Sniffer, Diary of A Dog In Isolation!

Takethedogalong replied on 18/03/2020 11:02

Posted on 18/03/2020 11:02

Hi everyone. My first post as an independent canine Club Member. My human’s aren’t in total lock down yet, but are behaving a bit strangely, so I thought I’d take to this Web thing and give it a go. 

We canines, and I suspect other chilled out cuties of the fur and feather kind know a thing about communicating. But just how are we going to do it if our walks are on lock down, those well loved paths and trails an ever decreasing source of scents and sniffs? 

Well, compared to our highly developed, totally secret Sniffer channels, our humans finally developed what they call Twitter. It’s a crude, limited, easy to understand type of communication thing, but it might be worth putting up with something similar until we can physically get together and wag our way along those walks again. 

So, if you want to share lockdown tips, keep in touch, add a photo, say hello to a mate you haven’t seen for a while, feel free to add something here, on the Sniffer thread! It would be good to hear from other confined canines, but in this special circumstances, anything that woofs, neighs, squeaks, grunts, moo’s, tweets.......ok, even meows, is most welcome to join in. Humans without anything furry or feathered, but who would like to join in are most welcome as well.

My bolshy human (not the quiet one) has told me that there is a special pet section, but advised me to ask the in charge humans on this Web thing to leave it here for a while, so that more of us highly developed communicators can find it easily and take part if they want to, maybe moving it in a few days time to the pet section.

I’d sign off in my usual way at the moment, but apparently it’s not good etiquette with anything electrical, so get those paws tapping and say hello........

😱 I! Most welcome, but don’t get too close to the cats!

Tammygirl replied on 20/03/2020 16:22

Posted on 20/03/2020 16:22

Hi all my name is Iggy, I'm a cute (well I think so) little black cat meow.

I don't really have an owner anymore as they decided they preferred a dog frown so being as cats are very intelligent I decided I would adopt a couple of new slaves wink I've got a really good thing going now with 2 soft humans who seem to like my company. One is very old and doesn't get out much so I try to keep her company, the other one is a bit younger but keeps vanishing weeks on end, just back from somewhere hot by the looks of them as they have changed colour.

Anyway back into by routine again of visiting each of them to keep them happy. The young one gave me a good feed, then a nice brush smile I'm quite capable of cleaning myself but she seems to like doing it so I play along. They are busy just now so I've sneaked into their bedroom and made myself at home on their bed, they leave a nice furry cover on it just for me. 

It's nice having others to chat to so I  may be back on here but for now I need to have a nice sleep Zzzzzzzzz.

brue replied on 20/03/2020 16:37

Posted on 20/03/2020 16:37

Hi My name is Tallulah, I'm a rescue chihuahua with loads of energy if anyone wants to play with me...πŸ•smile

I hope you don't think chihuahuas aren't much of a dog, did you see one of my friends at Crufts this year, she was very clever...

nelliethehooker replied on 20/03/2020 21:54

Posted on 20/03/2020 21:54

Hi all, especially my buddy Rieves. I'm rather disappointed that they've drag me back home as I was looking forward to lots of new sniffs to sample while I was off in with white box thing that gets dragged behind my mobile home. It's back to the same old walks and smells again, however this morning I got a good run over the old slag bank, searching for those funny bunny things that keep disappearing down holes whenever I get anywhere near them. "He who must be obeyed... or maybe not" was at it again cleaning my mobile home. It happens every time we get back home and I know that it'll be just as mucky in no time at all I've no idea why he bothers!

It's getting that time again, so must dash. Keep sniffing one and all.

Takethedogalong replied on 20/03/2020 22:06

Posted on 20/03/2020 22:06

Hey up Cassie, long time no see. Sorry to hear the old peepers have been playing up, mine aren’t too great nowadays either. I have to take lots of tablets for my arthritis, and it’s sort of stopped me crying, no tears, so I have three different sorts of drops. My humans are always muttering about “how much” when they ring the vets, but I love it there, they have Liver Pate, scrummy, Food of The Gods!

This self isolating isn’t so bad you know, but I still get a couple of walks, but never see anyone now. But the messages are there, mates are doing ok. I’m very lucky, I have a largish garden to play in, plenty of squirrels to chase, and the odd visiting cat. I reckon I could get on ok with a cat you know, only trouble is, they do like to tease. It’s that wafting tail thing.........

Back for an edit....hello everyone, good to have a pussy dropping in, great to hear some cat tails,πŸ˜‚ I think my humans have had cats as well, I can see some photos around, they are a pair of soft touches these two, rescue anything! that’s what I call a name! Small pooch but big on character I bet. 

Takethedogalong replied on 20/03/2020 22:19

Posted on 20/03/2020 21:54 by nelliethehooker

Hi all, especially my buddy Rieves. I'm rather disappointed that they've drag me back home as I was looking forward to lots of new sniffs to sample while I was off in with white box thing that gets dragged behind my mobile home. It's back to the same old walks and smells again, however this morning I got a good run over the old slag bank, searching for those funny bunny things that keep disappearing down holes whenever I get anywhere near them. "He who must be obeyed... or maybe not" was at it again cleaning my mobile home. It happens every time we get back home and I know that it'll be just as mucky in no time at all I've no idea why he bothers!

It's getting that time again, so must dash. Keep sniffing one and all.

Posted on 20/03/2020 22:19

Weird aren’t they Flyte! All that effort on a box on wheels. I’d give anything to be able to chase bunnies, but the old legs are past it. Got mine well trained though, I have a chariot which they shove around for longer walks. I usually find that my legs go walking uphill, so there’s usually a lot of puffing from the Noisy One, but she needs the exercise, do her good! πŸ˜‚

KeithandMargaret replied on 21/03/2020 10:31

Posted on 21/03/2020 10:31

Hello again Sniffer,
They didn't leave me for long yesterday morning in the transport device, and through the open window I could smell delicious food being cooked, and they came back smiling.
They had a couple of bags of fruit and vegetables, milk, sausage and fresh meat pies that I hope to help them eat if they leave any scraps for me.
The keepers chatted about how easy it was to use the well stocked local town centre shops and market stalls and how they'd laughed at the people struggling to park and then shop in the empty Supermarkets.
We had another walk across the deserted Golf course in the afternoon to chase the squirrels and rabbits – I will catch one eventually, I know I will !
I like to keep my keeper happy with all the exercise he gets by throwing a ball for half an hour and walking up and down the park and golf course.
They've promised me more time in the garden in the next few days and I intend to help them dig – even if it's not exactly where they need the digging done.
And I might find the couple of dozen tennis balls I've left up the garden during the last few months.
Just resting now in a sunny spot in the lounge near the Lady keeper who is putting little bits of cardboard on the dining table to make a picture– bless her, it should keep her happy for a few hours.
I can hear the Man keeper tapping slowly on something upstairs – I can't understand why he can't lie on the floor and keep me company.
Another hour or so to dinner time and, hopefully, a few tasty morsels.
All of you - keep up the wagging.

Takethedogalong replied on 21/03/2020 16:21

Posted on 21/03/2020 16:21

Wow, is that Decoupage Merl? They don’t half get up to some weird stuff at times don’t they. Noisy One here is fixated on wool at the moment, makes all sorts of stuff for keeping hands warm and as a sort of collar. She promised me a knitted collar, but it hasn’t  appeared yetπŸ™„

Quiet One is even more weird. He disappears up into some sort of man cave right at the top of the house, then you can hear a weird noise a bit like a giant wasp. I went up to find out what it was, but it was only his bike. He was pedalling but going nowhere. He puts loud music on as well, so things get a but loud. Noisy One gets really annoyed when she yells at him to come down for his dinner, and he can’t hear. But now she phones him so that stops his music!πŸ˜‚

Grandma Cheese is here at the moment. She was bundled into a big coat, hoiked into Jeep, then unwrapped and disinfected when we got home. She doesn’t scratch for fleas, so not sure what all the washing was for, but I am pleased to see her. She feeds me biscuits on the sly! Every dog needs a Grandma CheeseπŸ‘

Takethedogalong replied on 22/03/2020 22:24

Posted on 22/03/2020 22:24

More walking, more gardening, more cycling going nowhere. A quiet day until........😱Noisy One heard me flap my ears. Bang, before you know it, I am pinned down, lugs turned inside out and she’s in there with all sorts of things. And then, no chance of recovery before the bl**dy flea treatment is out. Hells teeth......what a life!

Things......can only get better, whoo πŸ‘

Bakers2 replied on 22/03/2020 22:40

Posted on 22/03/2020 22:40

Love reading this thread before bed. Nice and uplifting πŸ˜€ just what I need to settle down. Keep it up folks.

Sadly giving up on the dog hunt ourselves 😒 in light of the current situation. Mind you I'm still checking out the adoption websites πŸ˜‚ but I don't think I could class checking out etc as essential travel and with OH in the high risk category I'm not sure on exercising new addition outside our garden  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Tammygirl replied on 22/03/2020 23:09

Posted on 22/03/2020 23:09

Hello again, just popped in to see how you are all doing. Been a busy day today as the sun has been out and the young human has been in the garden all day. I've been playing hide and seek under the bushes and had a mad 10 mins running around the garden. They feed me again but I'm not that keen on duck so didn't finish it all, will try and see if the old one has something better. As they were busy today I didn't get into the house for a sleep so I'm a bit tired now and need to go to the old ones house to sleep, she's on her own so I need to go and look after her, I know she is worried about having to stay in for 12 weeks on her own, the young one has a man human so doesn't need me to be there at night.  

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