What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

nelliethehooker replied on 29/08/2024 21:51

Posted on 29/08/2024 21:51

Much better day today, although it did start out cloudy it soon brightened up and we still had a breeze. We took a walk on our local common before lunch and then, after calling in at the local caravan dealer for a replacement gas bottle, we visited Swathmoor Hall, built in 1576, the Quaker property once occupied by George Fox after he married Margaret Fell, the widow of Judge Thomas Fell, son of the house's builder. The house became the "powderhouse" of the Quaker Movement. Although  it is only about 8mls from home we have never before visited it.

Good to read that your MIL is slowly improving, as indicated by wishing to once more visit M&S, and getting back to her craft classes, WN.

Goldie, a grand photo of the tractor driver!

Goldie146 replied on 30/08/2024 09:44

Posted on 29/08/2024 21:06 by Takethedogalong

Is Ronnie sat in a Quad/ATV? Thought it was a Landy at first, but noticed no steering wheel😁

Posted on 30/08/2024 09:44

It's a John Deere Gator - very useful for dabbing about the farm as there's loads of space for stuff in the open back. LHD.

We have an old long wheel base Defender, but it's not as nimble.

DEBSC replied on 30/08/2024 12:17

Posted on 30/08/2024 12:17

Unbelievable! The day before big family wedding and OH has come down with shingles! Fortunately he had his injection for it a couple of years ago, so he isn’t too bad just rather sore. As it’s on his chest and shoulder and covered up Dr says he is absolutely fine to go to the wedding as long as he doesn’t hug babies. Or we now realise get too close to our granddaughter whose autoimmune system is compromised she has had chicken pox but there is a chance she could get it again apparently, so he will need not to get too close to her. He did suggest not going but he was with our granddaughter for his birthday party when he thought it was just bites on his chest, so as long as they stay clear from each other now. Flippin heck.

Bakers2 replied on 30/08/2024 13:06

Posted on 30/08/2024 13:06

Oh DEBSC what have you done to deserve all this aggro?

I think it's a very sensible move to go, contagious period is usually very early on and as you say he and granddaughter were together for his birthday.

I hope you manage to have a lovely day, even without hugging babies.

Many congratulations to the happy couple.

Speedy recovery to your OH. And many thoughts for you πŸ’πŸ’

Beautiful English summer day here. Dog walked, and shopping done and unpacked. OH preparing us a sandwich lunch for in the garden.

Now got to keep my mind busy until we hear from son and DIL, a scan followed by consultant review this afternoon. Requested by midwife yesterday.  Baby's heartbeat good and mum's blood pressure OK. They had a scan about a month ago....... Due date is 2 weeks yesterday. 

Spoke to them both this morning, they sound fine on their way to the farm. And all things being good are being fed here tomorrow.  Hence the shop!

DEBSC replied on 30/08/2024 15:21

Posted on 30/08/2024 15:21

Thank you Bakers. Tenterhooks time for you but exciting as well. Suspect you will be hugging baby very soon.

milliehull replied on 30/08/2024 15:47

Posted on 30/08/2024 15:47

DEBSC having had shingles last winter your OH has my sympathies. I do hope his shingles isnt too bad. I was also told ( and having worked in a maternity unit many years ago I knew anyway) to keep my.distance from pregnant Mums as chicken pox in pregnancy can be dangerous for the baby. I hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding and that your OH soon recovers.

Bakers2 I hope all goes well with your DIL's scan and consultant  appointment. Not too long now!

Bakers2 replied on 30/08/2024 17:09

Posted on 30/08/2024 17:09

Thanks for your thoughts DEBSC and milliehull. 

Been a productive afternoon on my part, but can stand down now phew! All on track apparently. They reckon it weighs 1oz more than grandson did at birth. Well see in due course.....

I do often think of my mums words - they can't tell much more than than could when my mum had me? That's getting on for 100 years! They seem to know more, but the human carrying has the best insight from her body 🀞

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