New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


DavidKlyne replied on 07/12/2021 16:02

Posted on 07/12/2021 13:57 by TandemTwo

I'd really like to know how much the administration of this new system will cost. As it stands, the vast majority of bookings are made, amended or cancelled online, administration carried out by members. Cancellations on popular sites will always be snapped up by someone waiting in the wings. I like not having to pay a deposit and agree wholeheartedly that it is the Club's usp. We find the nightly fees very high compared to the sites we use in Europe (which charge at the end of our stay) and the fact that WIFI is not included in this day and age is just profiteering. So ... having been one of the members who takes what's available a few weeks before we travel, I now feel inclined to make a number of speculative bookings. No USP? Then time to look at other providers. Lastly, I'd like to know what percentage of members were canvassed regarding deposits and what percentage of that number approved this change.

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:02

I think I have yet to find anyone who has been directly canvassed on the subject of deposits? However the Club gathers all sorts feedback which may or may not have provided direct information on deposits. More likely the driving force towards deposits has been the feedback about availability rather than asking people about paying a deposit. There will be some/many (?) who may have said that deposits are a way of providing better availability but I go back to the point that it is availability, or lack of it, that has driven the decision. We now have the figures that Rowena published yesterday. Nearly a million cancellations in total and a quarter of million cancellation within four days of arrival on site are compelling reasons to change the system. I know others have suggested tinkering with the current system but I suspect that would have only impacted on the late cancellations rather than the problem as a whole. I imagine the Club have taken the view that they want to tackle the whole aspect of a system that seems to encourage booking a long way ahead without any upfront commitment. No doubt in their plans the Club feel that paying a deposit up to a year ahead with concentrate the mind of the booker into only booking those stays they are reasonably likely to honour?


Navigateur replied on 07/12/2021 16:04

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:04

Back to the new booking system now.  What we are not being told is how many of these "cancelled" bookings are replaced by another booking at the same or different Club site for different dates.  If we were told that, there could be a quite different spin put on the figures.

Tinwheeler replied on 07/12/2021 16:07

Posted on 07/12/2021 15:59 by TandemTwo

Noting your exasperated tone, when the club states it has " ...listened to members..." resulting in a change to the booking system, I would like to know when, how, how many members and what percentage of members this represents. The Cub in its advertising of this new system are squarely pinning it on member feedback. That being the case, when, how, how many .. ? 

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:07


As JK posted earlier, those are questions best put directly to the club as we mere members have no way of knowing. Good luck.

TandemTwo replied on 07/12/2021 16:11

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:04 by Navigateur

Back to the new booking system now.  What we are not being told is how many of these "cancelled" bookings are replaced by another booking at the same or different Club site for different dates.  If we were told that, there could be a quite different spin put on the figures.

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:11

Exactly this. And all the administration carried out by members themselves ....

peedee replied on 07/12/2021 16:11

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:04 by Navigateur

Back to the new booking system now.  What we are not being told is how many of these "cancelled" bookings are replaced by another booking at the same or different Club site for different dates.  If we were told that, there could be a quite different spin put on the figures.

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:11

I don't see it that way at all. If a site is shown as full when ever a member checks it out they go elsewhere and the Club has potentially lost a customer. A quarter of a million last minute cancellations is a hell of a lot to fill in 72 hours


Arch replied on 07/12/2021 16:20

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:02 by DavidKlyne

I think I have yet to find anyone who has been directly canvassed on the subject of deposits? However the Club gathers all sorts feedback which may or may not have provided direct information on deposits. More likely the driving force towards deposits has been the feedback about availability rather than asking people about paying a deposit. There will be some/many (?) who may have said that deposits are a way of providing better availability but I go back to the point that it is availability, or lack of it, that has driven the decision. We now have the figures that Rowena published yesterday. Nearly a million cancellations in total and a quarter of million cancellation within four days of arrival on site are compelling reasons to change the system. I know others have suggested tinkering with the current system but I suspect that would have only impacted on the late cancellations rather than the problem as a whole. I imagine the Club have taken the view that they want to tackle the whole aspect of a system that seems to encourage booking a long way ahead without any upfront commitment. No doubt in their plans the Club feel that paying a deposit up to a year ahead with concentrate the mind of the booker into only booking those stays they are reasonably likely to honour?


Posted on 07/12/2021 16:20

In the last few years I have not seen lots of empty pitches for days on end in fact its the opposite as soon as one is vacated its taken the same day so where these cancelled lost pitches are I haven't seen them, it may be just on the sites I go to.

JollyKernow replied on 07/12/2021 16:23

Posted on 07/12/2021 15:59 by TandemTwo

Noting your exasperated tone, when the club states it has " ...listened to members..." resulting in a change to the booking system, I would like to know when, how, how many members and what percentage of members this represents. The Cub in its advertising of this new system are squarely pinning it on member feedback. That being the case, when, how, how many .. ? 

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:23

As a member, I think the first time I was asked by a survey in August 2018. I've also received member feedback surveys after several site stays over the last two years.

As a staff member we've been giving feedback for the last 6 years.


Tinwheeler replied on 07/12/2021 16:24

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:11 by TandemTwo

Exactly this. And all the administration carried out by members themselves ....

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:24

Is it or are people ringing sites or the call centre? We have no way of knowing.

ErnieJH replied on 07/12/2021 16:26

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:26

There seems to be some confusion over the percentage of cancellations close to the arrival date, as I read it 25% of booking are cancelled in total and 25% of those ie approx 6% of the total cancellations are cancelled close to the arrival date. Or am I misreading what we have been told, I await correction 

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