Diesel / petrol banned by 2040 what do we do then

DreamMachine replied on 14/07/2017 17:57

Posted on 14/07/2017 17:57

the government has annouced the banning of all new diesel & petrol cars by 2040 !

so what do we do for tow cars after then -  or Motorhomes for that matter ?


I can't see how electric cars are going to be upto the job so is it back to using horses ?


Milothedog replied on 27/07/2017 12:11

Posted on 27/07/2017 11:49 by JVB66

Or carry a little generator to charge battswink

Posted on 27/07/2017 12:11

"Or carry a little generator to charge batts"

Petrol or Diesel powered wink

GodivaNige replied on 27/07/2017 12:15

Posted on 27/07/2017 12:15

Over on the Range Rover Sport forum, an engineer has just posted some calcs. Interesting copy and paste for your pleasure

Diesel specific energy is 13,330 Watt Hour per Kg.

LiPoly specific energy is around 200 Watt Hour per Kg.

Let's assume that a Deisel is 25% efficient and electric is 100%..

13,330/4 = approx 3,000 Wh/kg

That's 15x more power than Batterys per Kg.

Or put it another way to replace a 50liter fuel tank with the equivalent Lipoly you would require:-

50l x 0.8kg/l = 35 kg of fuel.

Equivalent battery would be 520kg in weight...

In truth taking into account electric motors efficiency, the requirement of heating in winter (heating with IC engines uses wast heat, with electric it uses batterys) the extra weight to push along the safety casing for the battery. Etc.

Estimated battery size for replacing 50l of diesel 1,200Kg.

It's a none starter..


Put a gallon of petrol into a bucket and throw a match at it, it burns..

Get a large fully charged Lipoly battery hammer a nail through it, on second thoughts look at in on the Web.

The battery discharges all its energy in seconds.

Meanwhile the bucket of petrol is still burning..

Battery lifetimes..
Battery looses half of its capacity..

1000 charges..

Replacement cost of current batterys £5000 on a 1.5 ton battery £15,000

No battery technology exists that can replace IC engines in the foreseeable future..

Metheven replied on 27/07/2017 12:25

Posted on 27/07/2017 12:25

Not interesting at all.

His calcs will be done using todays technology, todays thinking and todays costs, we have another 23 years to go yet.

Eboracum replied on 27/07/2017 12:47

Posted on 14/07/2017 18:05 by Tinwheeler

Motorhomes are not cars.

This could be why we see clubs turning towards MHs, tents, pods etc

Anyway, I'm not going to worry about it.

Posted on 27/07/2017 12:47

Motorhomes are classed as vans ,which are covered by the 2040 ban.

GodivaNige replied on 27/07/2017 13:32

Posted on 27/07/2017 12:25 by Metheven

Not interesting at all.

His calcs will be done using todays technology, todays thinking and todays costs, we have another 23 years to go yet.

Posted on 27/07/2017 13:32

How small, light and cheap do you expect the batteries will become in 23 years time to enable the equivalent range for a medium sized family car or SUV equalling what you can achieve today with a full tank of diesel?

Do you think, in 23 years time, you will be able to recharge those cars to full capacity in the time it currently takes to fill up a tank of diesel? i.e. approx 5 minutes?

Honestly, will the technology be available to plug the car in and expect enough power to transfer from the mains back into the batteries within minutes and not hours?

Madmax 2 replied on 27/07/2017 13:50

Posted on 27/07/2017 13:50

The techknowlegdy will never exist to be as good as IC: Even with solar panels built in roof etc which will need to be done: Dont think theyve thought this thru properly: The amount of charging stations for example: they'll need to be outside every other house & shops:

There will be fighting in the streets for them. It is not a viable proposition at the mo: Obviously it needs doing , there's just too many cars now. Ive been say for years the freight etc should go back to trains & Canal boats. We have got to stop burning fossil fuels.

We have reached saturation point. Theyre gunna have to get better public transport infrastructure for sure: & the days of just nipping of in ya car is gone. Statics & pods are the future like it or not:

It's a sad day for sure but necessary: Goodbye Caravan industry:



Metheven replied on 27/07/2017 14:18

Posted on 27/07/2017 13:32 by GodivaNige

How small, light and cheap do you expect the batteries will become in 23 years time to enable the equivalent range for a medium sized family car or SUV equalling what you can achieve today with a full tank of diesel?

Do you think, in 23 years time, you will be able to recharge those cars to full capacity in the time it currently takes to fill up a tank of diesel? i.e. approx 5 minutes?

Honestly, will the technology be available to plug the car in and expect enough power to transfer from the mains back into the batteries within minutes and not hours?

Posted on 27/07/2017 14:18

I don't know, do you?

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