it was good to have a “day off” on Saturday, we stayed in bed till almost 10am.

Today however we have been busy baking biscuits, must be at least 120 of them.   DD has volunteered to run a baking stall to raise money for the new playground equipment at Callum’s school, so has roped us in too.   Must be several years since we did any baking other than putting on the bread machine!

The sale is on Friday afternoon, so today we have done the biscuits as they will keep OK, then on Thursday we are to be baking scones.  She has done various other biscuits and cakes.   Just hope she sells a lot of stuff, otherwise we will be eating biscuits and cakes for weeks.

 Must remember we need to get change from the bank for her on Friday morning.

Picked up our new luggage on Sunday for our trip to Norway, hope the cases will survive the trips!

richardandros replied on 11/06/2024 05:58

Posted on 11/06/2024 05:58

Arrived at Sandringham Club site, yesterday afternoon. We managed to escape the rain and most of the high winds although you could tell that there had been an horrendous rain storm, earlier, when we got to the bottom of the Fens. The traffic was horrendous, though.  Never seen it like that - nose to tail on most of the A17.

Was very surprised when we arrived - the site is almost full! So much for comments (including mine!) about CAMC prices being too high. What a contrast to what we saw at Christmas. I'm wondering why??  The weather certainly hasn't improved!

What a lovely, friendly, bunch of people that seem to be here.  Had chats with loads of people as we were setting up. Didn't tackle the awning yesterday - we're saving that delight for this morning! Hopefully we'll get it done before the rain is due!

DSB replied on 11/06/2024 11:45

Posted on 09/06/2024 22:25 by DavidKlyne

Since we sold the motorhome we have been trying to sort out all the gubbins we have left! Whilst I left a lot in the motorhome we still have a few bits an pieces to dispose of. Those bits we wish to sell have been split into two categories, high and low value. Thus far I have had more luck with the higher priced items which have been sold via a motorhome Facebook Group. The lower priced items have been put on Market Place. Sold a couple of bits but no joy with the majority. I think I have been realistic with the lower priced items but I can see that they may end up being given away or thrown away which will be a shame. I have not bothered with EBAY as its just not worth it with the lower priced items. I suppose no hurry to get rid of things and perhaps I should be more patient?



Posted on 11/06/2024 11:45

Although we have no plans to sell, at present, I do seem to have accumulated a lot of extra equipment we no longer use!  We use one of our bedrooms (albeit a very small room) as a 'caravan equipment store'.. 😀😀  Perhaps I need to start to get rid of some of the stuff....  The trouble is, I am a 'keep it just in case' sort of person.... 🤣🤣


DavidKlyne replied on 11/06/2024 12:11

Posted on 11/06/2024 11:45 by DSB

Although we have no plans to sell, at present, I do seem to have accumulated a lot of extra equipment we no longer use!  We use one of our bedrooms (albeit a very small room) as a 'caravan equipment store'.. 😀😀  Perhaps I need to start to get rid of some of the stuff....  The trouble is, I am a 'keep it just in case' sort of person.... 🤣🤣


Posted on 11/06/2024 12:11

I think we were probably the same but now not having either a caravan or a motorhome it tends to concentrate the mind. Somewhere in the garage I have loads of awning pegs of all different varieties, probably of no value but a shame to throw them away. What we probably need is a specialist caravan/motorhome car boot sale!!!  And, of course, once you start thinking about clearing out all the hobby related stuff you suddenly realise you have lots of household stuff being kept "just in case". Just in Case has a lot to answer forsmile


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