What does your water contain?

Merve replied on 23/02/2017 18:26

Posted on 23/02/2017 18:26

  • As we are all into health being caravanners- This should interest just about everyone! About 3 weeks ago I was contacted by my son who asked me to go to YouTube and watch a video called ' The journey of water' This video is of a lecturer in front of a class telling them about the appalling state of our water and the tricks and chemical manipulation used to blind us to the truth about what we are drinking from our taps. Now, this video is American but I can assure you( with photographic evidence) that our water is just as bad. Having watched the video, I immediately ordered a water distiller and have been drinking completely pure water now for two and a half weeks. I won't bore you here with the ins and outs but my photo- the first one I have ever put on CT- shows the crud, filth and deposits from just 20 lts of our tap water distilled through my machine!! I would have drunk this under normal circumstances and the smell is appalling by the way!! I replace the minerals in it by using dissolvable mineral sea salt (half a teaspoon in 4 lts which is the capacity of my machine) I invite you all to watch this video and to see just what you are consuming in what should be, the purest drink you can get. He also covers bottled water and filtered water - that will be an eye opener too. Having said that, well filtered water is much better than nothing and being non EHU, that's what I will have to do while away. Have I noticed a difference- yes! My joints don't ache so much and I have more energy! Coincidence? I doubt it. I'm not consuming 80,000 chemicals including estrogen! Petro chemicals , pesticides and goodness knows what else! 

ChemicalJasper replied on 04/03/2017 16:38

Posted on 24/02/2017 19:47 by Merve

It certainly is JCB- no one is getting out of here alive as they say. I am on no medication and don't intend to be! It's not about extending your life although if I can have another 5 years caravanning because of what I am doing now, then that has to be a plus- it's all about the quality of life- There is enough evidence available, if one really wants to research this, to frighten the living cr*p of of you. We are not meant to drink what they supply through the modern tap -  period!! I'm not saying either that I have the perfect answer- what with distillation. Ionisation. Reverse osmosis etc etc it's confusing to say the least. What is known is that acidic water is bad for you and alkaline water is better. Cancer thrives in an acidic body whereas they tell us they can't survive in an alkaline body. I quote the medical professional here, it's not some weird idea I've come up with- I just know that I am not drinking the filth that they call tap water. I can't run with this argument regarding minerals- it's rather like saying " eat this poisoned porridge because the oats are good for you" - I'm almost sorry now that I even tried to warn people about what they are feeding you but there you go! Water is the single most important nutrient we need- so I want mine clean- simples! 

Posted on 04/03/2017 16:38


There is no evidence whatsoever for alkali diet - again more pseudoscientific nonsense, promoted by dubious people selling fad diets!

There is no connection between what foods the proponents of these diet recommend and the actual pH of those foods. This betrays the fact that acidity and alkalinity are used only to reference a chemical concept that people are likely to remember from school mixed with high amounts of nature woo!

The fact is that it is impossible to alter the pH of a persons blood without causing severe health concerns. Mammalian blood contains a vast number of different pH buffers which evolved to automatically raise or lower the blood pH if a deviation occurs.These buffers keep the pH of human blood between 7.35 and 7.45. If the buffers become saturated and the pH of the blood is altered more than +/-0.4 pH, death will result.

ChemicalJasper replied on 04/03/2017 17:15

Posted on 03/03/2017 12:00 by Jerryfb

One of the benefits of being in the EU is the requirement of water companies to adhere to very strict guidelines on drinking water quality.  The Drinking water inspectorate ensures that the UK's water companies must provide safe drinking water at the tap.  Each of our water companies must provide a detailed analysis of the quality of the water we drink.  My local report looks like this.  You will have the same report available for your area.  

In the US the EPA recently updated the Clean Water act in response to environmental pollution.  At best you are wasting your money on unncessary filtration and at worst damaging your health.  Distilled and remineralised water is NOT healthy  (here's an article from the World Health Organisation).  

Also bear in mind that other environmental pollutants present a much much greater risk than our drinking water (atmospheric from industry and cars etc etc).  You'd need to make some pretty drastic lifestyle choices to make a dramatic difference.  

Just sayin...



Posted on 04/03/2017 17:15

Well stated Jerry! 

Merve replied on 04/03/2017 18:01

Posted on 04/03/2017 18:01

OK guys, I'll come out with my hands up! I obviously can't convince you so I bow to CJs obvious scientific knowledge of such things. Please let me know CJ the scientific reason why I should drink chemical laden water? It would be much cheaper. If the argument of Camelford won't convince you things aren't right with our water, then nothing will. I don't want to drink Aluminium Sulphate in any amount thank you. Let's forget it and move on. I appreciate your long reply to me- so many things in there that completely goes against what I have read. I didn't say vegetables distill water I was simply saying that because of the way it was formed inside the plant, it hasn't got impurities in it- perhaps I didn't explain very well. I don't drink beer but have the odd wine. Tea and coffee made with clean water! 

ChemicalJasper replied on 05/03/2017 01:21

Posted on 05/03/2017 01:21

The main reason you should drink chemical laden water is because everything is a chemical, even water and if you had no chemicals in your glass,  you would be in a vacuum and quite dead!  :-)

Chemical laden as an expression means nothing,  it gives you no indication if the chemicals are good,  bad or indifferent.  

Camelford is a well known case study within the chemical industry and set a great many new standards,  particularly around having specific fittings for different chemicals,  such that they cannot be put in the incorrect tanks (I will assume as you have mentioned it, you know what actually happened, and why it is highly unlikely ever to happen again). 

To clarify I did not say you said plants distil water,  it is a direct quote from the manufacturers website for your machine. 

Again,  if it tastes good,  crack on. It will do you no harm if you are using it as described! 

I apologise if me pointing out the simple scientific facts is in some way upsetting you, but facts are just that and whilst I am certainly guilty of being a pedant when it comes to psudoscience and woo (and unfortunately the internet is rife with misinformation for the trusting and unwary), my intent is certainly not to upset,  just to inform. Apologies! 





Merve replied on 05/03/2017 07:16

Posted on 05/03/2017 07:16

No need for an apology CJ. It must be that I have read all the false stuff and you all the correct stuff- life is like that sometimes. I'm a little embarrassed to have displayed my total ignorance regarding this. Chemicals and crud are good for me- I must remember that! Thanks for you most valuable advice. 

ChemicalJasper replied on 05/03/2017 08:28

Posted on 05/03/2017 07:16 by Merve

No need for an apology CJ. It must be that I have read all the false stuff and you all the correct stuff- life is like that sometimes. I'm a little embarrassed to have displayed my total ignorance regarding this. Chemicals and crud are good for me- I must remember that! Thanks for you most valuable advice. 

Posted on 05/03/2017 08:28

Lol,  exactly Merve! laughing

You are made of chemicals, as is everything and without them you would not exist,  neither would the universe! 

Science deals in established,  repeatable and testable facts. It's not about reading the right stuff and wrong stuff,  it's about being scientifically literate and being able to spots psudoscience where it quite clearly is at odds to the established fact.

Especially where someone is trying to sell you something expensive that does 'magical or wondrous things' that established science knows nothing about! 

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence! 

See also Dunning-Kruger! 

Merve replied on 05/03/2017 15:12

Posted on 05/03/2017 15:12

Science deals in established, repeatable and testable facts!- what like proving how much crap is in our drinking water? Well , I'll agree with you there CJ. 😂 You have the last word. By the way, The last thing I am is annoyed or upset, it would take so much more believe me. - It's been very revealing! No one tried to sell me anything. I bought it because I wanted clean water for me and my family  and that is all I am guilty of. Looking into my distiller and trying to avoid the smell, I am happy it's in there and not in me. There are tens of thousands of people who have water filters- both expensive and cheaper- I wonder if they suspect they have been conned? mmm if only they had consulted you first they could have saved themselves money! 😂😂Damn! Now please, let's move on!

ChemicalJasper replied on 06/03/2017 06:57

Posted on 06/03/2017 06:57

Science is also about changing ones opinions in line with established facts, even if it is contrary to one preconceived ideas! laughing

I think there is a saying which quite aptly fits this thread..... Something about horses and water! wink

BTW,  we use Bitta type filters in the supply line to the fridge water dispenser to remove some of the bad tasting chemicals in the water and improve the flavour! 

As I have said all along,  nothing wrong with that! 

....I'm just not making any psudoscientific claims about why I do it!  laughing

dmiller555 replied on 06/03/2017 08:32

Posted on 06/03/2017 08:32

I don't know about horses and water as Iv'e never owned one but I can see that it's a bad idea to flog them to death as here. wink

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