New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


brue replied on 03/12/2021 10:44

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:44

The main difference, apart from the automated payments is the "escort to the pitch" with C&CC, on big sites it's someone on a bike leading you to a possible pitch, making sure you're ok and pointing out anything you need to know. Due to the minimum bookings on some sites the turnover at the gate isn't as high as CAMC sites so queues are rarely too lengthy which reduces waiting times etc. The automated payment has certainly made things easier.

young thomas replied on 03/12/2021 10:50

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:39 by JollyKernow


I mentioned before about ways to get people in the gate swiftly. One tried and tested way which would work for those wishing to pay on site is to check they have a booking then get them on site to come back later to pay. Works well on most sites.

Trouble with ANPR is that you have to have a barrier post to hang the cameras on!! I only have a traffic coneyell


Posted on 03/12/2021 10:50

Presumably, this would mean the site manager being outside the office, checking folk in as they arrive...hopefully then with a nod and a wave...straight in, just missing the traffic cone😉

mbee1 replied on 03/12/2021 11:13

Posted on 02/12/2021 23:55 by Navigateur

There are some people who are unable to handle their own funds. For them a credit/debit card or a bank account is a disaster as they cannot cope with the concept of limitless ability to spend.   The most productive way of helping them is to encourage (and even supervise) them dividing up their incoming funds as cash into different "pots" for different things - rent, council tax, fuel, food, holidays, etc - though usually it is actually envelopes they use. 

So when going about with their caravan they would have a certain amount of cash already allocated to pay site fees in one envelope, and perhaps another for road fuel, and another for meals out.  This allows them to live a normal life as they can see in each envelope what funds are available for each activity, and not overspend as when the notes are gone, they are gone.

I do hope the new booking system is not going to effectivly exclude them from Caravan Club sites because of their inability to handle imaginary money. Not all disabilities are obvious.

Posted on 03/12/2021 11:13

People not being able to manage their own funds and using a caravan or motorhome seems a recipe for disaster!

Takethedogalong replied on 03/12/2021 11:13

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:04 by peedee

I find it difficult to believe that the inability to manage money is in itself a disability  More like a lack of common sense and will power.


Posted on 03/12/2021 11:13

Perhaps not a disability in itself, but a lack of schooling (for whatever reason), mental health issues, maybe even a gambling addiction would render a good number of folks virtually incapable of good financial understanding and management. It’s one aspect of other issues. Doubt many such folks would be touring alone though. We help organise Mum’s finances for her, she couldn’t do it alone. Too many unscrupulous people out there waiting to pounce on the vulnerable. 

Anyone remember those small compartmented tins you could buy, with coin slots in the top? Rent, Food, Coal, Electric...... I have my Grandma’s as a keepsake. We used to count the coins in it, she taught me how it worked🥰

Lots of relevant points about money management, it is what suits the individual of course, and the circumstances. We have happily been able to embrace the new technology with the right kind of accounts, the right tech equipment, but it’s like other things, don’t forget the old methods, they can come in very useful😁

Arch replied on 03/12/2021 11:14

Posted on 03/12/2021 11:14

We were possibly unlucky with the wardens at the time, pitches were always allocated for myself and friends, I'm glad to hear they've changed it may be worth trying them again.

mbee1 replied on 03/12/2021 11:22

Posted on 02/12/2021 12:43 by Navigateur

There is a whole economy in this country based on cash that never passes through a bank or any documented intermediary.  From window cleaners and taxi drivers to major building work, there is an eagerness to not put everything through the books.  So that cash has to be spent somewhere.

Posted on 03/12/2021 11:22

I don't pay in a taxi, the window cleaner, the gardener or the cleaner in cash!  I no longer use a cheque book either.  it's banks transfer or go without.

I think the only thing I pay for in cash these days is the weekend newspapers.  £2.50 on a Saturday and £3 on a Sunday.  I've always got a little cash on me and do keep it some in the car for parking although I try and use a parking app if possible.

Cash is so dirty these days.

Can't wait until this country follows Sweden's example and becomes more or less cashless.

JVB66 replied on 03/12/2021 11:36

Posted on 03/12/2021 11:13 by Takethedogalong

Perhaps not a disability in itself, but a lack of schooling (for whatever reason), mental health issues, maybe even a gambling addiction would render a good number of folks virtually incapable of good financial understanding and management. It’s one aspect of other issues. Doubt many such folks would be touring alone though. We help organise Mum’s finances for her, she couldn’t do it alone. Too many unscrupulous people out there waiting to pounce on the vulnerable. 

Anyone remember those small compartmented tins you could buy, with coin slots in the top? Rent, Food, Coal, Electric...... I have my Grandma’s as a keepsake. We used to count the coins in it, she taught me how it worked🥰

Lots of relevant points about money management, it is what suits the individual of course, and the circumstances. We have happily been able to embrace the new technology with the right kind of accounts, the right tech equipment, but it’s like other things, don’t forget the old methods, they can come in very useful😁

Posted on 03/12/2021 11:36

The condition that OH it seems by the letter we have received today after her visit to the frailty clinic  last week when I have been on line to. understand it more (the consultant we saw did advise to look it up when we recieved his letter)does actually mention about finances as one of the symptoms frown

Which does seem to dispel some of the comments that have been posted about disabilitiesundecided

It also goes with what the consultant said to me "just try and keep your wife safe and yourself sainsurprised

Burgundy replied on 03/12/2021 12:02

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:30 by N1805

In the main I agree with Nellie’s post. 

 “There are still lots of CLs that want cash payments, and plenty that take cheques, our preferred way of payment, as we struggle with bank transfer with our BS account. There will be lots of older members who have difficult with electronic payment systems I would think.”

Personally, I prefer to keep my money in my bank account for as long as possible and am happy to pay a deposit by Credit Card and balance on arrival again with a Credit Card in reception.  If it causes a queue so be it as it is my preferred choice.  How I pay for my pitch with CAMC hopefully will continue to be my choice.

Posted on 03/12/2021 12:02

Will you be going to reception to pay your deposit ? If not, what's wrong with paying the balance the same way ?

CCC take deposits by credit card and the balance is taken on the day of arrival automatically. No need to go into reception.

JollyKernow replied on 03/12/2021 12:15

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:50 by young thomas

Presumably, this would mean the site manager being outside the office, checking folk in as they arrive...hopefully then with a nod and a wave...straight in, just missing the traffic cone😉

Posted on 03/12/2021 12:15

Woe betide anyone that hits my coneyellwink

Tammygirl replied on 03/12/2021 12:24

Posted on 03/12/2021 11:14 by Arch

We were possibly unlucky with the wardens at the time, pitches were always allocated for myself and friends, I'm glad to hear they've changed it may be worth trying them again.

Posted on 03/12/2021 12:24

We are members of both clubs and yes prior to Covid 19 the C&CC did try to give you a choice of available pitches.

However since the pandemic sites have been busier and the choices not always available. This year when touring in May, June and July there was only 1 site that we were 'offered' a selection. At all other sites if we wanted a different pitch to what had been allocated it was very much like stepping back in time. Some site staff were more helpful than others.

Hopefully when/if things ease a bit they will go back to offering a choice.

I will agree with others that the C&CC booking in system is a much slicker process. 

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