Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



hitchglitch replied on 20/04/2016 14:43

Posted on 20/04/2016 14:43

There have been many posts on this subject and although in principle I favour metered electricity, in practice this is difficult and expensive for the Club to do. So, despite what I have said in the past I am broadly in favour of retaining the present fixed fee, but, and it's a big but, why does the EHU have to provide 16 (?) amps? As a result we have vans/motorhomes with electric hobs and people using auxiliary heating appliances and even electric cookers and BBQs. When we go abroad the maximum is usually 6 amps (certainly on ACSI sites) and in Italy 4 amps is common. I know that some sites can supply 10 amps but that is not the norm. I would rather the Club retain the fixed fee but reduce the amperage available.

DougS replied on 20/04/2016 15:59

Posted on 20/04/2016 15:59

There have been many posts on this subject and although in principle I favour metered electricity, in practice this is difficult and expensive for the Club to do. So, despite what I have said in the past I am broadly in favour of retaining the present fixed fee, but, and it's a big but, why does the EHU have to provide 16 (?) amps? As a result we have vans/motorhomes with electric hobs and people using auxiliary heating appliances and even electric cookers and BBQs. When we go abroad the maximum is usually 6 amps (certainly on ACSI sites) and in Italy 4 amps is common. I know that some sites can supply 10 amps but that is not the norm. I would rather the Club retain the fixed fee but reduce the amperage available.

Being slightly green tinged, I tend to agree with 10 A being a reasonable current allowance. At 16 A, there's a potential 90 units that could be used per pitch, at say £12 /day. If a site has 150 pitches that's getting on for 0.5 MW ignoring the heating and hot water in the shower blocks etc. at the worst case. This is a not inconsiderable infrastructure requirement which has to be accommodated (and paid for)

Cornersteady replied on 20/04/2016 16:37

Posted on 20/04/2016 16:37

regarding the ampage, would you go to hotel chain and expect/ask the amps to be reduced? Probably not, a carvan site (club or otherwise) is really no different, it is a place where people come to have a holiday and enjoy themselves, not a boot camp or green party offshoot rally, or a place where you have to stop using all the things you would have at home or on any other sort of holiday. If you really are that concerned then stop using your high mpg outfit, go cycling with a tent. It is a bit hypocritical to justify using that extra fuel towing or driving a MH then say well that's OK but using a few amp isn't.

Poeple have paid good serious money to own their van or motorhome with all the gadgets and devices that come with it and why should they stop using it?. 

Tinwheeler replied on 20/04/2016 16:49

Posted on 20/04/2016 16:49

What's more there is no stipulation in the rules saying you must use all the lekky that's available. If someone's conscience pricks them, they can turn off a few gadgets. The 16A supply is there to make life easier for those who need it. Live and let live.

IamtheGaitor replied on 20/04/2016 16:54

Posted on 20/04/2016 16:54

Less than 16 amps is a negative that might put us off a site - more so now we are back to a caravan with Alde heating as the RV ran most things off gas anyway so we could manage with far less electricity.

Mains lights are an essential for me, and I like to be warm and comfortable and use appliances like the hairdryer if I want. 

Metering would be fine - I have no problem with  paying for what we use as we dont waste it, but I am on holiday and want to relax not have to do sums to add up my consumption before  I can put a light on or use the microwave.

Presumably the pitch price would be reduced and electricity charged on top?

Definitely wouldnt like to see less than a 16amp supply though.

peedee replied on 20/04/2016 16:57

Posted on 20/04/2016 16:57

Poeple have paid good serious money to own their van or motorhome with all the gadgets and devices that come with it and why should they stop using it?. 

It is not about stopping people from using it, at least as far as I am concerned. Its about giving people the choice of how much or how little they want to use and paying for it accordingly. Right now I have to pay for 16 amps on Club sites whether I want it or not.


moulesy replied on 20/04/2016 18:05

Posted on 20/04/2016 18:05

I don't really want to see meters introduced to sites. We probably use less electricity than many others but it really doesn't bother me. I just don't want to be thinking oops that's another quid every time I use any appliance.

Interestingly, the CS we're staying on at the moment only has 10 amp supply and it seems perfectly adequate.



Cornersteady replied on 20/04/2016 18:12

Posted on 20/04/2016 18:12

Poeple have paid good serious money to own their van or motorhome with all the gadgets and devices that come with it and why should they stop using it?. 

It is not about stopping people from using it, at least as far as I am concerned. Its about giving people the choice of how much or how little they want to use and paying for it accordingly. Right now I have to pay for 16 amps on Club sites whether I want it or not.


no you would pay the same if it was 10A, there would be a blanket avarage fee

peedee replied on 20/04/2016 18:24

Posted on 20/04/2016 18:24

Poeple have paid good serious money to own their van or motorhome with all the gadgets and devices that come with it and why should they stop using it?. 

It is not about stopping people from using it, at least as far as I am concerned. Its about giving people the choice of how much or how little they want to use and paying for it accordingly. Right now I have to pay for 16 amps on Club sites whether I want it or not.


no you would pay the same if it was 10A, there would be a blanket avarage fee

That is not the norm, where there is choice there is a price differential.


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