New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


Tinwheeler replied on 10/01/2022 20:11

Posted on 10/01/2022 19:58 by Arch

I've found if you come out of this discussion its difficult to find it through the discussions page not even through recent activity, lucky for me DK had posted a link on another post that had started 

Posted on 10/01/2022 20:11

Try entering the UK Sites & Touring section of the forum front page and then just scroll down to this discussion, Arch. Alternatively, bookmark the discussion. 

Finding it from Latest Activity relies on there having been recent activity.

DavidKlyne replied on 10/01/2022 20:13

Posted on 10/01/2022 17:37 by young thomas

David, what happens if those missing days don't materialise? You've then got a part holiday for which you've now paid a deposit...

if you cancel, you lose it, if you go away you'll have gaps in the holiday or it will start or end on days you hadn't originally planned.

if this holiday is part of a (distant) tour then this exacerbates the issue...

between a rock and a hard place?

Posted on 10/01/2022 20:13


Thinking about it I reckon I have been quite lucky in being successful. We don't do anywhere near as many nights away in our van as your and quite a few others do. If its part of a tour I might abandon a site in preference for going somewhere else. I have never seen it as an issue and I try and be flexible. 


JVB66 replied on 10/01/2022 20:30

Posted on 28/11/2021 13:51 by trellis

Within reason it does , but that is down to the time folks want to arrive at the site . At present you turn up and can clearly see what is or isn't available. Under the proposed scheme early bookers won't  be afforded any option. But you can bet the powers that be won't offer you a SP at a normal HS price .

Posted on 10/01/2022 20:30

I can see the situation that all HS pitches will be "coned off" to cater for any bookers under the new system, as I very much dought any manager is going to release hard stands unless you have booked onesurprised

Cornersteady replied on 10/01/2022 20:35

Posted on 30/11/2021 06:50 by peedee

I think it one of the factors, it might even be the driver. They have stated either in the mag or the 2020 AGM minutes that there are thousands of cancellations. Couple that with my own experience of the booking system, in my eyes,  it has to be a factor.


Posted on 10/01/2022 20:35

They did say that but you've missed the next part, that many of these, the vast majority I think was the words but could be wrong, were resold and then that this does not make it desirable. I don't think it was raised as a concern at the time (AGM 2020), just an answer to a question.

Personally I agree with EuroT (I think upthread) that the idea is to generate more cash in advance.

Cornersteady replied on 10/01/2022 20:43

Posted on 10/01/2022 20:43

It won't affect me as I've booked SP so will get my choice of pitch whatever for booking even into January 2023.

But after April I will probably book sites for this year for short stays and choose HS in the assurance I'll get one. But that means that someone who has booked under the old system hoping for a HS (on a high % HS site) is going to find that the numbers of HS on arrival maybe reduced?


Post edit: An example of the above: One site I've always wanted to go back to is New England Bay but have been put off by the small number of HS (yes I know but my choice), so I might book under the new system and book a HS, so anyone booked under the old system will find an even smaller number to choose from when they arrive. If more people do the same as me, there might not be any? , 


TandemTwo replied on 10/01/2022 21:00

Posted on 10/01/2022 21:00

Moderator: Post slightly edited in part. 

For my part, I am truly sorry that the Club has been persuaded into this change. As it stands, this Club is one of the richest with an enviable USP which it is voluntary giving up at the exact time it should be protecting its market share in the COVID/post COVID era. At the time many, many members will have their sights abroad, this Club should be ensuring it protects its market share. This change, right now ...?


Cornersteady replied on 10/01/2022 21:07

Posted on 10/01/2022 20:58 by Navigateur

New England Bay is on very hard ground and the vast majority of "grass" pitches are harder than many gravel hard standings.elsewhere.

Posted on 10/01/2022 21:07

Yes that is true and I do recall that from out visit but when it rains (and it did) the grass still got wet and there was some mud around, but worst of all there were a lot rabbits and they left many deposits (smile) and a lot of all of this got trampled into the awning and caravan despite our best efforts.

We just prefer HS.

Arch replied on 10/01/2022 21:18

Posted on 10/01/2022 21:18

I do think the members who prefer and want a HS above all else will be the losers in this, I'm more than happy to use a grass pitch if it's in a nice position and in reasonable condition so the choice on arrival is ok for me but when the new system is running I and I suspect many others will book a HS just to be on the safe side.

young thomas replied on 10/01/2022 21:26

Posted on 10/01/2022 21:26

arch, it's actually those who've booked early on the old system that will be the losers if it's a HS they're after.....unless the club allow a rebooking period prior to the new system go live.

our only bookings are for June so shouldn't be an issue.

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