UK staycation boom predicted

SteveL replied on 20/03/2021 10:57

Posted on 20/03/2021 10:46 by JVB66

I so agree it should be max of 24hrs  in dedeicated parking areas charged at the local camp site prices for each stay, with a min £100 fine for exeeding it, or parking elswhere for any longerundecided

Posted on 20/03/2021 10:57

We stopped in just such a car park in France.  22€ a night with water / disposal facilities. Didn’t matter if you were a car or MH, price was the same. You could stay more than 24 hours, but no need for any enforcement. You couldn’t get out without paying. The location was good and there were no shortage of takers, even at that price.

Rufs replied on 20/03/2021 11:12

Posted on 20/03/2021 10:34 by peedee

He does have a point. Places like Woolecombe should have dedicate spaces for touring motor caravans to park for a limited duration.


Posted on 20/03/2021 11:12

I know we have been round this block before, our LA did just that, ok only i think 6 or 8 pay and display, are they used, only as a last resort, now the LA have spent the winter months concreting in 2ft posts on all grass verges etc to stop MH's using them as campsites, all carparks have been fitted with height barriers where possible and we now have a team of enforcers doing the rounds checking for illegals, and who pays for all of this, the local community undecided, and i fear as MH's become more and more popular and are sold/leased to people who have never done camping of any sort ever, the situation will only get worseundecided



JVB66 replied on 20/03/2021 11:21

Posted on 20/03/2021 10:56 by peedee

Its a good job you don't run a business JVB, you would go bust in no time.



Posted on 20/03/2021 11:21

Why is that then? it just need as Ruffs stated  enforcers to monitor it,  a private company if so employed will want to maximise  their income so it could well be the way forwardsurprised

peedee replied on 20/03/2021 11:39

Posted on 20/03/2021 11:12 by Rufs

I know we have been round this block before, our LA did just that, ok only i think 6 or 8 pay and display, are they used, only as a last resort, now the LA have spent the winter months concreting in 2ft posts on all grass verges etc to stop MH's using them as campsites, all carparks have been fitted with height barriers where possible and we now have a team of enforcers doing the rounds checking for illegals, and who pays for all of this, the local community undecided, and i fear as MH's become more and more popular and are sold/leased to people who have never done camping of any sort ever, the situation will only get worseundecided



Posted on 20/03/2021 11:39

If the 6 to 8 pay and display slots are still available and can be used overnight then the LA have done the right thing. Presumably the income from the slots contributes to the increased costs Without these the LA wil have spent money for no reward..


Rufs replied on 20/03/2021 12:14

Posted on 20/03/2021 11:39 by peedee

If the 6 to 8 pay and display slots are still available and can be used overnight then the LA have done the right thing. Presumably the income from the slots contributes to the increased costs Without these the LA wil have spent money for no reward..


Posted on 20/03/2021 12:14

still available, but big signs now been erected 

"no overnight human habitation or camping"

they have done this for all the reasons that have been discussed many times. We do have camp sites available 1 at least 24x7x365 .

DavidKlyne replied on 20/03/2021 12:34

Posted on 20/03/2021 09:15 by DEBSC

Regarding the overnight parking in Woolacombe. Someone has just posted on the local website. 'Why should we go to a campsite where there are screaming kids and where we can't get real ale'. Says it all really! So they would rather just park by the side of the road in a village!

Posted on 20/03/2021 12:34

Surely the problem is that people who don't want to use a campsite, a quick check shows that none of them are what I call and easy walk to the beach especially if you have any disabilities. Because the car park is closed overnight (I fully take on Peedee's thoughts about it being privately owned) the only choice is to park along the road. They are perfectly entitled to do this unless a prohibition is in place. It seems to me is that whilst areas of the country are happy to accept the tourist pound it is done begrudgingly which prevents common sense looking for alternative solutions is thin on the ground? To me that large car park could have a small section for motorhomes, both day and night, controlled by a separate barrier system. Lots of campsites in France have this system. £10 for 24 hours would soon mount up.


Rocky 2 buckets replied on 20/03/2021 15:26

Posted on 20/03/2021 10:23 by JVB66

The warmer the weather the more chance of rain and thunderstorms after a few hot dayssurprised

Posted on 20/03/2021 15:26

Don’t be shocked JV it happens every year👍🏻

Takethedogalong replied on 20/03/2021 17:27

Posted on 20/03/2021 17:27

I so long for the days where all those who go overseas, however they do it, and where those driven by desperation to try camping of any kind will be able to head off this island again. Leaving those who love it here a bit more peace and tranquillity...............t’aint going to happen this year though, it will be sharpen elbows, mask up and in we go......😂

replied on 20/03/2021 17:43

Posted on 20/03/2021 17:27 by Takethedogalong

I so long for the days where all those who go overseas, however they do it, and where those driven by desperation to try camping of any kind will be able to head off this island again. Leaving those who love it here a bit more peace and tranquillity...............t’aint going to happen this year though, it will be sharpen elbows, mask up and in we go......😂

Posted on 20/03/2021 17:43

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