Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



peedee replied on 24/04/2016 18:55

Posted on 24/04/2016 18:55

then why did the club say it was?

Because as I said earlier they looked a Rolls Royce solutions. If they can proved serviced pitches they can fit meters to existing pitches much easier than providing piped water and grey waste disposal.


PITCHTOCLOSE replied on 24/04/2016 19:02

Posted on 24/04/2016 19:02

I bet if they phased them in over time to replace old or broken units ect .. They would be the last pitches to be chosen especially by the get in early leave late crowd.

eurortraveller replied on 24/04/2016 19:11

Posted on 24/04/2016 19:11

It's more complicated than a straight £3 differential charge for  electricity.

At Exeter racecourse it's £18.80 in summer for two people on a pitch with electricity but only £10.10 for a non electric pitch. A whopping £8.70 difference. 

Some say pitches with meters would be the last ones chosen, but I'd jump in fast if I could just buy a quid's worth of juice at Exeter via a meter,  rather than the two extremes on offer there now. 

thebroons replied on 24/04/2016 19:17

Posted on 24/04/2016 19:17

then why did the club say it was?

Because of the extra profits they can rake in avoiding meters ?

peedee replied on 24/04/2016 19:17

Posted on 24/04/2016 19:17

It's more complicated than a straight £3 differential charge for  electricity.

At Exeter racecourse it's £18.80 in summer for two people on a pitch with electricity but only £10.10 for a non electric pitch. A whopping £8.70 difference. 

Some say pitches with meters would be the last ones chosen, but I'd jump in fast if I could just buy a quid's worth of juice at Exeter via a meter,  rather than the two extremes on offer there now. 

Me too and I suspect so would many others.


Cornersteady replied on 24/04/2016 19:25

Posted on 24/04/2016 19:25

then why did the club say it was?

Because of the extra profits they can rake in avoiding meters ?

yes, I would agree with you 100%, I have posted that it is to their advantage not to have meters

peedee replied on 24/04/2016 19:59

Posted on 24/04/2016 19:59

then why did the club say it was?

Because of the extra profits they can rake in avoiding meters ?

yes, I would agree with you 100%, I have posted that it is to their advantage not to have meters

On the other hand it maybe costing them customers. Lokk at the numbers posting on here that now only use CLs or other simple sites.


Cornersteady replied on 24/04/2016 20:02

Posted on 24/04/2016 20:02

then why did the club say it was?

Because of the extra profits they can rake in avoiding meters ?

yes, I would agree with you 100%, I have posted that it is to their advantage not to have meters

On the other hand it maybe costing them customers. Lokk at the numbers posting on here that now only use CLs or other simple sites.


not sure about that, they go for the cheaper prices? and non EHU sites alkways have plenty of spaces

peedee replied on 24/04/2016 20:31

Posted on 24/04/2016 20:31

then why did the club say it was?

Because of the extra profits they can rake in avoiding meters ?

yes, I would agree with you 100%, I have posted that it is to their advantage not to have meters

On the other hand it maybe costing them customers. Lokk at the numbers posting on here that now only use CLs or other simple sites.


not sure about that, they go for the cheaper prices? and non EHU sites alkways have plenty of spaces

So lure them back with more choice of cheaper pitches..


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