Campsites closing at the end of the 2024 season

RowenaBCAMC replied on 11/07/2024 11:22

Posted on 11/07/2024 11:22

In recent years the Club has acquired some fantastic new campsites for members including Dornafield in Devon, Carnon Downs in Cornwall, Bridport in Dorset and Cayton on the Yorkshire coast. Collectively these campsites provide over 160,000 additional pitch nights per year for members. This year the Club is also busy improving Edinburgh, Godrevy in Cornwall, Tredegar House near Newport, Blackpool South, Steamer Quay in Devon and Old Hartley in Tyne & Wear, with new hardstanding pitches, additional serviced and premium pitches, new playgrounds, multi-use games areas, shower blocks, inclusive bathrooms and road resurfacing. 

Sadly, a handful of our Club campsites have underperformed for a number of years, with the amount of members staying at these campsites reducing annually. Operating these campsites has become unsustainable and puts more pressure on other Club campsites to return a positive revenue contribution back to the Club to enable investment in the existing campsite network and the purchase of additional campsites to enhance the network. 

As such, we have taken the difficult decision to close Bromyard Downs, Broomfield Farm, Dockray Meadow, Gwern-y-Bwlch and Nunnykirk Club Campsites at the end of the 2024 season. Combined, these campsites provide around 250 pitches to members, which is less than 1% of our UK Club campsite network pitch availability.

While closing campsites will be disappointing for some members, our UK Club campsite network provides approximately 180,000 more available pitch nights than in 2018 across fantastic locations that are popular with the wider membership.

Thank you to those of you who have supported these campsites over the years. We hope you will enjoy exploring our UK campsite network and finding a new favourite location and Club campsite.

Munro Bagger replied on 12/08/2024 13:58

Posted on 11/07/2024 12:06 by Takethedogalong

So are Nunnykirk and Bromyard. So sad. Give me Nunnykirk over Cayton Bay anyday. 

Posted on 12/08/2024 13:58

Nunnykirk was affordable, unlike almost all the other club sites. In fact it was the only club site we used, everything else was a CL. We've had four separate weeks at Nunnykirk over the years, the most recently this June, and it's a great location for Wallington, Cragside, and also the Simonside estate.

Nunnykirk is "from £13.40" and the closest - Breamish - is from "£20.40". That's a huge price difference over a week's holiday, and you're basically paying a 50% premium for toilet facilities - which all caravans and motorhomes already have.

Poor decision by the club.


Cornersteady replied on 12/08/2024 14:52

Posted on 12/08/2024 13:58 by Munro Bagger

Nunnykirk was affordable, unlike almost all the other club sites. In fact it was the only club site we used, everything else was a CL. We've had four separate weeks at Nunnykirk over the years, the most recently this June, and it's a great location for Wallington, Cragside, and also the Simonside estate.

Nunnykirk is "from £13.40" and the closest - Breamish - is from "£20.40". That's a huge price difference over a week's holiday, and you're basically paying a 50% premium for toilet facilities - which all caravans and motorhomes already have.

Poor decision by the club.


Posted on 12/08/2024 14:52

I think the point you raised about have toilets doesn't bear any relevance, just because all outfits have them doesn't mean people want to, or have to, use them and I don't think that's why it is closing although a deciding factor added to the others in my view

Of more importance is that Nunnykirk is all grass which is perhaps just not what the majority of current members want. At River Breamish you are also paying a premium as you put it, although I call it paying for a better site around, for the hardstandings on all pitches and new facilities block, which is perhaps what the majority do want?

River Breamish was just like Nunnykirk a few years ago (I put a photo on upthred somewhere) until it was refurbished. Before then it didn't get much use but now it's very popular with great facilities.

So you had two almost identical sites near each other, though RB is in a better location perhaps, one was refurbished, one wasn't. One had to close due to people not using it yet the other is doing very well. There's got to be something there as to why? Especially as in peak (now) it's almost double the Nunnykirk price for a couple - £41.60 v £20.90.

Good decision(s) by the club in my view.

eurortraveller replied on 12/08/2024 15:37

Posted on 12/08/2024 15:37

There will be other closures at the end of the season. The club has just so many sites in non-places  and is finally getting round to rational thinking.

DavidKlyne replied on 12/08/2024 15:49

Posted on 12/08/2024 13:58 by Munro Bagger

Nunnykirk was affordable, unlike almost all the other club sites. In fact it was the only club site we used, everything else was a CL. We've had four separate weeks at Nunnykirk over the years, the most recently this June, and it's a great location for Wallington, Cragside, and also the Simonside estate.

Nunnykirk is "from £13.40" and the closest - Breamish - is from "£20.40". That's a huge price difference over a week's holiday, and you're basically paying a 50% premium for toilet facilities - which all caravans and motorhomes already have.

Poor decision by the club.


Posted on 12/08/2024 15:49

All the sites that are closing seem to be reasonably priced, even if compared to some CL's? Yet despite the value they are not well used. I have just seen a video of a Boules Competition at Broomfield Farm (another site about to be closed) The people were obviously having a good time but when the video went round you could see in the background a lot of empty hardstanding pitches. There is obviously something forcing the Club to be more hard nosed in its approach to sites they keep open. As they often say, use them or lose them!


Tinwheeler replied on 12/08/2024 15:52

Posted on 12/08/2024 15:52

What are "non-places" please, Euro?🤔  Everywhere is a place and some will suit some people whilst others will suit different people.

Phillip Gill replied on 13/08/2024 16:43

Posted on 13/08/2024 16:43

It saddens us that such sites are being closed.  We are used to caravanning without toilet blocks and indeed electricity. 

To a greater degree we object to paying out for a shower and toilet block within our daily fee to the club.  We pay even it we don't use them and prefer our own on board facilities.    

We haven't used these  eco sites, as we haven't had the chance.  We did use the site at Killen some time ago.  Lovely site

If the Club is going down the line of not having sites with out a toilet block, then we suggest that there should be charging structure for units that don't want to use the facilities provided.  

Charge for the pitch only and electric, but put in place a pay as you go for  all persons who want to use the on site facilities.  That way members would only pay for what they use, certainly for us, it considerably cut down costs on touring.

Cornersteady replied on 13/08/2024 17:05

Posted on 13/08/2024 16:43 by Phillip Gill

It saddens us that such sites are being closed.  We are used to caravanning without toilet blocks and indeed electricity. 

To a greater degree we object to paying out for a shower and toilet block within our daily fee to the club.  We pay even it we don't use them and prefer our own on board facilities.    

We haven't used these  eco sites, as we haven't had the chance.  We did use the site at Killen some time ago.  Lovely site

If the Club is going down the line of not having sites with out a toilet block, then we suggest that there should be charging structure for units that don't want to use the facilities provided.  

Charge for the pitch only and electric, but put in place a pay as you go for  all persons who want to use the on site facilities.  That way members would only pay for what they use, certainly for us, it considerably cut down costs on touring.

Posted on 13/08/2024 17:05

a pay as you go for all persons who want to use the on site facilities...members would only pay for what they use

So what cost charge would you put on a 'visit'?

The thing is club prices are what they are, the are openly displayed and one knows what one is getting no one is forced to use a club site. but... and it's a big but (sorry no pun intended) those sites that have facilities are well used, those that don't have them are not. This must tell you something about what club sites expect or want?

Tinwheeler replied on 13/08/2024 17:09

Posted on 13/08/2024 16:43 by Phillip Gill

It saddens us that such sites are being closed.  We are used to caravanning without toilet blocks and indeed electricity. 

To a greater degree we object to paying out for a shower and toilet block within our daily fee to the club.  We pay even it we don't use them and prefer our own on board facilities.    

We haven't used these  eco sites, as we haven't had the chance.  We did use the site at Killen some time ago.  Lovely site

If the Club is going down the line of not having sites with out a toilet block, then we suggest that there should be charging structure for units that don't want to use the facilities provided.  

Charge for the pitch only and electric, but put in place a pay as you go for  all persons who want to use the on site facilities.  That way members would only pay for what they use, certainly for us, it considerably cut down costs on touring.

Posted on 13/08/2024 17:09

It all goes to prove the old saying of "use it or lose it". It’s a shame you've never had the chance to use the closing sites but there are still some out there. Stover in Devon and Cadeside in Somerset are 2 crackers that spring to mind.

When it comes to paying for what you use, I fear your pay as you go idea is a retrograde step which would incur costs to administer and thus push up the overall price of the stay. Should CAMC also charge for access to the kiddies' play area, the dog walk, the info room, the veg prep/washing up facilities…. What a nightmare scenario!

The sites are what they are. People either pay for the whole package or don’t use club sites.

peedee replied on 25/08/2024 14:39

Posted on 25/08/2024 14:39

Is Ifracombe for the chop? I see the Club is pointing out it is not accepting seasonal bookings for the site next year.


Wherenext replied on 25/08/2024 15:55

Posted on 25/08/2024 15:55

Still showing an opening season though Peedee.

It does make me wonder if this an ethos thing with the club, moving away from non facility sites.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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