What does your water contain?

Merve replied on 23/02/2017 18:26

Posted on 23/02/2017 18:26

  • As we are all into health being caravanners- This should interest just about everyone! About 3 weeks ago I was contacted by my son who asked me to go to YouTube and watch a video called ' The journey of water' This video is of a lecturer in front of a class telling them about the appalling state of our water and the tricks and chemical manipulation used to blind us to the truth about what we are drinking from our taps. Now, this video is American but I can assure you( with photographic evidence) that our water is just as bad. Having watched the video, I immediately ordered a water distiller and have been drinking completely pure water now for two and a half weeks. I won't bore you here with the ins and outs but my photo- the first one I have ever put on CT- shows the crud, filth and deposits from just 20 lts of our tap water distilled through my machine!! I would have drunk this under normal circumstances and the smell is appalling by the way!! I replace the minerals in it by using dissolvable mineral sea salt (half a teaspoon in 4 lts which is the capacity of my machine) I invite you all to watch this video and to see just what you are consuming in what should be, the purest drink you can get. He also covers bottled water and filtered water - that will be an eye opener too. Having said that, well filtered water is much better than nothing and being non EHU, that's what I will have to do while away. Have I noticed a difference- yes! My joints don't ache so much and I have more energy! Coincidence? I doubt it. I'm not consuming 80,000 chemicals including estrogen! Petro chemicals , pesticides and goodness knows what else! 

DSB replied on 09/03/2017 15:25

Posted on 09/03/2017 15:25

I tend only to drink bottled water both at home and in the caravan - apart from water when it's boiled (for tea, coffee etc).  How does bottled water fit into the scale of horribleness?  


brue replied on 09/03/2017 15:32

Posted on 09/03/2017 15:32


I'd happily drink Malvern Water! Straight from the rocks! BUT if i do drink bottled water I check for sodium content, I certainly wouldn't add it to water unless via a drip administered by a medic. wink

Merve replied on 25/03/2017 17:29

Posted on 09/03/2017 15:25 by DSB

I tend only to drink bottled water both at home and in the caravan - apart from water when it's boiled (for tea, coffee etc).  How does bottled water fit into the scale of horribleness?  


Posted on 25/03/2017 17:29

Well, it's better than tap water David. The general consensus of opinion is that 25% of 'bottled' water is just very well filtered TAPolena! I use filtered water on the caravan as I am non EHU and can't use my distiller. Since I posted my original photograph I have been very careful to make sure the plastic jug I use to fill it is scrupulously clean and that nothing but the tap water I fill it with is in there on transfer so that I can be absolutely sure that any foreign bodies in the distiller have come through the tap- So why are there hairs in there?  3 were found this morning and they do look like either pet hairs (which we haven't got) or pubic hairs ( and I am not in the habit of filling it in the nude!)  I kid you not, along with a white jelly substance and the usual general dirt and disgusting smell? I have the evidence of my own senses and I am not yet ga ga- Water is a substance that should be totally neutral, has no taste and no smell. I am told I am made of chemicals and that is generally true but the good Lord only chose certain chemicals. He did not choose Aluminium Sulphate, Flouride and any number of others. They are foreign to the body and therefore I don't want them inside me! Having said that, I have just returned from Scotland after visiting my daughter and their water is totally different to ours. There is no limescale in the kettle showing it to be much softer and it appears to be much cleaner. Perhaps it's just our area that has poor water quality?

ChemicalJasper replied on 26/03/2017 09:31

Posted on 26/03/2017 09:31

Lol Merve!

1. The 'good Lord' did not put you there, you have evolved over millions of years from the first single cell organisms.

2. Fluoride is natural and is found in and required by teeth and bones, whether it is added to your local water or not, as you would consume it in plant food or in say a drink of Tea (which I know you drink!)

Tea plants readily absorb fluoride from soil an average cup contains 3 to 4 parts ppm fluoride from the tea leaf!

....so not foreign to the body at all!

If you are going to science...then science!  laughing


Merve replied on 26/03/2017 21:30

Posted on 26/03/2017 21:30

Now I know where you're coming from CJ! I certainly believe you did develop from a one cell creature over millions of years- I didn't! Please CJ- you have a water filter!! Somewhat blows your protestations out of the water doesn't it? You do your science and I'll do mine OK? I notice you omit to mention the downsides of  consuming flouride? Like bone brittleness, bone spurs, calcified ligaments etc - I drink clean water - period! End of.

Merve replied on 26/03/2017 22:10

Posted on 26/03/2017 22:10

Oh, and please explain how hairs got through my taps if your water theories are so good? With all the BS in the world, you can't tell me that is natural or perhaps you can? Perhaps you will! If you can't, then what else is coming through?? You obviously love to misunderstand for the purpose of mischief so let me explain. My point regarding flouride wasn't about the stuff found in nature that we all know about, it was the extra flouride they put in water which is not natural although I'm sure you'll protest that it is - therefore you have the added flouride added to the natural flouride taking it to levels which are higher than they are naturally. Strong tea has been the cause of problems in the past as regards flouride so I really can't see how more flouride helps the situation. We do not need fluoridation of water and you have unwittingly helped me prove that- thank you.  Please, feel free to show your complete understanding of the science of the natural world. We are indeed lucky to have one such as you, but, I know what I see in my distiller and I know the stink it emits and all the insults and pseudo intellectual BS won't and can't change that. 

ChemicalJasper replied on 26/03/2017 22:11

Posted on 26/03/2017 22:11

Lol,  so you are saying that you are still a single celled organism? 😂😂😂

 There is not 'my' science and 'your' science,  there is just science.  Anecdotal heresay,  is not a version of science. 

You clearly state that fluoride should not be in your body,  but without it you would have no bones or teeth! 

What more can I say? 🙊

Yes I use a filter,  it tastes better,  but not for any other reason. 👍☺


triky auto replied on 26/03/2017 23:02

Posted on 26/03/2017 23:02

undecided Hmmm, I DETEST the taste of "flouride " too.Since living in Spain (then 30 years ago) when snails ,worms etc appeared in the toilet tank flush ,and in the tap aereater/filter ,i chose to purchase and drink/use bottled water .The tea/coffee tastes better ,my additives ,minerals etc come from diet ,fruit or supplements,.Also having seen the resoviors lakes ,rivers etc from which town water is supplied ,with Ducks,anglers,animals drinking "AND " contaminating,there is NO WAY  NO WAY ,would i consume what emerges from a tap yell  yell !!!!!!

ChemicalJasper replied on 26/03/2017 23:23

Posted on 26/03/2017 23:23

 I agree open water sources are not the best! 

Interesting you can taste the fluoride,  it is generally classified as tasteless. Typically it is the sulphur compounds that make things taste bad and smell bad,  we have evolved to detect them at very low levels because they are associated with rotting foods and death. 

E.g. mercaptans / thiols,  which can be detected at 10 parts per billion by humans

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