What does your water contain?

Merve replied on 23/02/2017 18:26

Posted on 23/02/2017 18:26

  • As we are all into health being caravanners- This should interest just about everyone! About 3 weeks ago I was contacted by my son who asked me to go to YouTube and watch a video called ' The journey of water' This video is of a lecturer in front of a class telling them about the appalling state of our water and the tricks and chemical manipulation used to blind us to the truth about what we are drinking from our taps. Now, this video is American but I can assure you( with photographic evidence) that our water is just as bad. Having watched the video, I immediately ordered a water distiller and have been drinking completely pure water now for two and a half weeks. I won't bore you here with the ins and outs but my photo- the first one I have ever put on CT- shows the crud, filth and deposits from just 20 lts of our tap water distilled through my machine!! I would have drunk this under normal circumstances and the smell is appalling by the way!! I replace the minerals in it by using dissolvable mineral sea salt (half a teaspoon in 4 lts which is the capacity of my machine) I invite you all to watch this video and to see just what you are consuming in what should be, the purest drink you can get. He also covers bottled water and filtered water - that will be an eye opener too. Having said that, well filtered water is much better than nothing and being non EHU, that's what I will have to do while away. Have I noticed a difference- yes! My joints don't ache so much and I have more energy! Coincidence? I doubt it. I'm not consuming 80,000 chemicals including estrogen! Petro chemicals , pesticides and goodness knows what else! 

Qashqai66 replied on 02/03/2017 14:50

Posted on 27/02/2017 18:42 by Merve

The mineral salts I use are 'Gros Sel de Guerande' (Amazon) they are natural and dried in the sun - pure because of the way they form. So yep - been into it. I am not a health freak, - I'll enjoy a burger around the Weber as much as the next guy but I do object to drinking water that has been chemically manipulated to hide the real truth of what it contains - distillation bares it all from the deposits (photo) to the appalling smell or am I missing something? Perhaps water is supposed to stink to high heaven? The fact is, you can protect yourself from the poisons in our water - flouride being one which is nearly as poisonous as arsenic - I kid you not. 

Posted on 02/03/2017 14:50

I am really intrigued by this as I have manifold health challenges with which to cope.

Pippah45 can you be so kind as to tell me the ratio of Sel de Guerande you are adding per litre?

Qashqai66 replied on 02/03/2017 14:54

Posted on 02/03/2017 14:50 by Qashqai66

I am really intrigued by this as I have manifold health challenges with which to cope.

Pippah45 can you be so kind as to tell me the ratio of Sel de Guerande you are adding per litre?

Posted on 02/03/2017 14:54

Apologies, `i have just seen that you mention the ratio at the beginning of this discussion.

Pippah45 replied on 02/03/2017 16:25

Posted on 02/03/2017 16:25

Sorry Qashquai its Merve who is adding minerals - although if you search Amazon I expect the amount will be on the packet?   I haven't got to his level yet - am searching for a really efficient filter to alkalise the water travel with. 

Merve replied on 02/03/2017 22:35

Posted on 02/03/2017 22:35

Qashquai, 1/4 - 1/2 a teaspoon per 4 litres of distilled water. That's all you need. Pippah I think I have found a really good filter for when I'm away. Amazon again I'm afraid! 

Jerryfb replied on 03/03/2017 12:00

Posted on 03/03/2017 12:00

One of the benefits of being in the EU is the requirement of water companies to adhere to very strict guidelines on drinking water quality.  The Drinking water inspectorate ensures that the UK's water companies must provide safe drinking water at the tap.  Each of our water companies must provide a detailed analysis of the quality of the water we drink.  My local report looks like this.  You will have the same report available for your area.  

In the US the EPA recently updated the Clean Water act in response to environmental pollution.  At best you are wasting your money on unncessary filtration and at worst damaging your health.  Distilled and remineralised water is NOT healthy  (here's an article from the World Health Organisation).  

Also bear in mind that other environmental pollutants present a much much greater risk than our drinking water (atmospheric from industry and cars etc etc).  You'd need to make some pretty drastic lifestyle choices to make a dramatic difference.  

Just sayin...



Merve replied on 03/03/2017 17:09

Posted on 03/03/2017 17:09

Well Jerry, thanks for that. We did have our own Clean water Act before the EU you know, anyway, I have just cleaned out the boiler part of my distiller after 24 litres and if you could have seen the material in there I think you would question whether we are being told the truth or not about our drinking water. It had a white gel substance- what the hell that was, goodness only knows , general crud and limescale- inorganic minerals- and the smell of it you have to experience! What does 'safe' mean? - I'll tell you- that it won't give you diarrhoea today! It won't because it's been treated with chemicals - that's why they called it the water 'treatment' works. I would much prefer the term water 'purification ' plant! Clean water is not bad for your health. This is a misnomer and many articles can be found supporting this. I agree that there are also articles supporting the opposite view as I was listening to on YouTube the other evening- turned out this guy sells water filtration systems for households so a little compromised there then!! Pure 'unadulterated ' water is the end result of the natural water cycle. It doesn't contain any chemicals, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Petro Chemicals or any general dirt. The fact is that the water 'treatment' works have millions to supply water to and I find it very plausible that providing 'safe' water means making sure there is nothing in it- i.e. bugs, that will have us all charging to the loo. The long term effects of the....let's say' impurities ' in it are far less certain. People seem to obsess about 'minerals' - the body absorbs 'organic' minerals- not the microscopic bits of rock that are in water- they are 'inorganic' and cannot be used by the body. Why would I drink bits of rock? - minerals are eaten as well as drunk. If you wish to look up Kefir- pronounced Kefeer you will see it is loaded with vitamins and minerals. I make my own every day. My water is pure but I still add 'organic ' minerals to it. I am touched by your faith in the WHO. I'll take my chances with my wholesome, pure water thanks. I accept your argument regarding atmospheric pollution and we could have a whole new discussion on conspiracy theories 'Chem Trails' and the illuminati but at least I've done something to protect my health! 😊

Jerryfb replied on 03/03/2017 18:24

Posted on 03/03/2017 18:24

I do like a good debate.  It is your money after all and you can do with it as you wish.  I used to work in the water industry and know about the water cycle.  Rest assured that the people I came across; their number 1 priority was to provide the safest cleanest drinking water available.  As others have already said - the source of the water determines the treatment provided.  IMHO tap water is the safest and cheapest source of drinking water.  We're very lucky in this country.  

Merve replied on 03/03/2017 20:18

Posted on 03/03/2017 20:18

I agree Jerry, but your reply says it all. ' the source of the water determines the 'treatment' provided. Tap water is the safest and cheapest source of water but it's safe because it's been chemically manipulated to be so. Although not in the way I describe later in this blog!! I'm not after a squabble mate, but the filth in my distiller tells me that it is NOT clean! You only have to look at the photo I submitted. I'm sorry but what can't speak can't lie. - yes , it may be safe because it hasn't got cholera or any other bug - because of chlorine but it's what else is in it that causes long term harm. No one knows that and if they do, they ain't saying anything. Of course, that will never be on a death certificate- Cause of Death - ' drinking tap water over a prolonged period' At one time in our history, when everything was organic and no pesticides or herbicides were leaching into our water courses together with any number of the 80,000 chemicals in our environment including pharmaceuticals like oestrogen from the pill! we could drink from a stream but we wouldn't think about it now. It's a known fact that fish are being affected by these hormones and impurities - why is that if water is so pure? I'm sure that the water industry does its best and has dedicated people but because no one has dropped dead through drinking water, the perception is that everything is OK. I well remember the over dosing of a treatment works in Camelford in 1988 where 20 tonnes of Aluminium Sulphate was inadvertently dumped into the local water supply raising the concentration to 3,000 times the admissible level! As it broke down, it produced several tons of SULPHURIC ACID which stripped a cocktail of chemicals from the pipe networks as well as lead and copper pipe work in people's homes.Many people who came into contact with the contaminated water suffered a range of short-term health effects, and many victims suffered long term effects whose implications remained unclear as late as 2012 and later. There has been no rigorous examination or monitoring of the health of the victims since the incident which is Britain worse mass poisoning event- even worse, - inquests on people who died MANY YEARS LATER, found very high levels of Aluminium in their brains. And frighteningly, immediately after the incident, "the authorities said that the water was safe to drink - and get this - possibly with fruit juice to cover the unpleasant taste.!!! In an inquest in 2012 into the death of one of the victims, the coroner stated that South West Water Authoritiy had been gambling with as many as 20,000 lives- but hey, the government apologised to the victims in 2013 so that's OK then- if it can happen once it can happen again! Michael Meacher, the then former environment minister said that "various associated bodies tried to bury the incident from the start" My distiller would have saved me and my family from that wouldn't it? So, I'll continue drinking pure water, and taking my minerals through what I eat and with the organic minerals I add to my water. I am more than justified and so was the cost.

ChemicalJasper replied on 04/03/2017 16:30

Posted on 24/02/2017 05:55 by Merve

CJ, thanks for your reply. Firstly I think to call it Pseudoscientific Claptrap is rather cruel- especially when it has been proven - scientifically- that these impurities exist. 

Yes, I agree that the body has 'evolved' to deal with impurities. However, the term ' evolved' can be over used and often is to throw a vale over problems. The body has no doubt 'evolved' to deal with impurities to a certain extent although the kids dying by the score worldwide from drinking dirty water might not agree! Chemicals are another matter. These compounds are 'new' and no one knows what the cumulative effect is. 

Yes, I do know exactly where my minerals come from and what's in them- they are totally natural and dried in the sun. To oxygenate the water is just to move it around so that it is not so 'flat' 

You mention semi skimmed milk- milk being a substance that is almost as good as water as it has been 'cleaned' by its host. Sports drinks? Are you serious? Full of processed sugar I think. A poison proved again to be deadly. My machine is a Via Vosa.   It has a carbon filter in the neck to catch any volatile   chemicals boiled off with the water. I have tasted tap water again and it's GOPPING! Diet is all important when using distilled water but is absolutely and perfectly possible- you do not  need to drink minerals( although I do) you can eat them you know. Anyway, as you say, everyone to their own and my own is not to weigh down my immune system with all sorts of poisons. Now getting ready to go to the NEC for the day! Have a good one.

Posted on 04/03/2017 16:30

Hi Merve, apologies that I have not responded to you earlier.

I used the term pseudoscience not in reference to the impurities in water, which obviously exist, but in reference to the pseudoscientific references about the impurities and the claims made by the website (btw - £122 down from £240, wow!).

You say you know exactly where your additional minerals come from and what's in. So, when they pump sea water into massive open air lagoons (like those right next to the main airport runway at Ibiza) and evaporate the water, you would know exactly what is in there, what was pumped out of the med, including what air based contaminants have made their way into the mix? OK? (also, that is kinda the same process as what you are doing, only less controlled…then selling the bit you are throwing away!?!).

I actually said semi skimmed milk is better than water at hydrating the human body, it is not ‘cleaned’ by the host, it is made by the host and contains all manner of ‘chemicals’. The ability to hydrate is the speed at which the body can absorb the water from what is drunk – pure water is not as easily absorbed.

What do you mean by ‘processed sugar’ (not ‘a poison proved to be deadly’ by the way, it is one of the least toxic chemicals know, it is classified as practically non-toxic with an LD50 above 15g/kg). Sugar (Sucrose) is a naturally occurring saccharide found in plants, ‘processing’ it just makes it pure, it does not change is chemical composition at all. The only dangerous thing about sugar is it’s low cost and hence resultant over consumption, for which the human body can fail to regulate for – but again, sugar is an essential chemical compound for human life!

Anyway, back to the pseudoscience, direct from the Via Fosa website;

“It is only inorganic minerals rejected by the cells and tissues of the body which, if not evacuated, can cause arterial obstructions, and even more damage. These are minerals which must be removed and which distilled water is able to collect”.

"Distilled water is the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.”

"What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals(from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated.”

"When you eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable, you are consuming distilled water. The minerals are taken from the soil, the plant distills them, and then you consume them."

"You may have heard that distilled water "leaches" minerals from the body. That is partially true. The minerals that are leached(removed) by distilled water are the inorganic minerals that the body cannot use. The effect, therefore, is healthful. Distilled water will not leach (organic) minerals that have become part of the structure of the body cell system. Once a mineral has become part of the cell structure, it cannot be leached."

Every single one of these statements is pseudoscience, every single one is either scientifically inaccurate, misleading, or just an outright lie!

Minerals by their very nature are Inorganic, with the exception of some very rare organic minerals that form around deep sea hydrothermal vents and in some coal seams, ALL minerals are INORGANIC. There is no difference what so ever between a Calcium Carbonate molecule in water (from dissolution of limestone by the rain) and that which has been fixed inside a fruit or vegetable. A mineral is a mineral, is a mineral and they are (essentially) all inorganic!

Water is primarily H2O, guess what, distilled water is primarily H2O – know what the difference is between these two molecules – nothing!

Please, oh please, tell me how a vegetable ‘distils’ water – I’m not even going to bother with that one ROFL!

Do you drink Tea, Coffee, Wine, Beer?

Each of those contain a cocktail compounds that are actually proven to be and classified as; toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, psychoactive, addictive, etc.

(Hydrocarbons, Alkaloids, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Acids & Anhydrides, Esters, Lactones, Phenols, Furans, Pyrans, Thiophenes, Pyrroles, Oxazoles, Thiazoles, Pyridines, Pyrazines, Nitrogenous compounds and amines, Sulfurs, Phenolic compounds, Waxes, Oils and Volatile components.

It strikes me as highly unlikely that there is anything you could take out from years’ worth of water, that you would not completely undo with a single cup of coffee or glass of wine.

But, as a I said before, if you like the taste, then it’s all good and I’m pleased you are happy with your device!

All I was saying was that the stated health benefits presented on the site trying to sell expensive kettles, are simply pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo!

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