New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


Arch replied on 25/01/2022 10:18

Posted on 25/01/2022 09:52 by DavidKlyne


Seems to be about 5% which doesn't sound too bad to me either!!! I suppose that figure would grow to, perhaps, 10% if you allowed for the fact that not 100% of pitch nights will be booked. Maybe a more worrying aspect of those figures could be that, having and extra 5/10% of pitches possibly available is that really going to solve the availability problem?


Posted on 25/01/2022 10:18

An alternative view is that a pitch thats available is an empty pitch, is that really what the club wants lots of empty available pitches then having to offer discounts and incentives to sell them.

Twos more then one replied on 25/01/2022 10:25

Posted on 25/01/2022 09:52 by DavidKlyne


Seems to be about 5% which doesn't sound too bad to me either!!! I suppose that figure would grow to, perhaps, 10% if you allowed for the fact that not 100% of pitch nights will be booked. Maybe a more worrying aspect of those figures could be that, having and extra 5/10% of pitches possibly available is that really going to solve the availability problem?


Posted on 25/01/2022 10:25

You calculation is not applicable. The 25+% is a calculation of the total nights booked ,against cancelled , not gross capacity


Takethedogalong replied on 25/01/2022 10:28

Posted on 25/01/2022 10:28

Weather very unlikely to put us off, but we would change our routes. I have witnessed high sided vans go over on the A1 on more than one occasion in high winds, and we have often been out in snow.  Strong winds are easier with MH, but a big 4x4 towing van is easier in snow. I don’t think the Club could do anything else but keep the deposit though for a no show. Too many variables. 

SteveL replied on 25/01/2022 10:31

Posted on 25/01/2022 10:31

It’s certainly the case that the C&CC have a lot of special, limited time offers, as well as the very generous age related discount. It does make me wonder if they struggle to fill their sites. Well more so than the CAMC who’s  discounting is minimal.  Those C&CC we have visited seemed similarly full to this club, however presumably it required the discounts to get them that way.

SteveL replied on 25/01/2022 10:38

Posted on 25/01/2022 10:28 by Takethedogalong

Weather very unlikely to put us off, but we would change our routes. I have witnessed high sided vans go over on the A1 on more than one occasion in high winds, and we have often been out in snow.  Strong winds are easier with MH, but a big 4x4 towing van is easier in snow. I don’t think the Club could do anything else but keep the deposit though for a no show. Too many variables. 

Posted on 25/01/2022 10:38

Hopefully they will still allow extension at one site and reduction at the next without penalty, in a poor weather situation. A few years ago when we still had our caravan, the snow came further south than forecast and there was several inches at Chapel Lane. There was no way I wanted to try towing up the necessary hills to get to Cirencester. A visit to the site office extended our stay there and reduced our booking at Cirencester.

brue replied on 25/01/2022 11:08

Posted on 25/01/2022 09:52 by DavidKlyne


Seems to be about 5% which doesn't sound too bad to me either!!! I suppose that figure would grow to, perhaps, 10% if you allowed for the fact that not 100% of pitch nights will be booked. Maybe a more worrying aspect of those figures could be that, having and extra 5/10% of pitches possibly available is that really going to solve the availability problem?


Posted on 25/01/2022 11:08

 I agree but revenue from lost deposits will go some way towards recouping costs. If CAMC adopts their rivals position it might be that discounts can then be offered to reduce peak demand eg discounts on less popular sites or pitch types.

Takethedogalong replied on 25/01/2022 11:19

Posted on 25/01/2022 11:19

We are all weather tourers Steve as well. The one thing we have never done (living in the North) is book a Club Site in advance, in the Winter. Maybe a few days ahead, once we know a bit about weather predictions, but not weeks, months ahead. Luckily we are in a position to do this. If weather looks dodgy, we will opt for a last minute cottage instead. 

I won’t comment on the Club’s statistics and calculations, as it’s hard to see how they have been arrived at. It’s like their 1 million Members claim, is that 1 million lead Members, or 1 million folks of all ages out on the road🤷‍♀️ Unless you are party to how the calculations are arrived at, it’s all………speculation😁

brue replied on 25/01/2022 11:27

Posted on 25/01/2022 11:27

I got my figures from the web TDA, the info out there published by the club. In the end businesses have to run on the proverbial "bottom line."

Takethedogalong replied on 25/01/2022 11:33

Posted on 25/01/2022 11:33

Yes, I had a look online brue. 30,000 pitches per night available I think they quote, assume this is the average when the closed season, maintenance, flooding, etc….. is accounted for, but still not absolutely sure. 😁

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