Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



young thomas replied on 22/04/2016 13:50

Posted on 22/04/2016 13:50

Well for whats it's worth, i'm now throwing my two peneth in. I get really cheesed of when we arrive on a site that has a standard 3 or 4 pounds type of charge for electricity only to find out it's 6 amp or 10 amp. It's only my opinion but i feel good ole farmer Giles is laughing his socks off at us for helping along with his very comfortable lifestyle in his extended farmhouse as he see's our electric trip for the 4th time. As for me, i get angry at how tight fisted he is. I stayed in Weymouth a month or so ago, it was pretty cold at night so we had the heating on,,,i woke up at 3 am, freezing cold and foundthe damned thing had tripped, we only had the heating on. 6amp should be banned as well as tight fisted site owners.

Dave, if you were told the supply was 16a and you only got 6a, you have a point.

If you were told the site only had a 6a supply, then it would be up to you as to whether you wished to stay there, and if so, how you managed at that level.

with the truma combi set at 900w, on a 230v supply you would only be drawing around 3.9amps.

similarly, a 750w kettle would only draw 3.2 amp.....with a following wind, you could run them both together....

young thomas replied on 22/04/2016 13:53

Posted on 22/04/2016 13:53

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

Cornersteady replied on 22/04/2016 16:36

Posted on 22/04/2016 16:36

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

if you replace the words could for should, BB's post will be more in tune with his wishesSmile

Yes I know you're only pointing out what could be done, but you mention/post on this could so oftenUndecided

young thomas replied on 22/04/2016 16:52

Posted on 22/04/2016 16:52

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

if you replace the words could for should, BB's post will be more in tune with his wishesSmile

Yes I know you're only pointing out what could be done, but you mention/post on this could so oftenUndecided

What are you on about Corners....?

what gives you the right to pontificate over my 'wishes'.

this is an extremely arrogant post and (not for the first time) i think you'll be finding yourself in the referee's notebook.

now you want to edit my posts and make them say what you think i 'should' say.....i think not.

again, the questions were raised about the ease (or not) of surviving on a limited amperage....all i did was to show that the world wouldn't cave in if supplies were limited.

if you want to be a moderator (and change my posts to what they 'should' say) why dont you ask Ro nicely.....

as i obviously think you 'could', i really wish you 'would'.....

hitchglitch replied on 22/04/2016 16:59

Posted on 22/04/2016 16:59

There are people who leave their central heating at home set at 22 deg. C. and when they pop out to the car to get something and its 2 deg. below freezing they leave the front door wide open for 5 minutes.  Probably they would say "its my gas, my electricity, my bill; get a life".  Well OK, but when it comes to power consumption on site its everybody's bill which everybody shares.

With 10 amps you can set your Alde/Truma on "2" and be as hot as you like as long as you switch it off when using a 1kW kettle etc.

In the summer a 6 amp supply is more than adequate with reduced wattage appliances and heating/water on 1kW.

This is no great hardship compared with other compromises with caravan/motorhome like reduced shower pressure compared with home etc.  The trouble with 16 amps is that some people want even more and thats mainly because they are more profligate than they need to be because its "free".


PITCHTOCLOSE replied on 22/04/2016 17:04

Posted on 22/04/2016 17:04

do not know about metering, but simply on or off choice, some of us can manage without and do not need hook ups.funny the othere club you do get choice somthing this club deny its members.

Cornersteady replied on 22/04/2016 17:16

Posted on 22/04/2016 17:16

6 or 10 a may be fine when in France in the summer especially if using site facilities as all you are really using is the fridge. However here in the UK you really need 16 same as home to use the heating kettle etc. and the problem us not getting the stuff to site it's the actual infrastructure on site thats the problem. 

not necessarily, surely....?

with a travel kettle (750w) or even using it on the gas hob, there is plenty of scope for running the heating on ehu.

even this could be minimised by heating with gas.

...but the fridge (and charger) could be run on 6a continuously with enough to spare to boil a travel kettle or run the heating on 900w....i dont regard this as any hardship, in fact no real difference....

some get more than the cost of their gas back by plumping for non ehu sites at cheap as chips prices....

if you replace the words could for should, BB's post will be more in tune with his wishesSmile

Yes I know you're only pointing out what could be done, but you mention/post on this could so oftenUndecided

What are you on about Corners....?

what gives you the right to pontificate over my 'wishes'.

this is an extremely arrogant post and (not for the first time) i think you'll be finding yourself in the referee's notebook.

now you want to edit my posts and make them say what you think i 'should' say.....i think not.

again, the questions were raised about the ease (or not) of surviving on a limited amperage....all i did was to show that the world wouldn't cave in if supplies were limited.

if you want to be a moderator (and change my posts to what they 'should' say) why dont you ask Ro nicely.....

as i obviously think you 'could', i really wish you 'would'.....

ohh, touched a nerve there BB? glad you agree they are your wishes though

young thomas replied on 22/04/2016 17:33

Posted on 22/04/2016 17:33

it was only your arrogance that struck me, and i see its still there in this posting.

you really do take the biscuit.

Cornersteady replied on 22/04/2016 17:45

Posted on 22/04/2016 17:45

it was only your arrogance that struck me, and i see its still there in this posting.

you really do take the biscuit.

yes please custard creams! 

Stay on topic BB

Meters would be too expensive to install.


thebroons replied on 23/04/2016 04:54

Posted on 23/04/2016 04:54

it was only your arrogance that struck me, and i see its still there in this posting.

you really do take the biscuit.


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