What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Takethedogalong replied on 18/03/2021 19:43

Posted on 18/03/2021 17:51 by moulesy

We have had to wait just over a month but today was Dad's funeral service. Obviously just a small number of close family, including a couple of cousins of his who I hadn't met since we were all children. Lovely weather and a nice service, a fitting way to remember him.

These flowers weren't done by a professional, but by his grandson's mother in law - we thought they were a match for anything a qualified florist might provide.  smile

Posted on 18/03/2021 19:43

Kind thoughts to all your family M, you have had it very rough this year. The flowers are beautiful, lovely personal touch.

milliehull replied on 18/03/2021 19:52

Posted on 18/03/2021 19:52

WN, we had a wonderful Independant councillor for many years. He always responded promptly when contacted and usually managed  to sort out the problem. He often walked 'his patch' to see first hand if there were any obvious problems and to talk to residents. Sadly he retired a few years ago and both our local councillors are 'tied' to one or other of the main political parties. We dont get the same service at all.

That is absolutely disgraceful behaviour from the customers in the hairdressers. Those people should be ashamed of themselves.


Wherenext replied on 18/03/2021 20:00

Posted on 18/03/2021 20:00

Millie, we did have a problem a few years ago with trees belonging to an estate that were encroaching over our garden. The Estate employed a local Estate Land Management company that failed to respond to my requests for a visit to discuss work. I got in touch with the councillor, who paid a visit to see for herself and within 1 day the top man at the LEM arrived, agreed the work to be done which it was. It's good to see someone who carries through with their promise and who genuinely seems to care about her constituents. A rare thing these days.

The Hairdressing Salon owner did say she would be having a cull of certain clients. I'm just hoping she meant from her customer base and not something a bit more sinister, although Mrs WN did say she's not to be messed with.smile

Happy to say that I don't have any problems with my hairdresser.laughing

Tammygirl replied on 18/03/2021 21:04

Posted on 18/03/2021 21:04

Lovely day here today, so more time in the garden for me.  OH spent the morning digging holes at the 'Men's Shed' orchard, they go down on Tuesdays and Thursdays, dig holes one day, plant trees the other. 

This afternoon we both went down and planted daffodil and crocus's that I've been growing in pots over winter. Hopefully in the years to come they will spread and look nice, the bees from the hive will find them I'm sure.smile

CT, a number of years ago we found out that our neighbour was in a different band to us (lower) they had a conservatory, garage etc which we didn't have. We took the 'Money saving' experts advise and applied to the council to have our band looked at, long story short after some to and fro's we got our band dropped to a 'B' (they are not allowed to put up neighbours band) we got a cash payment as well as the monthly drop. We told our other neighbour who was in the same original band as us,  she also got the cash payment and her band reduced. smile

Wills and POA, under lockdown we have taken the time out to set both of these up smile just got to sort out funeral plans now.


ABM replied on 18/03/2021 21:34

Posted on 18/03/2021 21:34

Good to here that the service went off well, Moulesy and the flowers were beautiful. A sad day obviously, but at least some more relatives for you to remember from your childhood. Will be thinking of you and yours this weekend.

nelliethehooker replied on 18/03/2021 21:36

Posted on 17/03/2021 23:03 by Wherenext

Sometimes it's the only way to sort it out B2. I remember having root canal treatment which went on for months and then one day whilst sat in the chair decided I'd had enough and asked her to take it out there and tgen. Mrs WN did suggest I use a dentist. Only kidding.

The female Dentist (Dentiste?undecided, Dentista?undecided) agreed it was probably best and gleefully extracted the blighter. Paracetemols only for the root so I have every sympathy for Mrs N. Mind you she has NTH to put with so a bit of root canal problem is minor stuff.wink

Posted on 18/03/2021 21:36

Thanks for those kind thoughts, WN, I thought you were a friend of mine!!wink

nelliethehooker replied on 18/03/2021 21:45

Posted on 17/03/2021 23:03 by Takethedogalong

Oooo, poor Mrs Nellie😱 I had something like that a few years ago and the pain is off the scale. Hope things settle down quickly now it’s gone, I still carry paracetamol or ibuprofen everywhere with me to this day. Give her a big hug from us👍

Posted on 18/03/2021 21:45

Thankfully all has settled down and she had a good night's sleep, with no bleeding. 

She sends her thanks for all your good wishes, and appreciated the hug from the tda's.

B2, she had been offered the choice of root canal treatment or extraction  a couple of weeks ago, as it was a capped tooth that was playing up, but she chose to have it out,,except the infection developed before the date for the extraction, so it turned into a emergency.The dentist was,able to drain it all out but it took a while for it to stop bleeding,  However all is well now.

nelliethehooker replied on 18/03/2021 21:56

Posted on 18/03/2021 19:42 by milliehull

It sounds as though you gave your Dad a wonderful send off Moulesy. I am so glad the weather smiled on you.  The flowers are absolutely beautiful.

Posted on 18/03/2021 21:56

I'll second millie's comments. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time, M.

brue replied on 18/03/2021 22:35

Posted on 18/03/2021 22:35

A good send off for your Dad Moulesy and beautiful flowers too.

Pleased to hear Nellie's OH is feeling better.


We've just had a terrible Zoom meeting with our gardening club, the first one was brilliant but tonight we had a speaker with nothing interesting to speak about and she had slow bandwidth which reduced her voice to a low pitched drawl....luckily we were all muted so she couldn't hear our comments!! (But video pictures painted a thousand words....laughing)

I now realise that anyone who has to do these Zoom meetings on a regular basis needs tender loving support to aid recovery!!

KjellNN replied on 18/03/2021 23:12

Posted on 18/03/2021 23:12

We have had 2 very sunny days, even quite warm too, and some good news from the FM the other day.........as DD has a  child under the age of 1 year, grandparents  are now permitted to visit to give support, so we have been able to help with laundry,  cleaning and dishwashing to allow DD to catch up on some sleep.

OH has started taking Nathan out for long walks as he sleeps better with more fresh air due to having a stuffy nose.  And I have started the joinery work in the bedroom that he will use soon.  DD is hoping to get the builders in to repair her roof soon, so needs all the stored materials out of the way as the area to be repaired has to be emptied of all furniture, and there is only limited space to store things.  Some stuff will have to be put out in the hall, the rest will be moved into the unaffected part of the lounge, and they will have to sit elsewhere for a few weeks.

Little   Nathan has a terrible cold, in fact we all do.  Callum has caught one off a child at nursery and kindly shared it with us.  DD is in a bad way with a terrible cough, and has almost lost her voice, so  between that and the children waking during the night at various times, she is sleep deprived.  Today she had had no sleep after 3am, so when we arrived at 10.30am, as Nathan had just fallen asleep, she handed him over and went to bed, I think she slept for 4 hours.

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