Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



MichaelT replied on 23/04/2016 08:24

Posted on 23/04/2016 08:24

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

if you replace the words could for should, BB's post will be more in tune with his wishesSmile

Yes I know you're only pointing out what could be done, but you mention/post on this could so oftenUndecided

Write your comments here...hit the nail on the head there 

MichaelT replied on 23/04/2016 08:25

Posted on 23/04/2016 08:25

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

Write your comments here...we had a ttravel/low wattage kettle once and got fed up waiting 15 minutes for it to boil so have a normal one now. 

young thomas replied on 23/04/2016 08:41

Posted on 23/04/2016 08:41

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

if you replace the words could for should, BB's post will be more in tune with his wishesSmile

Yes I know you're only pointing out what could be done, but you mention/post on this could so oftenUndecided

Write your comments here...hit the nail on the head there 

Michael, Im sorry you and Corners are struggling with the English language......

when i say....something 'could' be done, it demonstrates that it is possible and that folk, like you and Corners, have the option.

if i were to say 'should' (which i havent) i would be imposing my views, which i am not.

please dont attempt to read more into my post than is there.

it was a response to assure some that dont know, that its perfectly possible (without dying) to occupy and enjoy a pitch with a reduced amperage.

filled with sufficient water to make two large cups of tea/coffee, i can assure you that our 750w travel kettle only takes a few mins to boil....perhaps 5 ish.

perhaps, like some, you overfill the kettle, boiling more water than you need? this would certainly increase time.

you can use whichever kettle you like, i dont really give one, but to trot out tosh like 15 mins to boil a kettle is just plain nonsense.


Cornersteady replied on 23/04/2016 08:54

Posted on 23/04/2016 08:54

Michael, Im sorry you and Corners are struggling with the English language.....

There is no really need for insults again BB or to use sarcasm (without dying), the point we are making that while you claim to not care you post on what could be done sooo many times, or ridicule them for the way they are using gas.

Let people holiday they way they want.

replied on 23/04/2016 08:57

Posted on 23/04/2016 08:57

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Cornersteady replied on 23/04/2016 08:59

Posted on 23/04/2016 08:59

Likewise we manage  most of the time on 6 amp and don't  find it a hardship, it just needs  a little care how many apliences  are in simultaneous  use. Our kettle is 1080 watt (just checked) and we have never waited 15 minutes  for it boil. 

which UK site is that on?Smile

young thomas replied on 23/04/2016 09:06

Posted on 23/04/2016 09:06

Michael, Im sorry you and Corners are struggling with the English language.....

There is no really need for insults again BB or to use sarcasm (without dying), the point we are making that while you claim to not care you post on what could be done sooo many times, or ridicule them for the way they are using gas.

Let people holiday they way they want.

corners, do what you like.....

why do you think its ok to seek to change the tone of my post, suggesting i post something different, and then go all 'hurt' over nothing when i pull you up for doing it....

if you really dont know the difference between 'could' and 'should' (which your persistence seems to imply) than you are struggling with the English language.

if someone askes for advice and the response is ....this is what could be done.... giving a open option.....why does this irk you so much?

isnt it a non-personal, straight forward help-giving response?

i really dont know why ypu are get so hot and bothered.

Cornersteady replied on 23/04/2016 09:10

Posted on 23/04/2016 09:10

Michael, Im sorry you and Corners are struggling with the English language.....

There is no really need for insults again BB or to use sarcasm (without dying), the point we are making that while you claim to not care you post on what could be done sooo many times, or ridicule them for the way they are using gas.

Let people holiday they way they want.

corners, do what you like.....

why do you think its ok to seek to change the tone of my post, suggesting i post something different, and then go all 'hurt' over nothing when i pull you up for doing it....

if you really dont know the difference between 'could' and 'should' (which your persistence seems to imply) than you are struggling with the English language.

if someone askes for advice and the response is ....this is what could be done.... giving a open option.....why does this irk you so much?

isnt it a non-personal, straight forward help-giving response?

i really dont know why ypu are get so hot and bothered.


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