New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


replied on 03/12/2021 08:36

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:36

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

iDriver replied on 03/12/2021 08:48

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:48

When you say ”You Said” exactly who is this “you” that said they want a deposit added to bookings and was this put to a vote of members? 

As far as I can see, this is a club driven initiative to gather in thousands of pounds of members money up front and draw on the interest. 

The only people who constantly whinge about not being able to book because others got their first are speculating about the reasons. They are claiming that it’s all down to people making speculative bookings, what is the real data behind that assumption? I will be submitting an FOI request to the club to get the real figures.

As you are so keen on ‘you said, we did’. I say, please drop any plans to introduce a deposit scheme, just to pander to the vocal minority who want the club to hold open pitches across the network just in case these late bookers fancy a last minute booking. 

Tinwheeler replied on 03/12/2021 09:08

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:08

I mostly agree with your thoughts, iDriver, and I posted similarly earlier in the thread.

You're wasting your time pursuing it, though, as the FOI Act does not apply to other than Govt and public bodies.

Just go with the flow. It's nothing worth getting wound up about.

JollyKernow replied on 03/12/2021 09:25

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:30 by N1805

In the main I agree with Nellie’s post. 

 “There are still lots of CLs that want cash payments, and plenty that take cheques, our preferred way of payment, as we struggle with bank transfer with our BS account. There will be lots of older members who have difficult with electronic payment systems I would think.”

Personally, I prefer to keep my money in my bank account for as long as possible and am happy to pay a deposit by Credit Card and balance on arrival again with a Credit Card in reception.  If it causes a queue so be it as it is my preferred choice.  How I pay for my pitch with CAMC hopefully will continue to be my choice.

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:25


RE your last sentence. Yes it will.


young thomas replied on 03/12/2021 09:33

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:33

N1805 posts "am happy to pay a deposit by Credit Card and balance on arrival again with a Credit Card in reception. If it causes a queue so be it as it is my preferred choice."

If you are happy to pay the deposit (electronically) by credit card well prior to arrival, and are happy to use the same card for the balance, why would using that same card at home, prior to arrival (exactly as the deposit) be any different..

ie....why the need to use the same card in two different ways? 

young thomas replied on 03/12/2021 09:35

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:36 by

Just a thought. Pay on departure or more likely some time the day before and there is another cause of queuing removed. Works where we gowink

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:35

...and for us...and pay your metered electric account at the same time😉

Arch replied on 03/12/2021 09:39

Posted on 02/12/2021 20:33 by young thomas

My point is not for 'speed' per se but to remove the unnecessary delay at reception (where the main function is payment) while we are changing the system and moving towards electronic payment and (hopefully) entry procedures.

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:39

The unnecessary delay as you put it is not just for payment it also serves many other purposes such as introductions, give the warden the opportunity  to explain the layout of the site and if the site is busy indicate what pitches are available, ask if you have a dog or dogs and explain the rules etc, I may have been lucky but I have never been to a site club or commercial where it is not necessary to check in on arrival, the arrival check in is normally at the end of a long journey the payment normally takes about 3mins so enjoy the friendly welcome and start your holiday.

SteveL replied on 03/12/2021 09:40

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:30 by N1805

In the main I agree with Nellie’s post. 

 “There are still lots of CLs that want cash payments, and plenty that take cheques, our preferred way of payment, as we struggle with bank transfer with our BS account. There will be lots of older members who have difficult with electronic payment systems I would think.”

Personally, I prefer to keep my money in my bank account for as long as possible and am happy to pay a deposit by Credit Card and balance on arrival again with a Credit Card in reception.  If it causes a queue so be it as it is my preferred choice.  How I pay for my pitch with CAMC hopefully will continue to be my choice.

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:40

and balance on arrival again with a Credit Card in reception. If it causes a queue so be it

If the balance is taken automatically, the CC were only proposing the day before, not weeks. Therefore there is little difference, apart from paying before speeding up check ins, particularly at busy times. Having used the system for a year with the other club, it definitely improved the booking in procedure over the CAMC and was generally quicker, even though we were shown to our pitch / choice of pitches.

SteveL replied on 03/12/2021 09:49

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:39 by Arch

The unnecessary delay as you put it is not just for payment it also serves many other purposes such as introductions, give the warden the opportunity  to explain the layout of the site and if the site is busy indicate what pitches are available, ask if you have a dog or dogs and explain the rules etc, I may have been lucky but I have never been to a site club or commercial where it is not necessary to check in on arrival, the arrival check in is normally at the end of a long journey the payment normally takes about 3mins so enjoy the friendly welcome and start your holiday.

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:49

If they used the same system as the C&CC there is no need to exit your vehicle. Welcome pack handed over, asked if we had been to the site before, then if we had used any of them. On our first visit there was a fair bit of verbal information, on subsequent ones minimal as they were happy we were familiar with their sites. I really don’t need to be told every time I visit how to pitch to the peg!

young thomas replied on 03/12/2021 10:02

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:02

I don't mind a 'friendly welcome' but it's not necessary if one has visited a site before...or, as Steve says, to instruct us all on how to pitch....again...

Agreed, a 3 minute wait isn't a problem....but if you're 5th or 6th in a queue, then 15-18 mins might be a tad annoying...

one doesn't need 'welcoming' to your regular pub or cinema, telling you which beers they have or where the emergency exits are or giving you a 'pack' of menus...most of us are happy to manage on our own...

the point is that, if we are moving to electronic booking, deposit and balance payment prior to arrival, along with (possibly) ANPR to get us in without entering the office, why would anyone want to...

We all know wardens are nice folk, but a friendly chat isn't the first thing on my mind when arriving, when it's not necessary 

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