What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Tammygirl replied on 16/03/2024 19:34

Posted on 16/03/2024 19:34

Decent dry day here today, very chilly though and last night was freezing. Had a good bit of rain yesterday morning but the afternoon was nice and sunny.

I've been busy at the sewing machine today making covers for our new Isabella chairs. They fold 4 ways like an umbrella and will be much easier to carry in the MH. The covers I made are padded and the cover can easily be removed for washing. The chairs are ok to leave outside even in the rain but I'll need to bring the cushions in.

OH washed the outside and cleaned the inside of the car. The MH can wait a bit yet. Yesterday he cleaned all the gutters out on the house. The benefits of a single story dwelling 🙂

If it's nice tomorrow we might go for a nice drive somewhere, starting to get the itch to go away now all the decorating is finished. 

Have a good weekend all.


Rufs replied on 17/03/2024 07:55

Posted on 17/03/2024 07:55

We have had a reasonable week plenty of sunshine and warmth with the occasional rainy period, the forsythia, magnolia  and some of the apple blosom is now in abundance. Dark and drizzily just now but again not cold,

OH not happy it was sport in your face for most of yesterday on the 2 main tv channels, ok for me, having some probs with ears so difficult to hear the tv, had one go at syringing, going back for second session next Friday when hopefully the Olive oil will have worked its magic,  but i can just sit and watch the sportlaughing

richardandros replied on 17/03/2024 12:08

Posted on 17/03/2024 12:08

We had summer yesterday and it was good whilst it lasted but back to rain and grey skies once more.  It was actually T-shirt weather during the morning with this big yellow thing in the sky - most unusual! Still, made the most of it and gave the outside of the van a thorough cleaning - even opened all the windows and cleaned the accumulated grime (especially the front ones) from underneath them. Then I set to and started polishing and after doing the front and the back, I'd had enough! Finish off tomorrow, I thought, since at that time it was forecast to be dry again today.  Forecasters clearly got it wrong, so having a relatively lazy day todaysmile.

Wherenext replied on 17/03/2024 15:17

Posted on 17/03/2024 15:17

A local walk this morning for me. it was quite warm in the sun and good to see all of the new shoots coming through and hear the first migrant songbirds that have just arrived.

Gardening for an hour or so this afternoon. Ground still sodden so concentrated on hedge pruning before nesting starts in earnest.

I need to give our caravan a good cleaning too, Francis and Richard. On the to-do list. Surprising how dirty they get standing still.

nelliethehooker replied on 17/03/2024 21:47

Posted on 17/03/2024 21:47

We had a fine sunny day yesterday before more rain in the evening.  Visited Bamburgh and had a very pleasant walk of 3 ml or so along the beach before lunch and then another around the Castle walls in the afternoon.

Today started off grey and misty. We went to Cocklawburn for a couple  of walks on the shore, where are some interesting geological features including a good example of limestone pavement. There is an old Limekiln now on a precariously position due to coastal erosion. When we got near it we spotted a seal pup on the rocks beneath  it, so stayed well back. If one looks closely one can just about spot the pup. ( Better photo in Wildlife section) It was a mixed afternoon  with periods of sunshine interspersed with an odd rainshower. 

vbfg replied on 18/03/2024 09:37

Posted on 15/03/2024 20:41 by DavidKlyne


Sounds very odd that you weren't given precise instructions? A lot of stitches these days just dissolve so there is no need to have them out. Obviously if you have any worries you just need to make an appointment to see a practice nurse who will decide if further action is needed. But from what you say it seems as if it will be fine. 


Posted on 18/03/2024 09:37

Sorry to hijack your post, but I recall reading  your recommendation about a rotating cleaning brush for cleaning vans.  May I ask what make and model it is?

richardandros replied on 18/03/2024 12:20

Posted on 18/03/2024 09:37 by vbfg

Sorry to hijack your post, but I recall reading  your recommendation about a rotating cleaning brush for cleaning vans.  May I ask what make and model it is?

Posted on 18/03/2024 12:20

I think it was actually the other David (DSB) who made the recommendation.  It was this one.

I bought one last year and used it for the van roof for the first time, a couple of weeks ago and was most impressed with it. It's also good for cleaning the showers in the house.

Rufs replied on 18/03/2024 14:51

Posted on 18/03/2024 14:51

Interesting article in the mornings press, now busily looking at properties in MK.laughing

cracking day again but had to stay at home waiting for an electrician, 1 of our ceiling lights in the shower room is not working, changed the bulb but it looks like the cable from the transformer has burnt out, but not a major problem, or so i thought, we have Corgi insurance, so electrician dutifully arrived 1030 ish only to announce that as the 12v transformer is in the loft he could not do the repair as not allowed into loft space unless it is boarded, which ours isnt, and why should it be we dont need it, further he claimed that transformer not covered on insurance, nothing wrong with transformer it is just the cable from the transformer that has attached the bulb holder, now waiting for local guy to call but on closer inspection i could probably have done the repair myselfundecided

Wherenext replied on 18/03/2024 16:11

Posted on 18/03/2024 16:11

It won't be long before they're fixing pensioners with a dating service with AI robots, maybe on something called "Robbie" (for those with long memories and have seen Forbidden Planet)smile

Escaped this morning. The pair of us skiddadled to Chester, but only for a dental check-up.frown A kind neighbour sat in for us with MiL, who didn't like the idea off being baby sat. Tough. It was nice to break the current monotony.

milliehull replied on 18/03/2024 16:56

Posted on 18/03/2024 16:56

I was 'stood up' on Saturday. I was on tour duty at the Cathedral and the 2 people that were booked on the tour didn't turn up!  Very annoying. I stayed for an hour and chatted to some of the visitors wandering about and answered a few questions so my time wasn't entirely wasted. Yesterday teemed with rain until about 2.00pm when the sun came out but it was too wet to do anything in the garden unfortunately. Today the weather has been good (by recent standards) as it has been dry with some sunny intervals so OH has been busy in the garden all day and it looks a lot better. I expect he will be inspecting the inside of his eyelids on the sofa all evening!wink I have caught up on a lot of jobs that needed doing in the house and also sorting out some paperwork which has been waving at me for a week or two.

I am glad you managed to get out WN even if it was just to the dentists. They say a change is as good as a rest! I hope MIL is improving and that she has no after effects from her fall in the night which must have given you all a bit of a fright.

Lovely photos nellie such a lovely part of the world.

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