What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Tammygirl replied on 24/04/2021 21:19

Posted on 24/04/2021 21:19

First phone Mum & Dad had was in 1966 when we moved to Scotland.

We had our first phone in 1980 when we moved to Soest in Germany, before that we were not allowed to have phones in military quarters.

Slow start to the day weather wise but it did turn out nice around lunchtime, lovely blue skies but still a bit of a cold wind.

More jobs around the van and house.

Grandkids came back up the road today, other grandparents did the halfway pick up this time. Off to their house tomorrow morning for brunch (outdoors) with them and the Gkids before they go back to boarding school in the afternoon smile their Dad is still in America, Texas. Exercise finished but having to isolate as one in his bubble has tested positive cry he's not a happy bunny as he has now missed seeing his kids before they go back. Won't be able to see them now until Mid June.

brue replied on 25/04/2021 09:15

Posted on 24/04/2021 17:13 by DavidKlyne

Another delight of staying on Club sites before mobile phones was the evening queue for the site phone, obviously too expensive to phone during the daywink


Posted on 25/04/2021 09:15

Doesn't seem that long since I did that at Clumber Park......wink

Just about recovered from the final sleepless night in Cornwall, the en route garden visit and the drive home then up early today to fetch the cat and wait for food delivery. OH had to sign more papers for our neighbours on arrival yesterday, another member of their family was there, not seen for a long time, if only they'd topped up the food supply at the same time.

PS We drove past Carnon Downs, no club signs up yet.

Jabs tomorrow...lovely weather, our greenhouse seedlings have survived but everywhere is parched.

Takethedogalong replied on 25/04/2021 10:05

Posted on 25/04/2021 10:05

So dry isn’t it Brue๐Ÿ˜• We have a low% chance of rain forecast later this week, but it changes daily. Water butts have been empty for weeks, I had to change water in one small pond yesterday it was going cloudy. Bit of choice hand watering just to keep things alive. Hot in day, but temperature plunges at night, daren’t put greenhouse plants out.

Second jab day for Sis and me today. 

ABM replied on 25/04/2021 11:32

Posted on 25/04/2021 11:32

Good luck to all those getting their second vaccinations today --  The Better the Day The Better the Deed as the saying goes smile. Its as dry as the Sahara desert round here so it'll have to be one watering can full for each bush as well as one for the bird bath today yell

Takethedogalong replied on 25/04/2021 12:31

Posted on 25/04/2021 12:31

A good reminder ABM to fill up bird baths๐Ÿ‘ We have them dotted all over (old dustbin lids sunk into ground some of them) getting lots of use๐Ÿ˜

DavidKlyne replied on 25/04/2021 12:46

Posted on 25/04/2021 12:46

On the subject of campsite phones. On one site I couldn't get a signal on my mobile (early days of mobile phones) and had to use the site phone booth. What surprised me as how expensive it was to make a phone call, particularly the minimum fee!!

Before we had mobile phones BT used to issue a card which you could use to phone your home number. Struggling to remember how they worked but I think you inserted the card into a pay phone and entered a key. They were handy when I was at work and needed to phone Margaret. We also got them for both boys as they use them to phone us if they needed to, particularly useful to Paul when he was at Uni. Anyone remember what they were called?


Tinwheeler replied on 25/04/2021 13:05

Posted on 25/04/2021 13:05

I don’t remember the phone home cards, David, but I recall being able to purchase prepaid cards for use in payphones equipped with the necessary slots. BT used to send out complimentary ones sometimes, particularly if a customer had been inconvenienced in some way.๐Ÿ˜„

Wherenext replied on 25/04/2021 16:34

Posted on 25/04/2021 16:34

Brue, didn't quite sound the haven of peace and quiet you were seeking but the gardens looked inviting.

Ttda, Is that the same Cholmendly that has the small pile in Cheshire?

A day of sorting out things at home before we disappear for a few nights to the Peak District. Mrs WN and myself can fit our clothes for 4 days into a large holdall but MiL has 2 for herself.๐Ÿ˜‚

richardandros replied on 25/04/2021 16:53

Posted on 25/04/2021 16:53

Had my second jab yesterday- even though we are away - about an hour away from home - was there bang on the dot at 0900. Very efficient - didn’t feel a thing and even though on anti coagulants, no bruising whatsoever. What a clever lady that wonderful nurse was๐Ÿ˜€ No reaction today and feeling really good as “Richard Two Jabs”๐Ÿš–

Francis replied on 25/04/2021 18:18

Posted on 25/04/2021 18:18

Been a lovely day here today warm and sunny. We spent 3 hours this morning getting the caravan cleaned out inside and emptied a lot of things out that we don’t need it’s amazing what you find. We haven’t been away in the van since November and found bulbs we had bought in a garden centre to plant in the garden at home. Any way van all nice and clean now and hopefully a bit lighter ready for the off at the end of the week. Just cooked dinner on the BBQ tonight and now just sitting in the sun out in our summer house. 

Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend 

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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