What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Francis replied on 02/03/2024 10:54

Posted on 02/03/2024 10:54

Glad all went well KJ

Lovely sunny day here on site this morning but a bit chilly but there are signs of spring arriving. Not sure what the plan is today hopefully just relax. TDA we love Newcastle paid another visit there last year great city 

richardandros replied on 02/03/2024 12:45

Posted on 02/03/2024 12:45

Glad to hear you're back home and feeling OK  KJ.

Just been for a routine lung scan as part of the NHS screening program - being an ex-smoker (stopped 11 years agosmile).  Was so easy and convenient - a mobile CT scan unit parked in the Hornsea Freeport car park.  5 minute drive from home and in and out in about 10 minutes.  Beats having to battle my way into Hull - to the Infirmary- and then all the stress and anguish of trying to find somewhere to park!

I just wish the other parts of the NHS worked as well.

Wherenext replied on 02/03/2024 13:19

Posted on 02/03/2024 13:19

Lucky you Francis! Started raining here about 10 then morphed into sleet, now back to heavy rain.

Managed to get to town just in the light rain this morning to buy a safer rug for MiLs Zimmer for the back door, plus a few other bits that she needed. The care people dropped off a Commode for her to use at night but she pooh-pooh that idea (apologies for the punlaughing) as her bathroom is directly opposite her bedroom. Mind you she has to ring a bell so OH can get out of bed to be there in case. I'm sure these things will settle themselves down into a routine.

We'll have to make sure we both get some free time so that life doesn't become a chore.

Good to have her home though.

Rufs replied on 02/03/2024 15:45

Posted on 02/03/2024 15:45

What a differance a day makes, yesterday raining and cold, today brilliant sunshine with some warmth now in the sun. This was Lee sea front approx 1400 hrs today, these ladies made full use of the beach side sauna, 90 degs inside, and the cooling waters of the Solent my guess 5c max yell

"The care people dropped off a Commode for her to use at night but she pooh-pooh that idea (apologies for the punlaughing) as her bathroom is directly opposite her bedroom. Mind you she has to ring a bell so OH can get out of bed to be there in case. I'm sure these things will settle themselves down into a routine."

My OH has a commode on wheels provided by the care people when she first came out of hospital, never actually used it as a commode as such, but it fits very nicely over the toilet and was a great help, mainly because it is fairly high and my OH does not have to struggle to get down & up, , she really does not need it now but it is still in situ, and i feel she is much more stable for her nightly visits, must confess not overy keen myself but we have 1 bathroom & 1 wetroom so i use the wet room , i sometimes wheel it into the garage if we have guests.

"We'll have to make sure we both get some free time so that life doesn't become a chore"

even though there are only the 2 of us, this is a must, i take myself off on my bike and my OH is now capable of doing short walks by her self and then somedays we walk together, some days she is just very tired and sits in the chair all day, take it as it comes, summer is round the corner.

check out the wheelchair as well, we have a really nice one specially made for OH as she only needed a very small size, we still have it and still use it on the odd occasion.

p.s. you can also use the commode chair as a shower chair if you have a wet room, was very handy when my OH could not walk


DSB replied on 02/03/2024 19:17

Posted on 01/03/2024 20:09 by KjellNN

Thanks all for the good wishes, I have indeed been sent home, and am feeling very well.

Arrived at hospital 07.00 yesterday and was checked in to my little cubicle to wait my turn.    Details checked 3 times, wrist band applied, donned gown and long compression socks.

Finally taken down at 11.30 and was back up and awake by 14.00.   All went well and incision  not as large as expected.  Surgeon very pleased.  Nurse phoned DD to report then I had a short chat, though apparently I was not making much sense!

Had a  bit of a snooze, but the immediate difference was amazing, I no longer feel tired all the time and have not even dozed off in my chair this evening, despite having been awake since 7am.

Doctors came round about 10 this morning and said they would do a blood test and then I could go home.  That took a while, plus all the discharge paperwork, so it was 13.30 before DD picked me up.  Went to her house to wait till Callum came from school, then we headed home.

Supposed to see doc in 6 weeks, but we will be away in caravan then, so will see her either earlier or later.


Posted on 02/03/2024 19:17

Glad all went welk KjellNN.  👍👍


Wherenext replied on 03/03/2024 13:34

Posted on 03/03/2024 13:34

It continued to be an absolutely appalling day yesterday, weather wise but we awoke to a beautiful sunrise. So I was told to take myself off for a walk whilst Mrs.WN sorted her mother out in the shower etc. Good job she got that the right way around!wink

Opened the door to find a Plant in a pot and a card on the doorstep. Somebody out early with their dog. More flowers from a neighbour when I got back from a much longer (time wise) walk than planned. People can be so kind and I was stopped on numerous occasions on the walk from people asking about her health. Might have to start carrying daily bulletins around and handing them out.laughing

Is it just me or do other folks have trouble with inanimate objects (no joking about Other Halves please) especially anything that can tie itself in knots, like cables? I also find door handles deliberately bump into me or catch my sleeve of my shirt and yank me backwards. I'm beginning to get a complex!

richardandros replied on 03/03/2024 13:41

Posted on 03/03/2024 13:41

"Is it just me or do other folks have trouble with inanimate objects (no joking about Other Halves please) especially anything that can tie itself in knots, like cables? I also find door handles deliberately bump into me or catch my sleeve of my shirt and yank me backwards. I'm beginning to get a complex!"

Thank goodness for that WN - I thought it was just me.  Trouble is, I usually 'tell' them what I think of themwink

Pleased to hear MiL is back home and doing OK - and, yes, what lovely gestures by your neighbours.

Francis replied on 03/03/2024 14:20

Posted on 03/03/2024 14:20

WN - Glad MIL is home and setting back in 

We are not long home from a nice weekend at the Ranch AS site in Maybole it was their first weekend open of the season and we were the first tourer In through the gate on Friday. Not too busy but weather was ok sunny but cold although it did pour all night over night. Easy 40 min tow home today. Not much planned for the rest of the day just relax hopefully.

Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

Takethedogalong replied on 03/03/2024 14:21

Posted on 03/03/2024 14:21

My middle name is “Calamity”🤣 

Rugs? I trip up

Doorhandles? I get snagged

Bollards? I ride into them on my bike

Mud? Magnetic! Splash down I go.

Water! I fall in.

The list is endless, ask my OH🤣🤣

DavidKlyne replied on 03/03/2024 14:26

Posted on 03/03/2024 14:26

Motorhome has been in for its annual service although pick up has been delayed due to the need to replace the Air Bag ECU (expensive!) Now when the Motorhome is away it gives me the opportunity to pressure wash the paving in the back garden, providing the weather plays ball. I am almost glad the weather forecast has been wrong over the last few days as instead of the forecast which said rain it's been dry and at times sunny and not too cold. I have done most of what I set out to do but there is still a bit more which hopefully will be completed tomorrow as we collect the motorhome on Tuesday. Just got to go back out into the garden and put everything away now.


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