What does your water contain?

Merve replied on 23/02/2017 18:26

Posted on 23/02/2017 18:26

  • As we are all into health being caravanners- This should interest just about everyone! About 3 weeks ago I was contacted by my son who asked me to go to YouTube and watch a video called ' The journey of water' This video is of a lecturer in front of a class telling them about the appalling state of our water and the tricks and chemical manipulation used to blind us to the truth about what we are drinking from our taps. Now, this video is American but I can assure you( with photographic evidence) that our water is just as bad. Having watched the video, I immediately ordered a water distiller and have been drinking completely pure water now for two and a half weeks. I won't bore you here with the ins and outs but my photo- the first one I have ever put on CT- shows the crud, filth and deposits from just 20 lts of our tap water distilled through my machine!! I would have drunk this under normal circumstances and the smell is appalling by the way!! I replace the minerals in it by using dissolvable mineral sea salt (half a teaspoon in 4 lts which is the capacity of my machine) I invite you all to watch this video and to see just what you are consuming in what should be, the purest drink you can get. He also covers bottled water and filtered water - that will be an eye opener too. Having said that, well filtered water is much better than nothing and being non EHU, that's what I will have to do while away. Have I noticed a difference- yes! My joints don't ache so much and I have more energy! Coincidence? I doubt it. I'm not consuming 80,000 chemicals including estrogen! Petro chemicals , pesticides and goodness knows what else! 

Merve replied on 24/02/2017 19:47

Posted on 24/02/2017 11:39 by JCB4X4

With regard to health and well-being: It occurs to me that despite whatever steps an individual chooses to take 'Living is still a Terminal Condition.'


Posted on 24/02/2017 19:47

It certainly is JCB- no one is getting out of here alive as they say. I am on no medication and don't intend to be! It's not about extending your life although if I can have another 5 years caravanning because of what I am doing now, then that has to be a plus- it's all about the quality of life- There is enough evidence available, if one really wants to research this, to frighten the living cr*p of of you. We are not meant to drink what they supply through the modern tap -  period!! I'm not saying either that I have the perfect answer- what with distillation. Ionisation. Reverse osmosis etc etc it's confusing to say the least. What is known is that acidic water is bad for you and alkaline water is better. Cancer thrives in an acidic body whereas they tell us they can't survive in an alkaline body. I quote the medical professional here, it's not some weird idea I've come up with- I just know that I am not drinking the filth that they call tap water. I can't run with this argument regarding minerals- it's rather like saying " eat this poisoned porridge because the oats are good for you" - I'm almost sorry now that I even tried to warn people about what they are feeding you but there you go! Water is the single most important nutrient we need- so I want mine clean- simples! 

cariadon replied on 24/02/2017 21:25

Posted on 24/02/2017 21:25

an interesting thread Merve, I have been using a filter jug for years because the tap water in my area was giving me an upset stomach.

I find some of the replies very disrespectful, there are ways to put a point across without belittling the opinion of the op.

brue replied on 25/02/2017 08:27

Posted on 25/02/2017 08:27

Cariadon, calling tap water "filth" which most of us drink is upsetting so I don't think anyone is being disrespectful in questioning the theory.

No further comments from me.

Pippah45 replied on 25/02/2017 08:53

Posted on 25/02/2017 08:53

I think its interesting how animals will go for rainwater rather than tap water.  In a former life I sold a few water filters and at least one was sold due to the family dog preferring it to tap water.  My dogs have filtered - but one prefers to drink the overflow water from the rainwater butt in the garden.  I am beginning to suspect tap water as being a trigger to the labrador's seizures as she has far more away from home when I don't filter it. 

JCB4X4 replied on 25/02/2017 12:16

Posted on 25/02/2017 08:53 by Pippah45

I think its interesting how animals will go for rainwater rather than tap water.  In a former life I sold a few water filters and at least one was sold due to the family dog preferring it to tap water.  My dogs have filtered - but one prefers to drink the overflow water from the rainwater butt in the garden.  I am beginning to suspect tap water as being a trigger to the labrador's seizures as she has far more away from home when I don't filter it. 

Posted on 25/02/2017 12:16


You could be correct  but  I would be more likely inclined to think it to be related to the many other changes in routine and environment when away from home: causing stress & anxiety leading to such problems.    

Merve replied on 25/02/2017 20:01

Posted on 25/02/2017 20:01

Brue,  I was simply pointing out that tap water contains particulate which is, by all intents and purposes, ...... dirt or filth! and it contains quite a bit. The water treatment works manipulate water with chemicals to make it look nice but it ain't! I apologise if I upset you by my choice of wording. My only intent was to make folk aware of what is coming out of your taps. Knowledge is power but if you choose to ignore it that is your constitutional right and I would defend your right to do so. 

brue replied on 25/02/2017 20:11

Posted on 25/02/2017 20:11

No problem Merve, our local water comes from chalk aquifers, locally we can also get water from the Exmoor area which is peaty. In Scotland we had water from an ice cold loch which was tea coloured. As long as the bugs are taken out I don't mind drinking it! I wonder where your local water comes from? At least we are all lucky to have it on tap and can do what we want with it! wink

ValDa replied on 25/02/2017 20:29

Posted on 25/02/2017 20:29

Merve, what do you drink when in the caravan?  Do you take your distilled water with you?

I've long had a bee in my bonnet about the quality of 'caravan water' from an aquaroll, and it would be interesting to see what distilling some of that produced!

ValDa replied on 25/02/2017 20:31

Posted on 25/02/2017 20:31

And to Pippah, if your dog drinks water from the aquaroll, then this may contain toxic algae, which are suspected to cause neurological problems in dogs - and perhaps in humans!

Merve replied on 25/02/2017 21:01

Posted on 25/02/2017 21:01

Hi ValDa, I will be taking a good quality filter with me- being non EHU means I can't use my distiller but a well filtered water, although not perfect will still be vastly superior to what I get out of my Taps!  I will of course take some with me but it doesn't last long- it's too nice! Brue, We get our water from Anglia water which covers part of the industrial midlands. That's the reason I posted the photo-what can't speak can't lie-  when you blow it up you can see what has gathered and don't forget that's only 20 lts !! We can protect ourselves from the insidious chemicals and poisons in our water- but it costs. You either buy a good quality filter like the Berkey from America (AmazonI think) or you go the whole hog like me and spend more on electricity to refine and clean what you drink. You then have to realise that an adjustment in diet is required to maintain your mineral intake but I put them back in the form of naturally dried mineral sea salts. Having seen the crud that is in my water and having smelled the distiller after use- believe me when I say you would do the same as me!! I'm sure chalk aquifers were brilliant at one time but with all the pesticides, chemicals, , particularly petrochemicals seeping into our water supplies.... ? Well it's just better to be protected from them. Have you all watched the video? 

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