New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


Tinwheeler replied on 23/01/2022 16:40

Posted on 23/01/2022 16:36 by Twos more then one

Do not understand  what all the fuss, and complaining is all about , It is the club that was out of line  with every other commercial and other club sites 
If the clubs way was the way forward, then others clubs and  commercial sites would have gone the clubs way .
Though i suspect many of those posting, are part of the 25% speculative booking members of the club 

Posted on 23/01/2022 16:40

I have never made a booking I didn’t fully intend to honour. 

Although I preferred the old system, I am not complaining about the new as I see the sense of it.

Arch replied on 23/01/2022 17:07

Posted on 23/01/2022 16:36 by Twos more then one

Do not understand  what all the fuss, and complaining is all about , It is the club that was out of line  with every other commercial and other club sites 
If the clubs way was the way forward, then others clubs and  commercial sites would have gone the clubs way .
Though i suspect many of those posting, are part of the 25% speculative booking members of the club 

Posted on 23/01/2022 17:07

All the fuss and complaining is about the fact the club was very different from commercial and other clubs thats what makes it so attractive to many of its long term loyal membership, it's financially in a good position it's supposed to be a not for profit organisation catering for it's membership.

Twos more then one replied on 23/01/2022 17:23

Posted on 23/01/2022 17:07 by Arch

All the fuss and complaining is about the fact the club was very different from commercial and other clubs thats what makes it so attractive to many of its long term loyal membership, it's financially in a good position it's supposed to be a not for profit organisation catering for it's membership.

Posted on 23/01/2022 17:23

Been a member for over 25 Years 
Also a member on the other club, and use commercial sites ,deposits have never been  a issue 
Why and how  is the club different from other clubs and commercial sites ?.  If it was  so different i would not use  the other club or commercial sites, as far as i can see there is little to no difference in practice, and reality   
As for being a non profit organisation, depends what you mean by profit / non profit, what matter more is how profits are used 

It is the, at least 25 % of speculative booking members that abused the system, that  has caused the change , so please direct your post to them 

JVB66 replied on 23/01/2022 17:35

Posted on 23/01/2022 17:28 by Twos more then one
Content has been removed.

Posted on 23/01/2022 17:35

It is unsubstantiated as it seems it was just some figure thought of to make a case for change as beforehand no records seem to have been kept as the questian had been asked several times before

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