New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


JollyKernow replied on 07/12/2021 16:30

Posted on 06/12/2021 14:23 by Rowena

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your feedback in this discussion which is as ever really appreciated.

Back in 2018, to improve availability for all members, we changed the way we put pitches on sale to enable you to always book at least a year ahead, all year round. This new system has proven very popular, with over one million nights already booked for stays in 2022.

The next step to improving availability is the introduction of deposits coupled with cancellation terms and conditions. This will help address the rise in cancellations, which has been a growing problem that has increased in recent years.

- In a normal year, we often see over 25% of all bookings being cancelled (that’s over 950,000 cancelled nights...every year!)

- Of those cancelled nights, over 25% are made within four days of arrival, so it’s very difficult for other members to take advantage of the newly vacant pitches.

- And it’s not just a small minority of ‘block bookers’ who are cancelling, almost half of all members who make a booking each year make at least one amendment or cancellation too. As you can imagine, a lot of members all cancelling a few times a year soon adds up! After reviewing the market, speaking to members and looking at other campsite providers the best solution to reduce speculative bookings is to introduce a deposit system. This will reduce the number of speculative bookings and create more availability for members.

- We know plans sometimes do have to change, so if you cancel or amend your booking at least 21 days before arrival, your deposit will be fully refunded. This will give other members enough time to make a new booking and take advantage of the newly available pitch.

Club members and staff have worked together to create this new approach, and we’re all confident it will provide all members with more availability and an easier booking experience.

If you have any questions please do have a read of our FAQ pageThank you again for your valuable feedback. 

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:30

There you go.laughing


SteveL replied on 07/12/2021 16:34

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:34

As I read it it’s 25% of the 25%

From todays newsletter

In a normal year, we often see over 25% of all bookings being cancelled (that’s over 950,000 cancelled nights...every year!)

Of those cancelled nights, over 25% are made within four days of arrival, so it’s very difficult for other members to take advantage of the newly vacant pitches.

Cornersteady replied on 07/12/2021 16:41

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:11 by peedee

I don't see it that way at all. If a site is shown as full when ever a member checks it out they go elsewhere and the Club has potentially lost a customer. A quarter of a million last minute cancellations is a hell of a lot to fill in 72 hours


Posted on 07/12/2021 16:41

I think you've used the right words in potentially lost. The club did state in an earlier AGM that many of the cancelled bookings are resold.

so many (75/80% plus) of those quarter of a million last minute cancellations appear to be resold?

Maybe it's not so difficult as a hell of a lot to fill in 72 hours as you are making out?

But it's a done deal and as I said it will remain to be seen if this three weeks makes that much difference? Can working people get time off in three weeks? Again as I said, some can and some can't. But we'll be alright.

Tinwheeler replied on 07/12/2021 16:52

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:26 by ErnieJH

There seems to be some confusion over the percentage of cancellations close to the arrival date, as I read it 25% of booking are cancelled in total and 25% of those ie approx 6% of the total cancellations are cancelled close to the arrival date. Or am I misreading what we have been told, I await correction 

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:52

Rowena posted -

"- In a normal year, we often see over 25% of all bookings being cancelled (that’s over 950,000 cancelled nights...every year!)

- Of those cancelled nights, over 25% are made within four days of arrival, so it’s very difficult for other members to take advantage of the newly vacant pitches"

That 25% of 25% equates to 237,500 pitch nights per year being cancelled within 4 days of take up and averages approx 4500 per week across the network. As there are 198 club sites, that works out at about 23 cancelled nights per site per year within 4 days of arrival date.

The figures don’t look so bad when viewed like that and, even if we allow that all sites aren’t open all year, it works out at about 46 cancelled nights per site per year. The actual figure will be somewhere between the two and, as said, many of those site nights are rebooked by others.

Corrections of my maths are welcome😀

compass362 replied on 07/12/2021 17:02

Posted on 07/12/2021 13:38 by Gibbs25

Our reason for having a van, and using sites, is to allow us to enjoy hillwalking. We have no desire to walk all day in the rain or indeed be on site in the rain for several days on the trot. We like the flexibility of the CAMC and often swap sites in the week before departure in order to get better weather. Although we would obviously prefer not to lose a deposit, especially if it is around the £100 mark, l know we would be prepared to do so in order  to avoid the expense of our diesel and the rest of the campsite fees just to have two or three weeks on site in poor weather.

I understand that my view will be unpopular with many on here, and also that some people might enjoy an indoor hobby in their van and therefore just enjoy a change of scene, but that way of thinking isn't for us.

Posted on 07/12/2021 17:02

Having read all this thread so far, I've come to the conclusion that if any deposit in total required by the club for say a 10/14 night visit was less or equivalent to 2 nights of that visit I would be prepared to forfeit that deposit to cancel if we had ANY reason to cancel. 

At least the taking of deposits by the club & the loss of that deposit if a booking is cancelled should take away any perceived threat of consequences by the club to it's membership , or is that just me being cynical of past actions threatened against members for not following the past T&C. 

I await to see the club's new T&C. 

We had to cancel a 10 night visit this year with the C&CC to North Wales deposit was £46 OH  ill health forced the cancellation, basically it was to be our last trip of the year & we didn't want to make a rebooking to retain the deposit for another time. 

We certainly wouldn't have gone just to save the deposit, any kind of illness & a road journey of 180 miles duration just wasn't worth the hassle & consequences. 


Cornersteady replied on 07/12/2021 17:05

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:52 by Tinwheeler

Rowena posted -

"- In a normal year, we often see over 25% of all bookings being cancelled (that’s over 950,000 cancelled nights...every year!)

- Of those cancelled nights, over 25% are made within four days of arrival, so it’s very difficult for other members to take advantage of the newly vacant pitches"

That 25% of 25% equates to 237,500 pitch nights per year being cancelled within 4 days of take up and averages approx 4500 per week across the network. As there are 198 club sites, that works out at about 23 cancelled nights per site per year within 4 days of arrival date.

The figures don’t look so bad when viewed like that and, even if we allow that all sites aren’t open all year, it works out at about 46 cancelled nights per site per year. The actual figure will be somewhere between the two and, as said, many of those site nights are rebooked by others.

Posted on 07/12/2021 17:05

I was just working that out as you postedsmile

Yes as you said like that it isn't so bad. I am beginning to suspect the club maybe likes the idea of having so much income up front, alright it may have to give some of it back but it's a tidy sum across all booking a year in advance?

As we looking at more holiday homes we looked at UK travel only insurance. A yearly multi trip price came in at just about £80 for Mrs C who has no medical conditions, we'll be taking that up and that will cover any caravan trips as well.

I wonder if the club will off anything like that, or even on a daily basis? 

JVB66 replied on 07/12/2021 17:06

Posted on 07/12/2021 16:52 by Tinwheeler

Rowena posted -

"- In a normal year, we often see over 25% of all bookings being cancelled (that’s over 950,000 cancelled nights...every year!)

- Of those cancelled nights, over 25% are made within four days of arrival, so it’s very difficult for other members to take advantage of the newly vacant pitches"

That 25% of 25% equates to 237,500 pitch nights per year being cancelled within 4 days of take up and averages approx 4500 per week across the network. As there are 198 club sites, that works out at about 23 cancelled nights per site per year within 4 days of arrival date.

The figures don’t look so bad when viewed like that and, even if we allow that all sites aren’t open all year, it works out at about 46 cancelled nights per site per year. The actual figure will be somewhere between the two and, as said, many of those site nights are rebooked by others.

Posted on 07/12/2021 17:06

 Figures can be made to look good or bad , depending how the end result hopes to be spun,surprised






Tinwheeler replied on 07/12/2021 17:10

Posted on 07/12/2021 17:05 by Cornersteady

I was just working that out as you postedsmile

Yes as you said like that it isn't so bad. I am beginning to suspect the club maybe likes the ides of having so much income up front, alright it may have to give some of it back but it's a tidy sum across all booking a year in advance?

As we looking at more holiday homes we looked at UK travel only insurance. A yearly multi trip price came in at just about £80 for Mrs C who has no medical conditions, we'll be taking that up and will cover any caravan trips as well.

I wonder if the club will off anything like that, or even on a daily basis? 

Posted on 07/12/2021 17:10

Actually I said 23/46 per year but shouldn’t that be per week? I think I’ve confused myself😂

Marks out of ten, please, Corners.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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