Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



bwanatwister replied on 25/04/2016 12:57

Posted on 25/04/2016 12:57

Surely if my home electric bill is around £25 PER MONTH to run all the cooking and heating surely all sites are making a profit out of the EHU charge . This I would include the Caravan Club.in. I have used metered EHU for 5 days and it worked out at just over £2.50 per day which I can live with. Gas could well work out cheaper dispite Calors prices.

MichaelT replied on 25/04/2016 13:51

Posted on 25/04/2016 13:51

Surely if my home electric bill is around £25 PER MONTH to run all the cooking and heating surely all sites are making a profit out of the EHU charge . This I would include the Caravan Club.in. I have used metered EHU for 5 days and it worked out at just over £2.50 per day which I can live with. Gas could well work out cheaper dispite Calors prices.

Write your comments here...Our bill is around £55 a month for Electric and Gas more variable according to the time o f year as we heat by gas so I guess £3 a day on an average for a EHU on site is about right.

PITCHTOCLOSE replied on 25/04/2016 16:56

Posted on 25/04/2016 16:56

£2 in the warmer months, £10 in the colder months, could even link it to  the govt cold  weather payments, I prefer a Hotel in the winter, feet up in front of the fire, watching the rain slashing down ouside, people in annoraks sqelching past to their vans, wet dogs ugh.bottoms upCool

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