New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


JVB66 replied on 03/12/2021 10:02

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:49 by SteveL

If they used the same system as the C&CC there is no need to exit your vehicle. Welcome pack handed over, asked if we had been to the site before, then if we had used any of them. On our first visit there was a fair bit of verbal information, on subsequent ones minimal as they were happy we were familiar with their sites. I really don’t need to be told every time I visit how to pitch to the peg!

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:02

It does seem that the ccc do have more staff on their sites than this club? 

If St Neots and Sandringham are typical. 

I do understand that pay and conditions are quite a bit less also

As those who have jumped ship to this club have said

DavidKlyne replied on 03/12/2021 10:04

Posted on 03/12/2021 08:30 by N1805

In the main I agree with Nellie’s post. 

 “There are still lots of CLs that want cash payments, and plenty that take cheques, our preferred way of payment, as we struggle with bank transfer with our BS account. There will be lots of older members who have difficult with electronic payment systems I would think.”

Personally, I prefer to keep my money in my bank account for as long as possible and am happy to pay a deposit by Credit Card and balance on arrival again with a Credit Card in reception.  If it causes a queue so be it as it is my preferred choice.  How I pay for my pitch with CAMC hopefully will continue to be my choice.

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:04

Forgive me but I don't quite understand your logic? What would be wrong with, or what inconvenience would it cause to you to automatically pay the day before arrival. If everyone chose that route there would be no advantage in speeding up the arrival process. Whilst I can see that on a quiet mid week day it would make little difference, however on a very a busy site with perhaps a100 units arriving on a Friday it would slow things down quite a bit if everyone decided on that option? Advance payment allows other options of booking in, especially on busy weekends that don't involve going into reception at all. Any advantage will be lost if sufficient people decide to pay on arrival. 


brue replied on 03/12/2021 10:15

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:15

The whole point of automated payment systems is the speed and ease of progress. half measures always impede progress. There will still be a need for staff input, but the majority can then enter a site and start their holiday.

Arch replied on 03/12/2021 10:23

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:23

Do the CCC club allow you to chose a pitch now? when I was a member the pitch was allocated to you and lord help you if you asked for another, it was like Oliver asking for more.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 03/12/2021 10:32

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:35 by young thomas

...and for us...and pay your metered electric account at the same time😉

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:32

+1 for metered power. . .PAYG👍🏻

Whittakerr replied on 03/12/2021 10:32

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:23 by Arch

Do the CCC club allow you to chose a pitch now? when I was a member the pitch was allocated to you and lord help you if you asked for another, it was like Oliver asking for more.

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:32

I've been a member of the CCC for over 10 years and for the first 5 or 6 years a pitch was allocated, although occasionally i requested a different pitch which was usually no problem.

For the past 4 or 5 years I've been offered a selection of pitches to choose from after i've been asked if my preference would be near the wash block, a more secluded spot, near the play area etc.

peedee replied on 03/12/2021 10:34

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:23 by Arch

Do the CCC club allow you to chose a pitch now? when I was a member the pitch was allocated to you and lord help you if you asked for another, it was like Oliver asking for more.

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:34

It perhaps depends on how busy they are and what is available. I have mostly had a choice but there again I have never been offered a really bad pitch and have had no need to request another.


young thomas replied on 03/12/2021 10:39

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:23 by Arch

Do the CCC club allow you to chose a pitch now? when I was a member the pitch was allocated to you and lord help you if you asked for another, it was like Oliver asking for more.

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:39

The great C&CC pitching myth....

within your chosen pitch type (and there are more of C&CC) the warden might 'help' by taking you to an area that contains this type and to accommodate your wishes for sun/shade, north/south facing, near to facs etc....

Accepting this 'help' isn't mandatory, and another pitch within the correct type is fine if it suits you better...

Nowhere near as draconian as you think...

JollyKernow replied on 03/12/2021 10:39

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:15 by brue

The whole point of automated payment systems is the speed and ease of progress. half measures always impede progress. There will still be a need for staff input, but the majority can then enter a site and start their holiday.

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:39


I mentioned before about ways to get people in the gate swiftly. One tried and tested way which would work for those wishing to pay on site is to check they have a booking then get them on site to come back later to pay. Works well on most sites.

Trouble with ANPR is that you have to have a barrier post to hang the cameras on!! I only have a traffic coneyell


Tinwheeler replied on 03/12/2021 10:40

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:23 by Arch

Do the CCC club allow you to chose a pitch now? when I was a member the pitch was allocated to you and lord help you if you asked for another, it was like Oliver asking for more.

Posted on 03/12/2021 10:40

Same as PD and W. No problems at all. There never have been issues in the near 50 years we've been members as it's always been possible to request a different pitch without being subjected to interrogation.

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