Sniffer, Diary of A Dog In Isolation!

Takethedogalong replied on 18/03/2020 11:02

Posted on 18/03/2020 11:02

Hi everyone. My first post as an independent canine Club Member. My human’s aren’t in total lock down yet, but are behaving a bit strangely, so I thought I’d take to this Web thing and give it a go. 

We canines, and I suspect other chilled out cuties of the fur and feather kind know a thing about communicating. But just how are we going to do it if our walks are on lock down, those well loved paths and trails an ever decreasing source of scents and sniffs? 

Well, compared to our highly developed, totally secret Sniffer channels, our humans finally developed what they call Twitter. It’s a crude, limited, easy to understand type of communication thing, but it might be worth putting up with something similar until we can physically get together and wag our way along those walks again. 

So, if you want to share lockdown tips, keep in touch, add a photo, say hello to a mate you haven’t seen for a while, feel free to add something here, on the Sniffer thread! It would be good to hear from other confined canines, but in this special circumstances, anything that woofs, neighs, squeaks, grunts, moo’s, tweets.......ok, even meows, is most welcome to join in. Humans without anything furry or feathered, but who would like to join in are most welcome as well.

My bolshy human (not the quiet one) has told me that there is a special pet section, but advised me to ask the in charge humans on this Web thing to leave it here for a while, so that more of us highly developed communicators can find it easily and take part if they want to, maybe moving it in a few days time to the pet section.

I’d sign off in my usual way at the moment, but apparently it’s not good etiquette with anything electrical, so get those paws tapping and say hello........

😱 I! Most welcome, but don’t get too close to the cats!

Kerry Watkins replied on 18/03/2020 19:19

Posted on 18/03/2020 19:19

Hi Sniffer, I am Jen a two and a half old Labradoodle. Mam and Dad are still taking me for walks close to home. I want to go and sniff at everything as I normally do and want to go and greet other mams and dads but they keep me close. I go out in the garden a lot and frighten the squirrel that comes into my garden 😊. The blackbirds get the same treatment. I lull them into a false sense of security but when they come half way up the garden I chase em away he he. I fink your writing is so good I learnt everyfing from my dad so, at the mo that is not a lot πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my mam will help me when I decide to listen. Anyway too tired now writing do going to wind up mam and dad before I crash for the nite,

Takethedogalong replied on 18/03/2020 21:22

Posted on 18/03/2020 21:22

Hello (wag, wag) Jen. You sound just my type, much more my size than the next door neighbour here! She’s pretty, sort of silver grey, floppy ears, but a bit on the petite side. She tends to like the local tearaways further up the street more than me, they go around in a gang of three!

I’ve had quite a nice day. A local reservoir walk this morning, lots of sniffs, and I could see a very nice looking Fox Red Lab chasing a stick the other side of the water, but it was a lonely walk, a few messages at selective posts, the ducks weren’t playing. After that it was home for a snooze, but the irritating noisy one was busy cleaning, so lots of huffing and puffing disturbing me. The Adored One was busy sorting out his strange old chariot in the garage, got no roof, but great for Summer travel. That left my tea to the Noisy One, and she’s got everyone on rations at the moment, something about not being able to see my ribs. Can’t see her’s either but she was scoffing a biscuit at lunch time!

We have tree rats here as well, too fast for me nowadays, but I pee on their buried nuts if I find them!

Stove is lit, so I can’t seem to keep my eyes open at the moment......

Kerry Watkins replied on 19/03/2020 18:28

Posted on 19/03/2020 18:28

It was dad's birthday yesterday, I got im  a card as did mam. He says he is 48 πŸ™„, In his dreams, But I no he is 90 in the body and 10 in his mind πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Mam and I bought him a birthday cake which we both thoroughly enjoyed, dad was given one bit as it was his birthdayπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸ°. I got into the back bedroom today and just happened to maul one of mams soft toys, as you do, she was not pleased, can't think why. Just had my tea and some of dads and I am now lying on the settee and getting tickle tums from my slave. mefinks I will then crash out before I start again. 😁

Takethedogalong replied on 19/03/2020 21:18

Posted on 19/03/2020 21:18

Exhausting isn’t it, all this entertaining the troops 🐢 I’ve had a normal morning with The Quiet One, plenty of carrot treats, then it sort of went pear shaped around 2pm. Carted off to Grandma Cheese’s house, which was good, but the Noisy one was up there digging a pond, and when I showed enthusiastic interest (as you do) I get yelled at! How is a dog supposed to know that it wasn’t a drinking bowl, and the plants did look tasty. Got my own back, peed on the Rhubarb when she wasn’t looking! 

Grandma Cheese, (who is in my top three humans) came home with us, and I spent all afternoon showing her my toys, hoping for a bit of biscuit, but the Eagle Eye was around, and I got nothing! Tea was nice though, my German vet has decided that more protein, less carbs is the way forward, so I got extra tonight, and it’s Pasta for breakfast tomorrow!

Just heard best mate Flyte has made it home. He really lives the doggy dream, travels all over, beach after beach, walk after walkπŸ‘

nelliethehooker replied on 19/03/2020 22:21

Posted on 19/03/2020 22:21

Hi, Sniffer, good to hear from you. Hope that your bh is still able to give you a helping hand when your legs get a bit tired. I think I might just have a word or two with you-know-who and see if they will consider getting me one, as I can always pretend that my legs aren't a good as they used to be. However I doubt that they'll fall for that yet, although maybe in a few few year they might, the poor old things. 

I'm just off out now for my last wander round the green so I'll have to drag him away from this computer thingy. However I'm sure I'll be able to drop in again tomorrow and we can have another chew of the fat!

Takethedogalong replied on 19/03/2020 22:33

Posted on 19/03/2020 22:33

Hey yup FlyteπŸ’• glad your humans got you home, right old palaver though all this. Will be on the Twilight Bark tomorrowπŸ‘

KeithandMargaret replied on 20/03/2020 09:57

Posted on 20/03/2020 09:57

Hello Sniffer,

I thought I'd comment on my Owners who seem to be acting even stranger the last few days compared to their earlier attempts while owning me for the last two years

When on a walk in the parks we keep our distance from my mates (Ben, Lassie, Satan and even Charlie who I adore) and despite my efforts to get to them the recall signal means I'm deprived of canine company.

Yesterday was something called a 'Birthday' for the Lady keeper, who apparently answers to the name 'Would you like a cup of tea?', and her relatives came round to my house but surprisingly sat quite a long way from her and the Man keeper.

As an aside, he normally answers to the name 'Will you be watching football on Sky?' but seems to have altered his name recently to 'What shall we have for tea?'.

The guests to my house yesterday as normal threw one on my tennis balls for me to chase and bring back to them – it's good exercise for them and some look as though they need it !

The keepers also spend more time in the little room, the one we dogs use for drinking water if our bowls get empty, and there's quite a bit of singing (always out of tune) from inside the little room so they must be up to something else as well.

Apparently someone called Pappa John is calling this evening with my supper – I'll keep an eye out for him later today.

They are off for some fruit at the Market in town in a short while and I have to guard their transport while they search for essentials - to keep their bowels moving apparently, whatever that means !

By the way, my name is Merl, short for Merlin, and the picture is of me active on the beach – do you love the wide open spaces of beaches ?

Hope to hear from you soon and keep wagging.

Takethedogalong replied on 20/03/2020 14:35

Posted on 20/03/2020 14:35

Hey up Merl....oh yes, I love a beach. My humans got me when I was a mere stripling (8 months) I was a bit thick, hadn’t learned my name, so they gave me another one. I nearly got Satan, Diablo, Mephistopheles, Noisy one said it was what she saw when she looked into my eyes, but they relented, and I now have a posh, but easily yelled name, shortened to Rieves. Anyway, I digress, (much like the Noisy one usually does on hereπŸ™„) I was thrown into back of a big Jeep and taken on a long journey on my second day with my new owners. It was ok though, as they knew I had a cast iron tum and wouldn’t throw up. They hadn’t bargained with me not being quick to catch on that a walk meant a πŸ’©, so I had great fun blowing their minds on that journey, every whine set them off yelling, “quick, stop”. They were well trained by the time we reached Penzance🐢 Home there was sort of a small cabin, but we all got on ok, including the gorgeous girl who I got to sleep with after a brief hello! Next day, they blew my mind, definitely brain out, run around idiotically on something called sand. Marvellous, it’s like a drug for dogs, you can never get enough. That wet crashing stuff had me puzzled for a while, but after 5 minutes I was in and swimming. Never looked back since. But I am a Labrador, and our legs get all sorts of things wrong with them, so I have to be more careful now, and I can’t walk as far as my brain tells me to. I still go “cracker dog” just to worry them though, that “kerching” look of shock sets on their faces, and I know it means “vet”😱

Metheven replied on 20/03/2020 15:10

Posted on 20/03/2020 15:10

Now then Sniffer, I'm Cassie, bit of Labrador, Spaniel come Collie.

I love going to the vets, I get treats there and food is the driver of everything.laughing On Tuesday I had an operation for a growth to be removed from my eyelid as it was rubbing my eye, it went well but the anaesthetic left me more than a bit 'windy' embarassed so my 'carers' opened all windows in their quest for fresh air. I couldn't see what the problem wasundecided

Today was a post op checkup and once out of the car, I dragged them at breakneck speed to reception, sat and put on my best 'pretty please' look, it worked a treat and I got a treat innocent Looking good I heard the Vet say and the stitches will eventually dissolve, but I wanted to get back to reception ASAP. 

Treats must cost a lot as after I had another one my human had to pay just under £700 surprised I do hope they can afford to keep buying them for me wink

We are lucky living in a small rural village with plenty of open spaces, so nothing has changed as yet with my walks, although at nearly 11 years old now they are quite a bit shorter than when I was younger and fitter.

Keeeeeep walking kiss


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