What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

RedKite replied on 02/01/2024 14:28

Posted on 02/01/2024 14:28

Thanks Ttda more antiseptic spray on it this morning and taped up as you good stuff and he is walking around ok just wearing the right footwear.

Not got the strong winds rufs thankfully had enough of them recently.

Did managed a couple of garden chores trimmed some plants back and planted the crocus bulbs into a small pot.

Takethedogalong replied on 02/01/2024 14:56

Posted on 02/01/2024 14:56

It’s awful up here today, very dark for daytime, and torrential rain bouts in between lighter showers. It’s dropping colder as well.

We have just had a Sparrow Hawk land on the Pyracantha that is around Mum’s bay window. I can see the Spuggies quaking in the tall bit that rises up between bay and front door. They are too frightened to pop out to use window feeder. Not often you see a SH that close up😳 Gone now, but she will be watching……..

DSB replied on 02/01/2024 15:31

Posted on 02/01/2024 14:56 by Takethedogalong

It’s awful up here today, very dark for daytime, and torrential rain bouts in between lighter showers. It’s dropping colder as well.

We have just had a Sparrow Hawk land on the Pyracantha that is around Mum’s bay window. I can see the Spuggies quaking in the tall bit that rises up between bay and front door. They are too frightened to pop out to use window feeder. Not often you see a SH that close up😳 Gone now, but she will be watching……..

Posted on 02/01/2024 15:31

Same here in N Warks, TDA.  Nasty day - staying indoors.  Our daughter and S-in-L are heading back home to the Outer Hebrides today.  They started out at 4am!!  Just had a message to say they are N of Aviemore.  They say the roads are slushy but I don't think they are having as much rain as we are here.....  it's 'throwing it down' here.   Hope the weather gets a bit better soon...   especially for when we make use of our 'free night' at Castleton... 😀  It'd be a shame if the price we pay for a free night came packaged with a flood!!  🤣


milliehull replied on 02/01/2024 16:09

Posted on 02/01/2024 16:09

Same here tda. Absolutely throwing it down. Made the mistake of driving over to Stamford as I needed to change a Christmas present bought from Joules by our son and DIL (we no longer have a Joules in P/B😩). The roads were awash and it was no fun going round the shops in the teeming rain. Present successfully changed (sales assistant so very helpful), had a coffee and came home. 

I hope your OH's foot is soon better RK. Our local son has diabetes and our DIL has at last persuaded him to wear slippers in the house to protect his feet. He always used to walk round in socks.

Hope those out and about on the roads stay safe.

HelenandTrevor replied on 02/01/2024 17:05

Posted on 02/01/2024 17:05

Have now arrived home after our New Year break, enjoyed a lovely last day when the sun actually came out. Walked the Sett Valley Way in the morning and then travelled to meet youngest son and his girlfriend  in Glossop.

Amost packed up the van in the dry, light rain started as we hooked up. Journey home okay, very wet roads some flooding in places but not windy. Haven't unpacked the caravan as the heavy rain and strong winds arrived just after we got home, so will hopefully get that done tomorrow.

Ttda, what a lovely necklace.



nelliethehooker replied on 02/01/2024 21:48

Posted on 02/01/2024 21:48

We too have had torrential rain for most of the day. Everywhere is soaking wet, and we have a flood outside of the caravan door. Drove into Shrewsbury for foodstuff and filled up with diesel at Asda at 142.7p, the cheapest we have found for a while. The roads are flooded in places all around here, and the site owner has suggested an alternative route for tomorrow, which she will check out for us  before we leave....very good of her.

Hope we can get packed up in the dry in the morning, H&T,  just as you did. Sounds as if you had a better day than most yesterday.

Good to read that you daughter and SIL are well on their way back home, David. Fingers crossed that they get back safely.

Good sighting of the Sparrow Hawk,  tda. Did you manage to get a photo of it?

Takethedogalong replied on 02/01/2024 22:32

Posted on 02/01/2024 15:31 by DSB

Same here in N Warks, TDA.  Nasty day - staying indoors.  Our daughter and S-in-L are heading back home to the Outer Hebrides today.  They started out at 4am!!  Just had a message to say they are N of Aviemore.  They say the roads are slushy but I don't think they are having as much rain as we are here.....  it's 'throwing it down' here.   Hope the weather gets a bit better soon...   especially for when we make use of our 'free night' at Castleton... 😀  It'd be a shame if the price we pay for a free night came packaged with a flood!!  🤣


Posted on 02/01/2024 22:32

If you are going to Castleton later this week, or next week, forecast isn’t too bad, dry but very cold. We are keeping an eye on there as we might drop in for a couple of nights, it’s not far from home. It’s a dodgy one, as it can snow over there, hence our not booking in. 

No photo Nellie, it shot down, looked at us through the window, then took off again, quick as a flash. It’s around all the time, and not frightened to get close to house.

Thanks for the necklace compliments, I enjoyed making it. I love pearls, still got some left for other projects. 

Fisherman replied on 03/01/2024 13:44

Posted on 03/01/2024 13:44

Just completed my annual, feathering and gutting of free range, corn fed pheasants. Excellent food for free. Some Who hey henry has paid £50 per head to shoot them and off in his Range Rover leaving this food behind. Madness but OK with us who get them for free. If you have a shoot near you speak to the keepers and they will oblige. Bit of work cleaning them but superb food and much healthier and eco friendly than supermarket chickens.

Wherenext replied on 03/01/2024 14:14

Posted on 03/01/2024 14:14

We have several shoots locally but the shooters do tend to "tidy up" afterwards although the organiser is an old friend of one of our elderly neighbours and they always receive a bird or two for their freezer. Can't get my head around shoots unless to keep numbers down where it affects local wildlife and fauna (like culling deer) but especially people who kill these birds and then don't have the decency to at least eat them. Anyway enough of that line.

Been exceptionally wet even for here. Haven't done much outdoors except visit the recycling centre and visit the doctors for an appointment yesterday. Just had a phone call from them saying a doctor wants a face-to-face meeting so am waiting for a call back as to when. I don't like turning these appointments down, who does, but did ask whether it was duplicating yesterdays visit or as a result of it. I'll await developments.

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