What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DSB replied on 16/01/2017 23:50

Posted on 16/01/2017 18:30 by Bakers2

Glad to hear that folks are feeling better smile.  And someone who's had a tooth out says little pain surprised, hopefully that'll continue.

Yet another grey day here in Essex frown not as forecast, so washing had to be tumbled, as we had drizzle - that definitely wasn't on forecast.

Met an ex-colleague for lunch after having my haircut.   Then shopped for elderly aunt who has been poorly but didn't let anyone know yell.  Wouldn't call GP until someone visited on Friday and insisted sitting with her until GP called back.  Prescribed without a visit sealed. Same person spoke to her yesterday and called 111, told patient had to phone, she did.  6 hour wait for doctor, who came at 10pm and said hospital, she's very chesty and had pleurisy this time last year.  Ambulance 3.30am - discharged 8am with antibiotics. Looks poorly but really if she'd seen a GP a week ago this could have been avoided.  So depressed, so stubborn sealed.

Rant over.

Hopefully the new year will have some good news before long, another elderly aunt has had massive stroke not expected to recover/survive - only a matter or time.

No trips in the motorhome even thought about frown

Posted on 16/01/2017 23:50

There seem to be a lot of these bugs going around this year, and they seem very stubborn.  Best wishes for your aunts Bakers2.


Bakers2 replied on 17/01/2017 08:40

Posted on 17/01/2017 08:40

Thanks for your good wishes Tammygirl and DSB. Sadly aunt who has had stroke not expected to survive, but so far 4 days, not had a good quality of life for several years horrendous arthritis for 40 years, but very strong constitution. Other aunt is one who was poorly, for the same reasons, last year depressed and hasn't wanted to be here since her husband died six and a half years ago. Sad life for some. Sorry to depress you all.

Knitting going well thanks Tammygirl really enjoying it very easy pattern. 

Very dark here this morning or maybe it's because I'm up earlier than of late 😂😂. 0 5c so frost about. Might head out for decent walk with the dog as it looks brighter, not be as grey and dull with drizzle as yesterday. Roll on spring great to see signs of it already 😃

Bakers2 replied on 17/01/2017 08:43

Posted on 17/01/2017 08:43

Still finding this improved CT frustrating 😔. So brief postings when I'm on the right equipment but I do read from time to time.

Son and his girlfriend reach our daughter tomorrow on their nz travels. They've said rain following them but I'm not sure if they mean as they leave or bring it with them, I suspect the latter. Shame for them daughter won't like that 😂😂. They have a week together first time he'll meet his neices.  Eldest is looking forward to seeing aunty Rob. It will stick as a family form of address...........

brue replied on 17/01/2017 09:08

Posted on 17/01/2017 09:08

Nice to catch up with you B2, even though elderly relatives are in need of care and attention, a big struggle for many. Hope your son and girlfriend enjoy seeing the family and NZ.

OH off to the dentist today then I might grab the car from him to get to town. Dark, damp morning here.

milliehull replied on 17/01/2017 09:12

Posted on 17/01/2017 09:12

Sorry about your 2 aunts Bakers.  I hope the one with pleurisy improves.  I thought she was supposed to be having carers in after being in hospital last year - or was that short lived? I hope they have sorted out some after care at home for her. Old people can be so stubborn.  On a lighter note I went to see a friend yesterday afternoon and the snowdrops in her front garden were out which was a cheery sight.  Washing machine engineer comes this afternoon so fingers crossed. I have already sourced one in John Lewis on special offer until the 21st so it might be a quick trip to them tomorrow morning.

Glad people are beginning to feel a bit better.  Roll on spring. smile

brue replied on 17/01/2017 09:23

Posted on 17/01/2017 09:23

Hope you have a working washing machine soon Millie, if the repair doesn't happen at least deliveries of new machines are super quick. smile

Bakers2 replied on 17/01/2017 10:25

Posted on 17/01/2017 10:25

Milliehull your memory is good she was discharged with carers last year. Limited time, she could easily afford some help but won't 😔. No family to leave anything to sealed. Nothing this time from hospital, emergency Dr sent her in by ambulance she was there for 5 hours perscribed her antibiotics which dr could have done and sent her home in hospital transport............... refuses to let me contact her gp so I can do no more. 

I do hope you have a washing machine before long.

The gas fire in our lounge won't stay alight. Thermocouple suspected. No longer made by Valor or Baxi but hope we've sourced one from Internet. Waiting for fitter to get back to us to see if it is. If not a complete new fire required.

Sun's out here, welcome sight 😃 so long as you don't look at the windows 😂😂😂. Don't care 😆

DSB replied on 17/01/2017 10:56

Posted on 17/01/2017 10:56

Dull morning here too, but at least it doesn't appear to be raining!  

Off to the dental hospital again today.  The idea is that they are looking for a solution to tooth wear, probably and mainly brought about by a longstanding growth hormone condition (now cured) which caused a little growth in the lower jaw, resulting in an underbite.  I've been going since October, and have appointments running into March (so far). After going for three and a half months they suddenly announced last week that they think they might have a plan!!!  I guess I will find out about the plan today.


milliehull replied on 17/01/2017 12:34

Posted on 17/01/2017 12:34

I hope you get your gas fire mended soon Bakers.  It is not the weather to be without it.

Hope you get your dental plan today David.

Tammygirl replied on 17/01/2017 14:36

Posted on 17/01/2017 14:36

Lovely sunny day here again today, I put the thermometer on the front window ledge outside to see just how warm it is, the sun coming through the window is very warm. Thermometer says 20c smile now I know that's in the sun but wow! can't be bad. going out the back of the house is a bit different as its NE facing so more like 10c but still good for January. The hills still have snow but I don't think they are getting a good ski season this year.

Hope you get the washer sorted MH, by the way how did Mr MH Op go, has he got the patch of yet, (did they do both eyes or just the one)

Glad to hear the knitting is still going well Bakers what are you making.

DSB, hope you get a solution to the dental issue.

We've just had a power out in the village, phoned the appropriate number, they took details, called back to let us know someone was on their way to look at the problem, short time later power back on, another phone call to ask if everything was alright did we have any problems and was everything working ok. Must admit very impressed with them.smile  Can hear alarms going off all over the village so guess some houses have main alarms that are not happy.

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