New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


young thomas replied on 24/01/2022 21:03

Posted on 24/01/2022 17:09 by Cornersteady I booked really early and selected two dates...

BB, without any ulterior motive or trying to imply anything or 'score' anything, and nor will I ever quote you on your answer, will the new system change your future bookings in the way you describe? If one booking is only going to cost you say £25 would you still do it? I understand if you don't want to answer and won't say you didn't - promise! 

I have said that £25 for me isn't that much to lose for me personally and in towing some of that would be use in fuel and snacks stops along the way, never mind all the pub grub while away.


Posted on 24/01/2022 21:03

The answer (in relation to why I 'did it') is 'no' I've now been to the 'impossible to book' site 😉

DavidKlyne replied on 24/01/2022 21:15

Posted on 24/01/2022 19:35 by Takethedogalong

I wonder if the Club could tell us how many of the the cancelled 25% of bookings were later taken up by those like us who book either a couple of days in advance, actually while on the road travelling, or extending a stay if a late cancellation happens? We have done this dozens of times, and that us, just one couple. So be interesting how many others do the same. All three stays at YRP we have extended our stays, last year we got the only pitch going on a Friday night at Marazion. That will make inroads into the 25% of cancelled pitches, but by how much we are unlikely ever to find out.

Figures and statistics can be made to fit almost any point of view if change is in the offing. I know because it was part of my job for 25 years. I am not opposed to the Club bringing in deposits, or only giving folks more than three weeks to cancel. Couldn’t care less to be honest as it will affect our touring style and choice of Site not at all. If the Club gets easy income in via this, then I suppose the Club is joining the many other businesses who operate the same, as has been said before, it’s a business that needs to survive. It is going to affect some negatively, maybe others positively. Only time will tell.




Posted on 24/01/2022 21:15


We have often taken advantage of late cancellations. I have also rarely been on a site in the last two years, and before,  that wasn't pretty full so I reckon that many of those cancellations are taken up. Maybe what the Club is trying to address is the perception that sites are always full and you can't book full weeks or weekends. I am sure there are financial positives for the Club in taking deposits but that aside it is the perception on no availability which is hurting so the deposit proposition is to make people think twice before they book. All that might happen, of course, is that the 72 hour cancellation is moved back to 21 days, thus giving much longer for members to sweep up the cancelled site nights. In truth we are going to have to wait and see how the new system pans out. It now seems to be set in stone and whatever the motivations for the change we are going to have to with, at least until the next change!!!


brue replied on 24/01/2022 21:55

Posted on 24/01/2022 21:55

Although I've quoted the club's figures they do seem astronomical, could it be that an extra 0 has crept in?

Takethedogalong replied on 24/01/2022 22:04

Posted on 24/01/2022 21:15 by DavidKlyne


We have often taken advantage of late cancellations. I have also rarely been on a site in the last two years, and before,  that wasn't pretty full so I reckon that many of those cancellations are taken up. Maybe what the Club is trying to address is the perception that sites are always full and you can't book full weeks or weekends. I am sure there are financial positives for the Club in taking deposits but that aside it is the perception on no availability which is hurting so the deposit proposition is to make people think twice before they book. All that might happen, of course, is that the 72 hour cancellation is moved back to 21 days, thus giving much longer for members to sweep up the cancelled site nights. In truth we are going to have to wait and see how the new system pans out. It now seems to be set in stone and whatever the motivations for the change we are going to have to with, at least until the next change!!!


Posted on 24/01/2022 22:04

You could well be right about the perception. Certainly going to be interesting, but like most changes, it is going ahead, and after the initial getting used to things period, will no doubt settle down. It’s certainly created some interesting points of view. 😁

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 24/01/2022 23:33

Posted on 24/01/2022 20:36 by nelliethehooker

High winds and storms are an ever present concern for most folks that either drag a big box, or drive a high sided box, so I for one do wonder what the Club’s stance will be on this. Go and risk an accident, or don’t go and forfeit deposit loss? Clarity required I think.

Surely the club will follow what other similar organisations do in that respect, if one does not turn up one loses the deposit. They would have to take each and every reason for not arriving separately otherwise, and just think of the work that that would involve for those at HO!

Posted on 24/01/2022 23:33

If you don’t rock up you forfeit the deposit is the fairest way👍🏻. If different levels of ‘it wasn’t my fault Guv’ excuses are put to the Judge it’ll be bedlam🤷🏻‍♂️.

Q-did you rock up?, A-no. . .Decision-you forfeit your deposit-NEXT Jobs a gud un, nice & clean & easy to understand👍🏻

cyberyacht replied on 25/01/2022 07:10

Posted on 25/01/2022 07:10

It would have to be exceptionally high wind to dissuade me. Think 'nationwide amber warnings' on TV. How common are they in the main touring season? On the odd occasion that I actually book ahead, it would only rarely be more than three weeks, so the new system may be favourable for me.

The current 'three day window' must only be helpful the the real last-minuters. I would imagine that the new timeframe and consequent penalties instead of a 'slap on the hand' will solve the non take-p of pitches at a stroke.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 25/01/2022 08:29

Posted on 25/01/2022 08:29

If they(high winds) can blow a fully laden articulated Truck over they can blow over a Moho easily. Followed by the insurance claiming the driver showed negligence flying in the face of warnings-you have a very, very big bill to foot, & your own recovery. I’d rather lose a deposit than my LV. I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but I’m gifted with common sense👍🏻

replied on 25/01/2022 08:42

Posted on 25/01/2022 08:42

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